What is wrong with him?? I need help again..


Well-Known Member
So right now I am in a VERY good relationship with a guy who is going to be premed just like me and we are contemplating marrying in about 10 years. However, we decided to play around and prank call one of my exes just for laughs..now when i last left my ex, I dumped HIM because he didn't call and didn't make an effort to come visit me.. (keep in mind that current guy goes on the bus to visit me at work etc). So when we prank called him my SO was playing around with him and stupid me was talking to SO like laughing and whatnot..i have a very distinct voice and the ex was like "Tell courtney i hear her" and "Is this Tony?? (he's the guy that he thought that i got with..I told him that i had a boyfriend when i dumped him..which i didn't :D).
So reluctantly i got on the phone because he said that he wanted to talk to me. He was like aw why didn't you call me etc etc and we need to hang out before you leave for college :rolleyes:
He's done this MANY times before. Like stopped talking to me and then all of a sudden when i call him he's like OMG Courtney i love you. I didn't give it up to him..nor will i ever..I just want to know what is up with this! Is he confused? Is he only interested in the physicality of it all? Is he just plain crazy?? He's told me before that I was the love of his life ETC but argh. I don't know this is all so confusing. I don't plan on acting on it because i don't want him..but I just want to know his motives behind his actions. We're chilling later on because i am going to college and we are good friends.
So right now I am in a VERY good relationship with a guy who is going to be premed just like me and we are contemplating marrying in about 10 years. However, we decided to play around and prank call one of my exes just for laughs..now when i last left my ex, I dumped HIM because he didn't call and didn't make an effort to come visit me.. (keep in mind that current guy goes on the bus to visit me at work etc). So when we prank called him my SO was playing around with him and stupid me was talking to SO like laughing and whatnot..i have a very distinct voice and the ex was like "Tell courtney i hear her" and "Is this Tony?? (he's the guy that he thought that i got with..I told him that i had a boyfriend when i dumped him..which i didn't :D).
So reluctantly i got on the phone because he said that he wanted to talk to me. He was like aw why didn't you call me etc etc and we need to hang out before you leave for college :rolleyes:
He's done this MANY times before. Like stopped talking to me and then all of a sudden when i call him he's like OMG Courtney i love you. I didn't give it up to him..nor will i ever..I just want to know what is up with this! Is he confused? Is he only interested in the physicality of it all? Is he just plain crazy?? He's told me before that I was the love of his life ETC but argh. I don't know this is all so confusing. I don't plan on acting on it because i don't want him..but I just want to know his motives behind his actions. We're chilling later on because i am going to college and we are good friends.

uhm...I don't know what the question is...

I can't read past the bolded.

It appears to me that you only have three options: take a big girl pill, smile and nod or leave him alone.

Option 1 (the big girl pill) needs to be done before you make another move.
If you are serious with another guy, then to me there is no need to be worrying about the motives of your EX. I really can't say what his deal is..if you insist upon hanging with him you can ask him yourself.
Yes, his motives and character are suspect. Why is he trying to get with you when you have a boyfriend? and you have a good relationship so it doesn't matter what he's up to anyway, right?

[fighting the urge to nag like a mom]

So right now I am in a VERY good relationship with a guy who is going to be premed just like me and we are contemplating marrying in about 10 years. However, we decided to play around and prank call one of my exes just for laughs..now when i last left my ex, I dumped HIM because he didn't call and didn't make an effort to come visit me.. (keep in mind that current guy goes on the bus to visit me at work etc). So when we prank called him my SO was playing around with him and stupid me was talking to SO like laughing and whatnot..i have a very distinct voice and the ex was like "Tell courtney i hear her" and "Is this Tony?? (he's the guy that he thought that i got with..I told him that i had a boyfriend when i dumped him..which i didn't :D).
So reluctantly i got on the phone because he said that he wanted to talk to me. He was like aw why didn't you call me etc etc and we need to hang out before you leave for college :rolleyes:
He's done this MANY times before. Like stopped talking to me and then all of a sudden when i call him he's like OMG Courtney i love you. I didn't give it up to him..nor will i ever..I just want to know what is up with this! Is he confused? Is he only interested in the physicality of it all? Is he just plain crazy?? He's told me before that I was the love of his life ETC but argh. I don't know this is all so confusing. I don't plan on acting on it because i don't want him..but I just want to know his motives behind his actions. We're chilling later on because i am going to college and we are good friends.

Why, when you're in a VERY good relationship, are you pranking an ex-boyfriend? I'm not trying to sound all judgy but how old are you? Also, if you dont have lingering feelings for him, why does it matter what his motives are? You already said he pulled this crap on you many times before. And lastly, why are you "chilling" with an ex who you suspect still has feelings for you. How does your current boyfriend feel about this? Personally, I think you like the idea of your ex still wanting you and I think you're treading in dangerous waters by staying in contact with him. Just my 2. Good luck.
So right now I am in a VERY good relationship with a guy who is going to be premed just like me and we are contemplating marrying in about 10 years. However, we decided to play around and prank call one of my exes just for laughs..

what's wrong with him??? :perplexed
I think Myronnie is a frosh in college.

In college, I learned a lot, and one thing I learned is that three way calling is not your friend, period. Stop calling your exes for laughs, kicks, etc. Just let them be. It'll mess up your current relationship eventually.
I really confused by the story/question. You and your current bf called ur ex? Then you get on the phone while your ex tries to court you with ur bf right there?

I don't have any advice. It you were so serious about your bf and in a VERY good relationship you wouldn't be asking for advice. Maybe your not over your ex, maybe your current relationship isn't as good as you think.

