What is normal shedding?


New Member

I am new here and i really love this forum.
I have a question: My hair is growing and is much longer now since i started my journey to healty hair. I used to co wash everyday and detangled my hair during the cowash. I had some shedding but not more than usual. Nothing to worry about.
Since i changed regimen i cowash sometimes ones a week or 1 time in 4 days. So now when i detangle my hair after washing i am like wow that's much hair. I started to worry so i counted my hair and i wanted to know if its to much.
I detangled my hair friday night and today again tuesday night. So that is 4 days in between...i counted 190 hairs.
Is that to much? or nothing to worry about?
Hi Nadia! Welcome to LHCF! :wave:

Your shedding sounds normal. The average amount of shedding is 50-100 hairs a day, so losing 190 hairs in 4 days is nothing to worry about.

It's good that you're keeping an eye out though. You don't want to lose any more hair than absolutely necessary. :)