What Experiences Tell You That Your Hair Goals and Dreams are Becoming a Reality?


New Member
One particular time for me was early this past summer when I was wearing a French Twist updo, with a tendril hanging down on the side. A high school girl (white) who had not seen me in a few months walked up to me and gasped, "Your hair! It's long!" :eek: She stared at my hair for a few moments. I was surprised because I had not noticed anything that different and I wasn't wearing my hair down, just that tendril. I didn't feel my hair was long but to her it was longer than when she saw me last. I could tell she was sincere and I realized my hair was really changing and growing.

What kind of experiences have you had that told you your hair goals and dreams truly are becoming a reality?
After the first time I stretched my relaxer (21wks) and finally got a touch up when my stylist gawked and said how thick and healthy my hair was. She did that at my last touch up too :) (my original hair goal was just to get it really healthy.. now i'm aiming for brastrap)
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Mine just happened. I took a piece of my hair yesterday and stretched it and it is about 1.4 inches away from brastrap. I am in shock. I do not plan to press it until sometime in June so hopefully, I should be comfortably sitting on brastrap.
For me, it's just seeing how much new growth I've gotten in the the past seven months. It's amazing to see how much strong and healthy natural hair I've got now. I can't wait until I have a full head of natural hair.
This saturday I went oget my hair braided at Billie Jeans. When I got there I had my hair in two mickey mouse looking buns and I took them out to show the owner the length of my hair and the whole shop gasped and came to a stand still. The woman next to me was like your hair is looong! To me it was no big deal cause of my hair anorexia, and I thoght she had long hair. I didn't realize until she pointed it out that my hair was longer than her. All the braiders were saying they didn't want to do my hair cause it was too much work,lol.
Great replies ladies! :) Dreams really do come true!

And congratulations Laketta! Sounds like your hair will be brastrap long before June!!
My hairdresser keeps saying that she will soon be charging me the "long hair fee" for my touch-ups. More tangles as my hair gains length -- combing it out is a task now. Hair catching on clothes and in purse straps.
cutebajangirl said:
This saturday I went oget my hair braided at Billie Jeans. When I got there I had my hair in two mickey mouse looking buns and I took them out to show the owner the length of my hair and the whole shop gasped and came to a stand still. The woman next to me was like your hair is looong! To me it was no big deal cause of my hair anorexia, and I thoght she had long hair. I didn't realize until she pointed it out that my hair was longer than her. All the braiders were saying they didn't want to do my hair cause it was too much work,lol.
I could just see their faces now! :lol:
I need to go back and finish reading that hair anorexia thread...:fan:
When I unloosed my hair to comb it. I had just trimmed an inch off on this Thursday just gone and I put my hair in flat twists, the middle hair stretches comfortably to my shouders. When I took the inch off, my back hair was already touching my collarbone, it is not far from it again. Because of shrinkage, my hair is just below my earlobes.
cutebajangirl said:
This saturday I went oget my hair braided at Billie Jeans. When I got there I had my hair in two mickey mouse looking buns and I took them out to show the owner the length of my hair and the whole shop gasped and came to a stand still. The woman next to me was like your hair is looong! To me it was no big deal cause of my hair anorexia, and I thoght she had long hair. I didn't realize until she pointed it out that my hair was longer than her.

I have hair anorexia too so it doesn't really hit me until someone else points out how long my hair has gotten. Like today in church. A friend who had moved away and came back for Christmas said, "Your hair has gotten so long! I like it!"
Over the past two years I had noticed my hair had grown but it didn't seem that long to me. I really realized how other people must see my hair after I posted pictures and joined this forum. For the longest I thought I was at waist length but I was actually at tailbone. Now I see why I get strange stares from people.
sylver2 said:
Is Hair Anorexia when you think you have short hair when actually you have long hair???
Yes, that's the term used on this board. It's seeing your hair a lot shorter than it really is, no matter how long it gets.
kinikini2 said:
My hairdresser keeps saying that she will soon be charging me the "long hair fee" for my touch-ups. More tangles as my hair gains length -- combing it out is a task now. Hair catching on clothes and in purse straps.
So when the "long hair fee" gets charged, that will be a happy day for you, right? :lol: (Just kidding!). It's great that your hairdresser is taking notice of your hair length, even if she is seeing :dollar: She'll probably start asking about your secrets for growing long hair soon.

I feel you about hair catching on things, especially purse straps and seatbelts too. Sometimes it still surprises me when I accidentally roll my hair up in the car window. I need to be more careful!
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That's exactly what hair anorexia is. My most recent hair revalation experience is that I've realized that my new growth is very touchably soft when I take the proper steps. Though I was getting frustrated before, I'm starting to believe that I'm truly going to enjoy having 100% natural hair.
I used to wear 22 inch wet and wavy weaves to transition my hair back to natural. I kept on doing it until one day when I went to buy hair, and my own hair caught up to my 22 inch weave and was the same length. Now I have to buy 26-28 inch weaves. lol Hair aneroxia is real!!!
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1) My arms are getting tired from CW... (just like they did with my longer relaxed hair)

2) I am slowly able to make a decent bun :clap: ..... finally!!!

