What keeps you from getting longer hair?

What is the one thing that keeps you from longer hair?

  • My hair only grows to a certain length then stops

    Votes: 9 5.3%
  • My hair takes too long to reach the length I want

    Votes: 28 16.4%
  • My ends break or my hair sheds before I get there

    Votes: 107 62.6%
  • Some other reason

    Votes: 27 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I love this forum- my first thread! :spinning: I love seeing all those wonderful heads of hair inspiration and can't wait to grow my hair longer. I know everyone has different ideas of what long hair is to them but before you joined LHCF or if you're a bit frustrated, what do you think keeps you from growing longer hair?
Welcome! Before LHCF, I had no idea how to grow hair longer than SL-APL. It just used to break all the time and the constant trimming certainly didn't help me retain any length either.

Figuring out this whole protein balance/moisture balance thing is a headache. I think I'm going to try making a protein/moisture conditioner mix and let my hair choose what it wants to absorb because when I alternate my hair is throwing a FIT.
Thanks so much ladies!!


Figuring out this whole protein balance/moisture balance thing is a headache. I think I'm going to try making a protein/moisture conditioner mix and let my hair choose what it wants to absorb because when I alternate my hair is throwing a FIT.

Me too- I have no idea about how to balance this. I tend to stick to oils for moisture and hope that it's enough for my hair.
retaining length is my problem!~ I'm sure 99% of the women on this site have the same problem. Obviously our hair grows. I know every time I need a retouch my hair is growing. But for years my hair was just staying the same length.
Thanks so much ladies!!

Me too- I have no idea about how to balance this. I tend to stick to oils for moisture and hope that it's enough for my hair.

I thought oils do not moisturize they just seal? I used NTM Silk touch leave in for moisture and using protective styles like the bun has really helped my hair not be so dry and brittle.
Thanks so much ladies!!

Me too- I have no idea about how to balance this. I tend to stick to oils for moisture and hope that it's enough for my hair.

Yeah, I have no idea how to balance this either. So far I have been doing a full head baggy and just spraying leave-in protein once every few days so my hair doesnt get mush. Plus I'm hoping this whole henna business will help, but we'll see. My breakage has lessened tremendously but whenever I see an itsy bitsy little shaft in the sink I get mad.

I thought oils do not moisturize they just seal? I used NTM Silk touch leave in for moisture and using protective styles like the bun has really helped my hair not be so dry and brittle.

I'm confused on this too because some people say coconut can actually moisturize the hair since it can penetrate up to 90% of the hair shaft without heat.
I tend to stick to oils for moisture and hope that it's enough for my hair.
Which oils...cause from what I know, only coconut oil and avocado oil have moisturizing properties...

Pre-LHCF, I would say retention and dryness. I would always get to SL and then stop, and now I see that it's because it was breaking off. I thought the hairstylists were just offering the DC to get more $ out of me, and that may have been right because even after I joined LHCF and paid for it they only put me under the dryer for 8 minutes. :lachen:That was my last time going there.
Search me! If I knew the answer to that question, with my long-life quest for long hair, I assure you, I'd have fixed that problem by now. :giggle:

On a serious note, length is relative to the person and length of the growth phase (2 years or 8 years) can affect how long your hair will grow before it sheds. But I think everyone can at least get to BSL, or APL at least if you're not vertically challenged, if they figure out this million dollar question and fix what needs fixing.
Dryness and breakage.


Figuring out this whole protein balance/moisture balance thing is a headache. I think I'm going to try making a protein/moisture conditioner mix and let my hair choose what it wants to absorb because when I alternate my hair is throwing a FIT.