On second thoughts, you should just ask him what his motives are. No one knows but him.
Why, when you're in a VERY good relationship, are you pranking an ex-boyfriend? I'm not trying to sound all judgy but how old are you? Also, if you dont have lingering feelings for him, why does it matter what his motives are? You already said he pulled this crap on you many times before. And lastly, why are you "chilling" with an ex who you suspect still has feelings for you. How does your current boyfriend feel about this? Personally, I think you like the idea of your ex still wanting you and I think you're treading in dangerous waters by staying in contact with him. Just my 2. Good luck.
i wanted to ask the samething, who prank calls people nowadays:perplexed
It might be a good idea to just leave ex's as they are. Just enjoy the time you have with your new guy and don't worry about what dude is doing, what he is thinking or whatever else. If things didn't work out then, why worry about them now?
Why, when you're in a VERY good relationship, are you pranking an ex-boyfriend? I'm not trying to sound all judgy but how old are you? Also, if you dont have lingering feelings for him, why does it matter what his motives are? You already said he pulled this crap on you many times before. And lastly, why are you "chilling" with an ex who you suspect still has feelings for you. How does your current boyfriend feel about this? Personally, I think you like the idea of your ex still wanting you and I think you're treading in dangerous waters by staying in contact with him. Just my 2. Good luck.
my thoughts exactly ^^^

all 3 of you need to grow up
Ditto to what most people have said in here...stop prank calling people if you don't want to hear what they're saying. I'm a firm believer in mirroring...we mirror other people and other people are mirrors for us. You're not sincere with your boyfriend if you prank call your ex and you're not sincere with your ex when you break up with a false story... therefore I wouldn't take anything your ex says seriously - he's just mirroring your own confusion.

If you want to stay in your good relationship, focus on him only and leave the losers behind... :yep:
So right now I am in a VERY good relationship with a guy who is going to be premed just like me and we are contemplating marrying in about 10 years. However, we decided to play around and prank call one of my exes just for laughs..now when i last left my ex, s.

Let me say that I have not even read the rest of your post.. Nor have I read any replys.. I just want to make sure I read this part right... You and your current so decide to prank an ex of yours?

Please tell me this is not true and I misread?

If it is true.. Then I really think it is time to take a look at your relationship and yourselves.. I mean what guy goes along with pranking his girls ex? And why would that be fun... Umm, I never go here but how old are yall?
Honestly, I could barely get past that first part about prank calling your ex. How wuold you feel if your EX-SO and his new girl decided to give you a ring one day and mess w/ you. I agree with everyone else....

Not only do you need to grow up....I think you need to wise up.
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I'm still stuck on you and your SO contemplating marriage in the next 10 YEARS. Was that a typo?

Who contemplates that far along? I have no idea what my own career will be like in the next 365 days let alone a relationship with somebody 10 yrs out.

10 YEARS!!
So right now I am in a VERY good relationship with a guy who is going to be premed just like me and we are contemplating marrying in about 10 years. However, we decided to play around and prank call one of my exes just for laughs..now when i last left my ex, I dumped HIM because he didn't call and didn't make an effort to come visit me.. (keep in mind that current guy goes on the bus to visit me at work etc). So when we prank called him my SO was playing around with him and stupid me was talking to SO like laughing and whatnot..i have a very distinct voice and the ex was like "Tell courtney i hear her" and "Is this Tony?? (he's the guy that he thought that i got with..I told him that i had a boyfriend when i dumped him..which i didn't :D).
So reluctantly i got on the phone because he said that he wanted to talk to me. He was like aw why didn't you call me etc etc and we need to hang out before you leave for college :rolleyes:
He's done this MANY times before. Like stopped talking to me and then all of a sudden when i call him he's like OMG Courtney i love you. I didn't give it up to him..nor will i ever..I just want to know what is up with this! Is he confused? Is he only interested in the physicality of it all? Is he just plain crazy?? He's told me before that I was the love of his life ETC but argh. I don't know this is all so confusing. I don't plan on acting on it because i don't want him..but I just want to know his motives behind his actions. We're chilling later on because i am going to college and we are good friends.

Of course he's doing that :ohwell:
And ya'll are not good friends; you still have feelings for him and if you don't walk away now things are gonna get real complicated and ugly.

:orders:Drama Prevention!
this is what happens when people can't leave well enough alone :nono:

cosign on all the advice the ladies have given you. GROW UP!

even more sadly, you're messing with a pair of losers. not sure what sane, good man would deal with this nonsense for any length of time :yawn:

ETA: i guess this is one of those threads where the OP peaces out because A) she's not serious about life right now B)this thread is for S and Gs C) yall told TOO MUCH TRUTH and she can't bring herself back in here
i didn't "peace out." i'm really busy and i can't visit LHCF as i used to :(
so thanks last poster..that was kind of rude actually..

i agree with the people that said the following:
1. Grow up
2. Prank calling is for losers
3. Leave the ex alone

I disagree with the posters that said the following:
1. Both of the guys are losers. My boyfriend is not a loser but i must agree that the ex is a complete loser.
2. Who plans for a wedding 10 years in advance.

The thread was enlightening! Thankyou! I agree that i need to leave some of my childish antics alone but for now i'm just enjoying the college life and I don't really want to be a midlife-crisis old biddie sittin at home with 10 cats anytime soon. :)

The thread was enlightening! Thankyou! I agree that i need to leave some of my childish antics alone but for now i'm just enjoying the college life and I don't really want to be a midlife-crisis old biddie sittin at home with 10 cats anytime soon. :)
At least midlife crisis old biddies sittin home with 10 cats are mature enough not to make prank calls.

OP, you need to grow up a little. Pranking anybody especially an ex when you have a distinctive voice is not a good look.
