What led you to this site?


Well-Known Member
I'm asking this question b/c I'm just curious. Was it b/c of some sort of hair damage or wanting to better take care of your hair or just to grow your long?
My story of what led me to this site was me having to chop all my hair after not detangling my hair properly after taking out my weave. I have a big head and was not use to short hair. They next day I went to get my hair braided and started researching online on how to grow my hair back quickly which led me to here and bhm. I read a lot theads, looked at fotkis, pretty much stalked this site since 2008 and learned so much that I said to myself just get a paypal account to pay for the membership here b/c I felt I was "stealing information" to learn about hair care. Now b/c of you ladies and gentlemen I have became a length wh**e.:grin: I think about having long hair more now then ever before so thank you for all inspirations relaxed and natural.
With help from Google!
Wait, I should add more. I had heat damaged ends, lots of breakage and my hair didn't seem to grow much.
Damaged hair that hardly retained length led me to BHM. That site helped me to get to a place of basic healthy hair care.

From there I learned about LHCF. I came here to get to the next level ... to reach long lengths. (Crossing my fingers for WSL. :grinwink:) I see why this forum is called "Long Hair Care".
What led me to this site hmm,Broken dry non healthy brittle fried baked shoulder length hair.
well i was getting tired of relaxers and I was a youtube and all the video kept on mentioning different names of hair websites so I came on here and way like WOOOOW
I was in trouble.. serious trouble....

hair.. ha what hair... I was a half step from bald and spending roughly $800 in hair extensions ( with no job, how i planned to manage that was beyond me)

i was busy relaxing from root to tip every 12 weeks, having no concept of moisture , broken hairs and breakage( we were good friends)and relying on home sewn weaves....

after wearing sew ins for 2 yrs straight, i was retainging lenght. but my hair was so thin and breaking from the weaves, neglect, and over processing of relaxers. so i googled " how to make hair thicker" and it led me here.
I was stalking a youtuber because she was the first one I saw doing the roller wrap. On one video she mentioned she learned about healthly hair care through blogs & hair care forums. That's when I had a light bulb moment & though " you mean there are others out there that are just as obsessed about hair too?!?!" a quick yahoo seach landed me here. I think the first night I was on here for 4 hours straight. And now I check this site before I check my email. LOL :)
I had always had a desire for long hair all my life, but had no idea how to make it happen, I was just relying on braids extensions all the time for that long hair look. Well, one day, in Summer 2008, I had removed a set of braids and washed and blew out my hair and it was so short like ear to shoulder length in various places. Then, I decided to have a flick through some black hair magazines we have at home, and noticed an ad for a line of products called Triple Gro. They claim to grow your hair long, so I decided to go and purchase a few if their items. I also did a search about them online, which led to me just generally searching about growing afro hair long. I first came across GrowAfroHairLong website, which was my starting guide. After taking in all the info there, I then discovered LHCF, which I started lurking all the time, and it's been all good so far. :D I don't even use Triple Gro anymore now, I have since found better products.
For me it was finding research on going natural. I didn't realize that I was transitioning until I found this site but this site also gave me the courage to do the BC a little earlier than planned and my hair is growing and is much healthier now. I wish I had found this site when my hair was at shoulder length and still relaxing.
I did a search for BellaNutri back in 07 and this website kept popping up. I eventually learned about biotin and other vitamins. I got pregnant soon after and experienced the best hair of my life followed by ridiculous post partum shedding. I'm talking about clumps and clumps! I went from this APL
to scraggly shoulder length. Now I'm almost there and then some bc of LHCF!
I did a search on the ORS Olive Oil Relaxer in google and this site came up. I ignored it the first 3 times, lol... after I kept asking google hair care questions I finally gave in a checked out this site.
I asked a girlfriend of mine about her beautiful long hair. What she did to take care of it, what products did she use? she told me two things
get MTG oil and checkout LHCF!
I've been here ever since!
I finally admitted to myself that my hair had been the same length for years. I couldn't understand why my hair wouldn't grow past shoulder length so I googled black hair growth. I ended up on Fotki, then BHM, then LHCF. The rest is history!
In late feb/early march of last year, I was doing a search on amla oil and this was one of the sites that came up. I originally thought it was for women who already had long hair, so I bookmarked it but didn't make a point of visiting.

Once i had really gotten started on my hhj a few weeks later and had made the decision to transition, I checked it again and started visiting more frequently. Now I'm in like flynn! :lol:
Every time I did a search on how to grow my hair, LHCF came up but I kept ignoring the site until it got ridiculous! At the time I naively/stupidly thought that published articles would be more useful. Oh, how wrong I was. I would be waist length by now if I had found the site earlier because my hair practices weren't bad before I just need to do more protective styling.
My hair isn't necessarily damaged, but it would reach just beyond apl and I would dye it some ridiculous color. Not to mention the multiple flat iron sessions per week, with no heat protector.

One day I said I was just tired of spending an hour and a half to flat iron my hair ever 2-3 days. I decided to embrace my 3b/c hair.

I found NC.com first and kept hearing about LHCF. So I googled it and the rest is history!
Hehe I was on Nappturality and one day someone made a post about ya'll (it was some straight up trash talk LOL) and I was so curious as to who ya’ll were. Because even though they were talking mad trash about ya’ll over here, it seemed like my type of crowd (caring about having long and mixing the hair choices [relaxed, natural, texlaxed] was an abomination as they made it seem lol). So I found out what site it was and came over here to lurk for many months.

I was really getting tired of the comments some were making towards me over there and found myself being turned off. I started coming over here and lurking more and more.

Then I had it (I can’t remember what happen) and I just cancelled my name and paid to come here and have settled down where I plan to spend the rest of my days until I am old, gray and waist length *rocks in a chair and knits* hehe or until they shut this site down. I wub ya’ll :heart:
I was searching and searching for tips to get my hair long. But along the way I loved the overwhelming support here on LHCF and of course the butt load of information! :yep:
I came to this site because of fokti. I had just bc my hair(learned that term on this website) and was looking for ways to grow out my hair healthy. I love LHCF because my hair has finally passed sl which I have not been able to do for years and is on its way to full apl!!!!!!!!!
I was doing a black hair styles search...that led me to a fotki page that led me to this webpage. I'm a sucker for fly hair lol and a lot of the topics don't just talk about hair health they show great style.
Let's see I was doing a search for Nexxus Humectress and Lhcf it popped on number 1 on google and i checked it out

see i had purchased Shamboosie's book on how to grow black hair long from black expressions my freshmen year of college i kinda read it but not really and just let it sit then the summer of my sophmore year summer 08 i picked it up and i read everything so i decided ok maybe i should follow his regimen and see what happens.

and on August 21, 2008 i decided to get a relaxer and a cut and begin my hhj i continued to stalk lhcf more after i got the info bout nexxus and it was addictive still is and a month later i decided to do a 2 year transition to natural and eversince i've been a part of the lhcf family for life.
i had done a search on how to take care of natural hair when i did my first bc, then i found bhm and np and kept hearing about this place, so i joined here too. ♥