What exactly is a "pre-poo", and what's the purpose for it??


Well-Known Member
Hey, I was wondering...
I hear a lot of you saying that you do "pre-poo" treatment before washing your hair, and I was just curious as to what that is exactly. I take it that this is something you do before you shampoo and wash your hair, but like, how do you do it?

How often should one pre-poo, and what is the purpose of doing this?

Just curious...

Thanks! :-)

The pre-poo is a treatment you do before regular washing, just like you said. They mainly consist of a (penetrating) oil and conditioner.

I can only speak for myself. First I thought, "What is the point?" Adding stuff then washing it out, [pure haircare-ignorance] :lol: Then I tried it...

Me and my daughter's pre-poo consists of EVOO and a cheapie cond. like VO5. I warm my oil, apply to entire head using an applicator bottle, then add conditioner. Cover with a plasitc cap and usually sit under the dryer for about 20-30 mins. I only shampoo(poo) once a week and do cw's the remainder of the week. I pre-poo before every poo washing..

Sometimes I leave on for 45 min or more covered with a plastic cap and wrapped in a towel(depend on what going on at home :lol: ).
Last week, I was so busy, that I just covered the plastic cap with a banadana, and a stocking cap and then added my bonnet and went to sleep. Talk about soft and moist...ooooo weee! :yay: I then pooed and cond. in the morning.

Purpose and benefits:The heat opens the follicle and the oil and conditioner penetrates and goes to the center of the shaft adding strength and moisture to the hair....

Pre-poos have been a huge asset to my haircare regimen. :yep:


My pre-poo is coconut milk mixed with evoo.i spray it in my hair before i wash and wait about 20 minutes.it gives my hair a new life.
Wow...thanks Onepraying for that detailed explanation.
What is EVOO? Is that some kind of oil? I'm sorry...I'm still learning all of the terms on this board.

Hmmm...maybe I'll try this pre-poo regimen and see how this makes my hair feel. The oil and conditioner won't make my hair feel too limp and weighed down will it?
Crystalicequeen123 said:
Wow...thanks Onepraying for that detailed explanation.
What is EVOO? Is that some kind of oil? I'm sorry...I'm still learning all of the terms on this board.

EVOO= Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I tried this a few days ago in my hair and it was great. I will try it with coconut oil and a heat cap for 15 mins next time.