What is causing my breakage and shedding?

-Love Love*

New Member
Okay let me start by saying I know I'm dead wrong for not sleeping with anything really on my head. That's probably the cause of my breakage. And I have bad split ends. The scarf never stayed on my head so I wrapped it around my pillow case but it comes off of there too. Any suggestions, PLEASE let me know! :rolleyes:

I have no clue whats causing my hair to shed though. I use Mega Tek, which could cause shedding but I used it before I self relaxed and I didn't have major shedding like this. I tried the garlic and it didn't work. I've also tried tea rinsing which I guess didn't work. That garlic shampoo cost 30 dollars doesn't it! :nono:

Here's my regimen, maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I haven't been keeping up with it though. :sad:

Wash every week [I for the most part do this]
Moisturize every day [really slacked doing this sadly. Its more like every 3 days]
Mega Tek every night [It's diluted though. And I haven't been doing it every night]
seal with olive oil
protective style.

That's about it. I thought about it being a protein problem but I use mega tek. But I don't use it on the length of my hair. Any suggestions of what the problem is?
I think you need to moisturize daily, faithfully. What product have you been using for moisturizing?

Are you shedding or breaking? Shed hair will have the bulb on the end.
Sad to say its both. I figure the breakage is from me not wearing a scarf. And I use Elasta QP Mango Butter. I like it.
Have you tried hot oil treatments or pre-pooing? Maybe moisturizing your new growth would help. Also if you are manipulating your hair a lot, you may have more shedding and/or breakage. How many hairs are you shedding? I think up to 100 strands a day is an average. IDK Maybe someone can chime in to assist ya.
I'm not sure how many hairs a day. But its like everytime I touch my hair atleast 2 come out. Its frizzy at the ends now because I air dried earlier in the week. And I do have to flat iron my hair just about every week, but I air dry and use a heat protectant. Its really always in a bun. And what should I pre poo with?
You may find the info in this link helpful.


I prepoo by adding coconut oil or olive oil to my (cheapie) condish. There are so many ways that LHCF ladies pre-poo. The purpose of it is to keep your hair from feeling or becoming stripped during the pooing process, but I have found that prepoo with oils or using an hot oil treatment, especially since it's colder, has helped some with shedding. I also oil my scalp with Jane Carter's Nourish and Shine. It's a natural blend of oils and butters (no petro or mineral oil) and it works great for me and my dd. HTH
You said breakage and shedding. While I don't know why you're shedding (could be the MT...not everyone sheds right away),

I'm sorry but MY opinion is you may not be using enough protein. Megatek is "heavy" protein but I still do my Aphogee 2 min treatments weekly and apply MT daily. My hair was still breaking, even with MT. When I started the protein treatments, my breakage STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!

Moisture is not always the answer.
I'm not sure how many hairs a day. But its like everytime I touch my hair atleast 2 come out. Its frizzy at the ends now because I air dried earlier in the week. And I do have to flat iron my hair just about every week, but I air dry and use a heat protectant. Its really always in a bun. And what should I pre poo with?

A little off topic, but if you are bunning all the time, why bother to flat iron weekly? If it is to flatten your NG, you might want to try Sylver2's scarf method. Eliminating the heat from your regimen can't hurt.
1) Queen Helen Garlic shampoo will cost you no more than $5. Nutrine garlic conditioner is a little less than that. Get you some NatureMade oderless garlic tabs at the drugstore, cheap too.

2) Stop all of that extra stuff until you can commit to a solid basic regimen. Shampoo, condition, moisturize, and seal- FAITHFULLY. Remember you are doing this for yourself not because anyone is forcing you. Taking care of your body should be a high priority. Stick to the basics for a month and check the condition of your hair.

3) Once you commit to basic hair care reintegrate those extras one at a time. For example DCing, then MT, then tea-rinsing, etc. Do the first for 1 month and note the condition of your hair. If its still breaking stop. If its not then integrate the next extra and do them both for another month. Check your hair's condition, repeat.

4) As for your scarf goes, get one of those net wraps with the velcro closure. Wrap or cross wrap your hair, secure it with the netting, then cover that with a satin elastic bonnet. Because its made of netting, the wrap will not slide off when you sleep.

Hope this helps-- Now get growing!!
you can by a silk or satin pillowcase
i bought mine on line at http://www.tenderheaded.com/

what do you deep con with?
i agree that a garlic conditioner might be good
i like alter ego garlic treatment
you can also try a reconstructor like nexxus emergencee
i found that during my stretch it worked wonders!
i use it under a hooded dryer without the plastic cap (as recommended here on lhcf)