what the heck is going on!!


Well-Known Member
I think have porous hair because my hair takes forever to get wet but dries VERY quickly. I always thought this was a characteristic of wiry hair until i was natural and my ends were poofy. so i heard about the water test where if your hair sinks right away its porous or if it doesnt sink right away its something i dont remember that part because i for sure thought my hair would sink and OF COURSE SOME of the strand sunk and SOME of it floated and wouldnt go down. idk what to do!!! kimmays tube leave in worked well for my natural hair but did nothing for my relaxed hair. do you guys know what wrong?? im so dang frustrated i just want to grow my hair in peace!! Im tired of using heavy moisturizers that dry up by mid day! i cant even use oil to seal because thats a joke i just wind up with oily dry hair.
please help im @ my wits end!!!
do you use Roux PC?

and are the ends not supposed to be poofy? i was going to start a thread asking that lol when i twist my hair, my ends aren't poofy and curl up just fine, but when my hair is out, the ends are poofy and full of knots:(
i have it but i dont use it becuae it did nothing for my natural hair but maybe it will do something for my relaxed hair
Use your porosity control WOMAN! lol

You will be amazed. My hair was just like yours, took forever to get wet and dried quickly. My hair was also dry because it didn't hold moisture well. It's much better now, since using PC.
This is the subject that confuses me. My hair wets easily and dries quickly. Does that mean I need to control the porosity?
Try a leave-in conditioner instead of heavy creams. I can't use anything heavy on my relaxed hair....and I hate greasy, oily hair too.

Only use a few DROPS of oil. Put a few drops in your hand, rub your hands together to coat it, then rub that on your hair after the leave-in. that's all you need. Your hair won't be oily. Once or twice a day.

You gotta remember that your hair is different now, so you have to do things differently, and with different products.

Be patient. You'll get the hang of it very soon.
Try a leave-in conditioner instead of heavy creams. I can't use anything heavy on my relaxed hair....and I hate greasy, oily hair too.

Only use a few DROPS of oil. Put a few drops in your hand, rub your hands together to coat it, then rub that on your hair after the leave-in. that's all you need. Your hair won't be oily. Once or twice a day.

Be patient. You'll get the hang of it very soon.

thanks, i really need to get out of my natural state of mine. i cant wait to go bonelaxed. being texlaxed just give you the problems of relaxed and natural hair. i was think of putting RPC in my DC and doing cellophane treatments every 3 or 4 weeks. when can you relax in between the celophane treatments??
The more I think about it, my hair was like yours. It got wet too EASILY.

I was watching a youtube tutorial. The woman said "to get you hair wet, you'll have to wet it for a few minutes". I was like "my hair is wet as soon as I step in the shower". lol

When the hair shaft is too open, everything gets in easily, but everything goes out easily too. The hair won't hold moisture well. Porosity Control smooths and closes ihe hair shaft just enough to help retain moisture. Your hair will also feel wonderful!:yep:

This is the subject that confuses me. My hair wets easily and dries quickly. Does that mean I need to control the porosity?
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It depens on the thickness, and length. I knew my hair was drying too fast because people were AMAZED that I was able to blow dry my APL hair in about 3 minutes (low heat), and it was DRY. lol

What is considered too quickly in terms of drying time?
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co-sign on PC :yep:

I'm natural though. Porosity was a big issue for me but no more. Joico's 17 minute miracle steps are the "cure" for porosity:

1. shampoo
2. porosity control - 30 seconds is all you need for the cuticles to lay flat
3. reconstruct - I like to use aphogee 2 minute; I guess it reinforces the cuticles laying flat
4. deep condition - some people add porosity control to the conditioner, also
5. leave in of choice and style

My hair is like butter if I do these steps. No tangles and lots of shine.
Interesting. Can you get a small container of Porosity Control? I hate buying a huge container only to find out that it doesn't work.
Porosity refers to your hair's ability to retain moisture. Hair that is highly porous has a raised cuticle that is both quick to absorb and lose moisture. Much highly porous hair 'usually' is the result of some sort of overprocessing. Instead, using protein treatments will help fill the gaps in the cuticle of porous hair........... per wiki:grin:
OP, you might also try some products for colored hair, because they are supposed to lower porosity and keep the cuticles flat, in order to prevent the color from leaching out quickly.

I recently had a v. good experience with the hydrating conditioner that comes with Feria Color - my usually porous, dry, tangly hair was smoother and more detangled and felt more moisturised than I can ever remember it being outside of salon treatments.

But these prods tend to have cones, so be careful of build up.

Castor oil is also good for attracting and retaining moisture - mix with water and perhaps a lighter oil to aid spreading since it's quite thick.
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I had a similiar question regarding Roux PC and Nonie kindly provided me with this information
I don't think cold water closes cuticles at all since the opening and closing of cuticles depends on PH changes.

According to this site, Roux PC is mostly humectants which improve the hair's ability to hold onto moisture and also contains a pH adjuster which probably helps close cuticles, therefore solving the problem porous hair seems to have which is moisture loss.

ACV rinse does close cuticles.

So I think you could do with just Roux PC alone but I don't think it'd hurt to end with a very dilute ACV rinse.

I haven't used Roux PC but I use ACV at the end of every wash.

My APL hair will be about 95% dry if I tshirt dry for 5 mins.
What is considered too quickly in terms of drying time?

I'm relaxed so I know it might differ but do you PC twice -- I notice you mention it in steps 2 and 4. Do you Roux PC and ACV rinse in the same session?

Previously I was doing Roux PC as my final rinse but the results were not as fabulous as others. I then started doing it before I DC. The last wash session I combined the steps by adding Roux PC in my DC. Both -- Roux PC before DC and Roux PC mixed in my DC -- had similar results. I've also added ACV as the final step after rinsing out the DC so I'm doing both Roux and ACV in the same session. So far that's going okay but not quite sure if that's too much in one session.

I've been using Roux PC for about 2 months and my hair is still easy to wet and quick to dry. I will continue using Roux in hopes the problem self corrects.

co-sign on PC :yep:

I'm natural though. Porosity was a big issue for me but no more. Joico's 17 minute miracle steps are the "cure" for porosity:

1. shampoo
2. porosity control - 30 seconds is all you need for the cuticles to lay flat
3. reconstruct - I like to use aphogee 2 minute; I guess it reinforces the cuticles laying flat
4. deep condition - some people add porosity control to the conditioner, also
5. leave in of choice and style

My hair is like butter if I do these steps. No tangles and lots of shine.