3) My mom (best friend :cool:) has beyond shoulder length relaxed hair. The other day she told me that my natural hair has grown longer than hers! She was serious, however, I know better. She was just looking at my nape hair stretched & not the top (layered) hair.

4) Pictures, pics, pics! I luv taking pics so that I can see my "growth" over time :cool:
My mother gave me a compliment in September, just a few months after I started taking care of my hair...my mom asked if I had a "piece" in my hair, even though my hair was short she thought because my hair was shiny and bouncy (healthier), that I might have added some hair to my flip hairstyle.
Hair getting caught in the seatbelt
Folks sitting on your hair
When I put a turtleneck/sweater over my head, my hair will be stuck way down inside my sweater
I get hot faster with longer hair
If I wear a ponytail, people will tug on my hair just because or to get my attention.
I think looking at my comparison pictures lets me know that my hair dreams are becoming a reality. I never think my hair is growing, and right when I take my mind off of it and just take care of my hair it grows.
lovelymissyoli said:
I think looking at my comparison pictures lets me know that my hair dreams are becoming a reality. I never think my hair is growing, and right when I take my mind off of it and just take care of my hair it grows.
Yes! That happens to me. I understand that hair is always growing but whenever I take my mind off of my hair, while still doing my regimen, I am always pleasantly surprised later at the difference.

It's all about letting go.
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My new growth ... it's very thick and healthy .... I don't have a lot of breakage... that really shocked me, I thought i would..
my over all hair strength is wonderful

I'm hoping the by the end of 2005 I will be at bra strap , then , I will do the big chop.

... and at the end of 2006 fully natural and almost brastrap.
1. The surprise on my co-worker's faces after I remove my braids & they see I have a lot of hair;

2. People asking whether I'm sporting a weave when I do my braidouts.
Just yesterday one of my friends saw me with my hair down. She gasped and said, "What did you do to your hair?" I thought she meant that something was wrong with it. Before I could answer she then asked me if I had a weave. I laughed and told her about some of my hair techniques.
I went to a Dominican salon in September for a blowout. When I was getting out of the chair, I heard a girl asking the owner if she could get her hair done like "that girl". The stylist said, you can get something similar, but she has long hair". I thought, she can't be talking about me. There was a salon full of longer haired chicas. But when i went to pay, the girl who made the comment came up and complemented me on how it looked and asked me how I keep my hair looking like that. So it was me! Whoa, I am #1 hair anorexic, ezpecially since my hair grows slowly unlike the ladies here who get like 10 inches in a year.

But it definately was a nice feeling to have the Dominican styists say I had long hair. Cause they see alot of it in that particular shop.

Now if I can get back to that length again. ( 2Hasty trims)
well i was on hi5, and i came across this girls page who used to be one of my best friends back in middle school. So i sent her a message and she wrote back like "your hair is soooo long!" and i'm thinking 'hm not really :ohwell:' but yeah, too bad though, her hair is shorter than it was at the time, back in 8th grade. \

i have an extreme case of hair anorexia. I think it's mainly from just looking at my hair so much, so after a while, in between touch-up times, i get accustomed to the length it is, and i'm like 'ahhh it's so short! when will my hair get long??!?!" :mad: :lol:

i was looking at this girl's page on myspace and when i read this thread i looked at her hair more and i'm like wait, my hair is at least the same length, if not longer than hers... hmm... but i'm still wow long hair...
Okay, my hair is certaintly not as long as these long hair divas but here goes...

*When I'm washing my hair and I have to move my hand down my ponytail to squeeze the excess water.

*When I wear a plastic cap and my hair sags on my neck.

*I can finally do a full bun!

*I can do a decent braid.

*I wore a curly set on time and my roomy said that my hair really is growing.

*When I tug at my hair thinking it's a loose strand.

*Progress pics!
Peachtree, my goodness, that's some gorgeous hair!

For me:

1) I went to a get together. My friend, who has always had gorgeous hair, and is now a hair model (she was mad because they made her sign a contract that they could cut it, and that's the first thing they did:( ) looked at my rollerset hair and asked, "Is that all yours? OMG, it's so long!"

2) Another friend, who's hair I've always admired, said to me, "Your hair is really pretty." I said thanks, and she kept staring, saying, "No, it's REALLY pretty. It's so beautiful! And bouncy!" (My hair has always looked sort of dead and generally stayed in one spot on my head)

3) My hair keeps getting caught on things (purse strap, seatbelt)

4) My breakage has stopped. I realized this when I airdried a few weeks ago. First of all, my hair practically detangles itself when I airdry, and all I have to do is finger comb it and flat iron. But most imporantly, there was no broken hair. Only normal shedding. HUGE accomplishment for me.

5) It's been 9 weeks, and I don't want to relax again for at least 2 weeks (I used to relax every 4-5 weeks:eek: )

6) My husband can't stop pulling on it. Um, yeah...:D
I know I'm reaching my length (at least in the back), when my hair catches on bag and I can twist it up into a bun again! I just need to work on these tangles and getting rid of my split ends.