What length is this?

Hi ladies, I would appreciate if I could get some input at where I am at now.
I have looked at length charts and all that stuff and I still can't determine what length am I at in this pic. I want to know so I can make some estimation and see when I can reach this year's hair goals.

Thanks in advance love you guys!

BSL!!! Girl u know I won't need u lots help in determining this length when I get there!:look: I'll prolly have started checking *cough* claiming by APL:grin:
I think BSL, too. So do a length check and run back and tell us, lol. Your hair is very pretty, keep up the good work.
First of all, your ends are NOT jacked up. I dunno what you are seeing in the mirror. :confused:

With that said, your hair looks MBL to me.
Awww thanks runway dream :hug3:, it looks like its pretty split down the middle between BSL and MBL, i don't think it's a really good picture, that is why there is an array of answers.

And it's probably hard to tell with my arms up I'm going to try and see if I have one with my arms down.