
Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies, just wondering what you have learned from this site, that has helped you achieve healthy hair. I am not talking about length of hair, just healthy hair.

the DC challenge - i flat-ironed my hair the other day and have not had to moisturize since. it feels very soft and healthy because i upped my moisture levels.

baggying - my ends feel fantastic (even if they are thin, but we are working on that!)

protective styles -retaining length has never been simpler or more stylish for me.
Co-washing; deep conditioning; baggying; bunning/phony pony; moisture moisture moisture; and a few protein treatments here & there...oh and no relaxers!
Cutting out all the heat I used to use very often; now I rarely flat iron, curl, or blow dry my hair.
Deep conditioning; it's like the greatest thing ever for my hair.
Protein/moisture balance.
Daily moisturizing

Weekly (at least) deep conditioning

No heat

Sealing with oil

Using natural stuff

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-washing/conditiong 2x per week

-deep con with heat once a week

-daily moisture

-use healthy oils for sealing moisture into my tresses
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- Staying away from heat
- Paying attention to what it needs (moisture/protein)
- Adding oils to my conditioners (coconut, olive, and/or castor)
- Being gentle with my hair
- Getting trims when needed actually helps me to retain length.
- Oiling my scalp, hair, and ends (Castor oil brought my edges back yay!)
- Protective styling (buns, rolls, up and off my clothes)
- Not being 100% lazy when it comes to my hair
- Not jumping on every bandwagon
- Keeping a hair journal of what works for MY hair :yep:
- Learning how to deal with my new growth and keeping the line of demarcation strong.
- Not stretching too long.
regular conditioning and moisturising with Ayurvedic and other natural products
keeping products to a minium
low manipulation
using a mild relaxer
Deep conditioning my hair 2x weekly- up from never DC. I was being sheap I didnt wasnt to pay for it at the salon but would never do it at home either

Moisturizing my hair daily

Babying my ends, because I now know the more that I do for my ends the less frequently I have to trim.

Protective styling - I got used to the bun real quick cuz I was an everyday ponytail girl anyway. Now I just tuck the ends away and tada!!!! protective styling and instant length retention

Co-washing- this has dual benefits. It keeps up the moisture levels in my hair and it allows me to deal with/tame my new growth.

Stretching relaxers past the 6 week mark - oops!...who knew that I could go this long with touching up.

Wearing a scarf to bed religiously- I cant believe that I used to go to bed bareheaded all the time. Then got the nerve to be wondering wht my hair always looks like dull, dried up, brittle crinkly ends, mousy dirty brown colored crap....:wallbash:

I do all these things now like second nature and I am so much more pleased with the condition of my hair, it is so soft and shiny and retaining length like crazy.

Deep Conditioning

Learning to listen to my hair rather than to follow a set regimen.

Using natural products


Keeping a hair Journal to keep track of the deep condition treaments that I've used and how my hair responded.
-ROLLERSETTING... I don't know what it is but I have retained so much length from doing this 1x a week:grin:

-DC 1x a week

-Keeping hair bunned up and ends protected

-Using less direct heat by flat ironing every other month

-Being gentle when detangling but using Keracare conditioner has made it so much easier
For me it has been...
Stretching my relaxer anywhere form 12 to 16 weeks, daily moisturizing, nightly scalf method (i'm very inconsistent:perplexed), prepooing, protective/low maintenance styles, dcing with every shampoo, shampooing atleast once a week and mininium to no heat (heat every retouch or trim).
-Relaxer stretches (last stretch was 14 weeks - :spinning:)
-no more grease, natural oils only (castor, coconut, etc.)
-daily moisturizing
-DC with every poo
-sealing ends
-Ayurvedic practices (no poo, only rinses with powde mixes and shampoo bars)
-babying my hair
-rollersetting (I had gotten away from that, but am back doing it since the flat iron was frying my ends)
-satin scarf every night (I go a little overboard since I have satin pillowcases, too :rolleyes:)
-growth aids
-more natural products (i.e. aloe vera juice/glycerin mix)

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- Rollersetting only - a must for me....
- Seek and Destroy trims only.
- Specifically moisturising my ends twice a day.
- Using Philip Kinglsey - The Elasticiser (pre poo)
- Using a Cheleating (sp?) shampoo ORS Creamy Aloe (i have v hard water and without this may hair is dry like straw)
- wash and deep condition twice a week.
- A comb does not touch my hair between washes.
- only use a baby brush on my egdes if i have to.
- No gel unless its the day before i wash.
- Oiling my scalp with Wonder 8 Oil mixed with Tea Tree and Rosemary Oil.
To DC w/heat for 15 min or longer frequently!
CoWashing instead of Shampooing
That my hair NEEDS and LOVES Protein..

I can do my own hair.
I dont have to let someone do my hair and not
know what they are doing or supposed to be doing.

I absolutely love this site. There is so much more that I can say that I have learned but you know......
I have learned a lot especially about putting in a relaxer, taking vitamin supplements, and everything. I have been on this website a few weeks and have noticed a difference my hair's overall appearance.