What is reversion?


New Member
What is reversion ya'll? I know I should know this cause I have been a member for over a year now...but what in the world? Is it when you are relaxed and you put a water based product on your hair and it poofs up? I'm probably far from right.

I just wanna know cause I started back up using Surge...I'm trying to use it faithfully. I am transitioning and got about 2 inches of ng....

just curious
Reversion, to me or at leasst what I consider reversion...is like this...
I press my hair or flatiron Friday night...sat morning the roots/shaft is frizzy....reverted back to it's natural state due to moisture....
I could be wrong too, but when I tell my sister my hair has reverted, this is what she understands me to be saying
brownsugar9999 said:
Reversion, to me or at leasst what I consider reversion...is like this...
I press my hair or flatiron Friday night...sat morning the roots/shaft is frizzy....reverted back to it's natural state due to moisture....
I could be wrong too, but when I tell my sister my hair has reverted, this is what she understands me to be saying

hmmmmmmmmmm, ok. :look:
Yep, it's when rain or water based products or SWEAT causes your hair to revert back to it natural state or somewhat natural as it can just frizz out as well as totally kinking or curling.
mermaid said:
Yep, it's when rain or water based products or SWEAT causes your hair to revert back to it natural state or somewhat natural as it can just frizz out as well as totally kinking or curling.

And when you say that Mermaid...you are talking about relaxed hair right? Why does that happen if you have a relaxer...isn't that underprocessed hair then?

I thought that happened to everyone :look: ...I mean after a while the relaxer reverts and the hair goes back to it's natural state. Right or wrong?
That happened to me anyway..I don't know a lot of ppl who relax their hair that's why I'm asking.
shellzfoshizzle said:
And when you say that Mermaid...you are talking about relaxed hair right? Why does that happen if you have a relaxer...isn't that underprocessed hair then?
Although a relaxer does smooth out the shaft chemically and make it straighter easier, your hair is still naturally curly and water will revert the somewhat temporary relaxed state. Even if it's processed correctly, it's still subject to certain rules, if it gets wet and isn't tended to right away, it will revert BUT you can fix it when it happens; you don't have to get another relaxer, just do whatever you do when you wash it normally.
This doesn't just happen with relaxed hair, it happens with natural/pressed hair too. This is why I quit relaxing all those years ago; I had to go through more work with relaxed hair than with natural and was doing more damage and spending more money. Didn't make sense to me.
mermaid said:
Although a relaxer does smooth out the shaft chemically and make it straighter easier, your hair is still naturally curly and water will revert the somewhat temporary relaxed state. Even if it's processed correctly, it's still subject to certain rules, if it gets wet and isn't tended to right away, it will revert BUT you can fix it when it happens; you don't have to get another relaxer, just do whatever you do when you wash it normally.
This doesn't just happen with relaxed hair, it happens with natural/pressed hair too. This is why I quit relaxing all those years ago; I had to go through more work with relaxed hair than with natural and was doing more damage and spending more money. Didn't make sense to me.
And your hair is gorgeous!