ITA with you both. My hair is coarse and needs lots of moisture. I get my hair relaxed and when it's almost time for a touch up, my hair sucks up any moisture that I put in it no matter what I do. I find this to be a huge challenge in my hair growth journey. I had a major set back recently thanks to me trying lots of products. :wallbash: I even had protein overload due to this one product that I will not name. I definitely blame myself for that and if I could turn back the hands of time, I wouldn't have used it. Damn!!
I remember what messed me up in the beginning of my journey was trying new things for my hair that it really didn't need or agree with--which in turn would cause a setback.
Before LHCF my hair was a hot mess, breakage galore and in dire need of moisture. This is simply why I never got longer than SL.
Welcome to the forum.....hope all is well.....well what kept me from growing my hair longer in the past was actually getting trims, but I didn't know nothing about the whole moisture/protein balance, but I didn't have much breakage, my breakage was with hair bleach....and I stopped that quick....and actually using hair grease with mineral oil on my scalp, I never really had serious breakage.....except when I dyed my hair blonde(big mistake), but now....I just gotta wait.....now I'm not trimming my hair at all, just dusting, and dcing is helping a lot too......again welcome......
Before LHCF my hair was a hot mess, breakage galore and in dire need of moisture. This is simply why I never got longer than SL.

^^What she said. :yep:

I'm brand-new to LHCF, too (hi everyone!) and this forum has been a godsend. I don't think there's any single reason why I didn't have long hair before...it's a combination of things like:

--I was completely uneducated about hair care
--I went to stylists who were completely uneducated about hair care
--I didn't wash my hair as often as I should; the style was more important than the health of my actual hair.
--I didn't moisturize
--Improperly applied relaxers
--I didn't even know the difference betweeen shedding and breakage
--I thought I just had the "bad" hair that would never grow long, so I assumed weaves and braids were my only option...so I didn't see the point of taking care of my hair

All of this put together had me looking a hot mess. Just a few months of lurking at LHCF has put me back on the right track.
Welcome to the forum.....hope all is well.....well what kept me from growing my hair longer in the past was actually getting trims, but I didn't know nothing about the whole moisture/protein balance, but I didn't have much breakage, my breakage was with hair bleach....and I stopped that quick....and actually using hair grease with mineral oil on my scalp, I never really had serious breakage.....except when I dyed my hair blonde(big mistake), but now....I just gotta wait.....now I'm not trimming my hair at all, just dusting, and dcing is helping a lot too......again welcome......

Thanks for the welcome! It's amazing how many of us have suffered through scissors-happy stylists. Now we're seeing the light... I have accidently dyed my hair blonde too- that was crazy- with an African Pride highlighting kit- remember those? I have never seen so much hairs in the sink. Guess Zanzibar Bronze was not for me! :nono: LOL!
Stylists happy slapping the relaxer on all your previously processed hair. :nono:

Stylists roughly combing through your new growth to detangle. :nono:

I swear from now on I will start doing my own relaxers.
In my case, it's pure laziness. I don't do ALL the necessary things to obtain maxium growth and retention. I don't baggy like I need to for retention, I don't wash and moisturize like I need to for growth.
--I was completely uneducated about hair care
--I went to stylists who were completely uneducated about hair care
--I didn't wash my hair as often as I should; the style was more important than the health of my actual hair.
--I didn't moisturize
--Improperly applied relaxers
--I didn't even know the difference betweeen shedding and breakage
--I thought I just had the "bad" hair that would never grow long, so I assumed weaves and braids were my only option...so I didn't see the point of taking care of my hair

Same here, I just didn't take care of my hair.
I remember what messed me up in the beginning of my journey was trying new things for my hair that it really didn't need or agree with--which in turn would cause a setback.

:yep: That's what messed up my journey. I should've just stuck with what was working for me at the time, 'cause I had a full head of hair, now the back broke off. :sad: Hopefully I can get back on track with these braids that I have in now.
I haven't been protecting my ends as much as I should. I've been wearing my hair down a lot too. :( But I'm getting back on track!
My problem before LCHF was that my hair was and is extremely dry and I always felt the need to cut off my dry ends which meant no length retained. I'm glad I know better now.
My problem before LCHF was that my hair was and is extremely dry and I always felt the need to cut off my dry ends which meant no length retained. I'm glad I know better now.
my ends are dry as well.. but i found out thats because the last 4 inches of my apl hair is overprocessed thanks to going to stylists..other parts of my hair hold moisture very well.