What does God think about...


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
...Self Defense???

Let's say if this dangerous person was trying to rape you or kill you. If you shot him dead in order to protect your life, would God be displeased with you or would God rather you let him have his way???
Some might say that if God allowed to happen then it must be his will, but i'm not too sure about that theory, because the outcome is negative. it's highly unnatural not to defend oneself when faced with danger (i assume this is a god given instinct) so i don't see any problems with self defense. sounds like suicide to me if you let someone harm you when are in a position to do something about it. and we all know his view on that...
Jesus himself gave an example to someone when he was talking about being ready for God's return. He if a man knew the day and time a robber was coming would he allow his house to be broken into? No he would defend himself.

He also called his own people to take up arms and defend themselves severaltimes in the bible. There is a time to kill also, the bible says that. So I don't God has any problem with self defense.
sorry to be crass but while Im ruffing this guy up I will not be thinking about what god would want me to do. First instincts and adrenaline rush will take over my body lol. Its like saying do I allow this guy to kill me or should I kill him? Soembodys gonna die and it aint gonna be me without a fight. Now after I drop kick him and he's on the ground, I think it would be wrong to continuously kick him in his head or something of that nature until he dies.
I was just thinking about this. I also took it a step further. What if you got raped and killed. Where would you go? Especially if you were living for God and saving yourself for marriage. What if you killed in self defense and died in the process? Again assume that you are saved and living for God. Where do you go? If you kill in self defense and get raped, do you have to repent for committing a sin?
Honeyhips said:
I was just thinking about this. I also took it a step further. What if you got raped and killed. Where would you go? Especially if you were living for God and saving yourself for marriage. What if you killed in self defense and died in the process? Again assume that you are saved and living for God. Where do you go? If you kill in self defense and get raped, do you have to repent for committing a sin?
no I dont believe so. Why would god punish you for something you had no control over?
THe bible specifically speaks about rape. It says if a man forces a woman to sleep with him the sin shall fall on him. God does not count rape against the victim. As for dying in the process of being raped or defending yourself you go to Heaven. Neither rape nor self defense keeps you out of heaven.
Poohbear said:
...Self Defense???

Let's say if this dangerous person was trying to rape you or kill you. If you shot him dead in order to protect your life, would God be displeased with you or would God rather you let him have his way???

Good question! I personally would not/dont have a gun but if a person attacked me and I could not get away, then I would have to defend myself until I could get away. If that individual dies at my hand...then they have "reaped what they sowed".

Again forgive me for not quoting directly but the principle can be applied here that was discussed in Exodus where a woman was in the field and a man raped her...she was to "scream" during such an attack. That does not mean though that if you dont scream you have consented to rape...the principle is...you fight back to live.

Jesus did state, "Those who live by the sword will die by the sword". So those that choose a violent way of life, usually end up with a violent death.

Protecting yourself during an attack would be a natural act in a violent world. I would not invite danger into my life (going to dangerous places deliberately, putting myself in dangerous situations, or hanging with people who always end up in fights) but if someone attacked me I would:

Try to get away.
Relinquish material possessions to protect my life.
Fight with all my might if cornered into an attack...not to kill, but to get away.

I even saw an article once that showed, rapist want you to be quiet and go with them willingly. You are too much trouble if you scream, fight and refuse to go to another location.

If a rapist says, "Get in the trunk or I'll kill you!", your attitude should be...you aint going to take me anywhere secluded to do what you want...I'm going to fight or die trying RIGHT HERE!!!! They want you to leave that area or stay quiet, because they know it is not secure and they dont want a scene.

Even if rape or violence occurs...it is not YOUR fault. There is no need to feel that God caused it, or that you are now "guilty" for some reason.

He will repay those for violent acts...He will repay.
I think it would be okay to kill if your life was in immediate danger and you were defending yourself.

I have a problem with people who kill over property or because they feel their rights have been violated. I live in Texas and (in general) Texans LOVE their guns. You can even carry a gun on the bus in Houston which I just cannot understand. A lot of people here feel that if someone breaks into your house or steals something from you, you are totally within your rights to shoot to kill. I think this is very wrong. I wouldn't shoot someone unless my life or the lives of my loved ones were clearly in danger. Even then I would just try to disable the person long enough to get away, not kill them.

But then again, I've never been in that situation, so I can't say for sure what I would do. But, I'd like to think that is how I would react.
God looks at the heart. There was people in the Bible who killed in self defense. God allows everything to happen for a reason and season. Nothing is done by accident. No one knows how this kind of thing can transform a person but God. Our laws of princples were founded by Chritians. Yes America's fore fathers were God fearing men who build laws to protect people and pull these principles from the Bible. God never just looks at the action but the attitude. So it would not be consider a crime in our country and in the eyes of God. I look at this like having war with person. It is just one-on-one war. :)