
I am DDTexlaxed and I am a PJ! I need HELP!:nono: I am sick! I see another person trying out a product and she looks like she has my hair type...her curls look nice and defined and she has glowing reviews of the product. I look at her video or fotki and then it happens...:poke::nervous2::pray::yahoo::dollar: . I buy the product and HATE IT!:nono::nuts: Ladies, this is the third time in a few months that this has happened to me. I need help because I am still stuck with the sucky products! What do I do? I can't begin to tell you how much money I've wasted by tossing out products. I just wish I knew what to do with the hated products I do have.:sad:
you can always sell them, mix them with something else, etc.... you gotta find out what ingredients works well with your hair texture. what are some of the products that you do like? look for products similar to those and stick to them.
You can try selling your products to other PJ's. I'm sure they'd buy it off you in a second.

If its a product I've never used, but I want to try out I go to the Hair Product Exchange forum here or on naturallycurly. I've saved myself alot of money and wasted time that way.

I'm not a PJ anymore. After 3 years of complete disappointment I just kinda give up. I just "assume" xy&z won't work for me and I don't buy it. Instead I now stick to what I KNOW works and don't stray from the regimen. Once in a while I'll cave, but I'm usually disappointed.
DD - I'm about to give you some tough love. Quit buying new products and focus on the ones you know work for you. If you just have to buy something buy something YOU KNOW your hair loves. How many times have you BC'd now?????????? Are you looking for a magic potion? They does not exist. What is your ultimate goal? Do you want long hair? Just think how long your hair would be if you had not BC'd so many times. The next time you think about trying a new product imagine that it will break your hair off, if that's your goal then buy it. Stop comparing your hair to others and focus on your own HHJ.
Im a pj but I dont toss out products unless they r truly horrible! (which is rare) I give them away, swap or you can sell them! I also research the item I'm interested in purchasing! I go and read reviews for days,weeks, or mths! Also if a products doesnt work the first time! I will play around with it for a mth! I dont like mixing anything to a product, I like for it 2 work the way I purchase it! if i have to mix to get the product too work I sell or give away!

I will say that u need to do more research before you purchase and remember just b/c it work for them doesnt mean it will work for you!
I would exchange the products you don't like in on a swap board, either on this site or another site. Or you can give them to a friend who wants/needs them.

I'm toned down PJ. I still just stick with what works, but I occasionally buy things or try things that I've heard good reviews about. I've come to figure out that there are no magic products. In the instance of curl definition, it seems to either come down to your technique and/or your curl type ,more so than the product, that makes the difference. There are no magic products. I just have to keep reminding myself of that whenever I make a purchase.
DD, you can do this.

Firstly, breathe.

Secondly, stop buying products on a whim. Yes, people give glowing reviews of these products and make them sound like they're smack-your-mamma good, but everything works differently for everyone.

As for the products you have now, see if they can double as anything else. Maybe the conditioners can be used as prepoos if you add oil to them. Maybe you can make a moisturizing spritz using water,conditioner, and oil. Maybe the conditioners can be used as leave-ins.

You can win this battle. There was a time (not long ago) when I used to buy a bottle of conditioner because it was the last bottle on the shelf. I don't do that anymore.

I have improved and so can you.
When I first became natural, I had a touch of pj-ism (not to the extend that I hear some members have), but I was trying a different product quite often that promised amazing curls and was disappointed at the results.

I finally stuck to the few products that my hair loved. And will experiment once or twice a year with a new raving review product. Even then, I go right back to my tried and true products that never fail.
When I was newly natural I bit off alot $$ by buying products trying to find what works:rolleyes: Since you are still trying to find the right product, ask for samples from others in the forum too, there is a thread in the exchange "Hate it dump on me" something of the sort.
Don't get caught up in what works for others will work for you, it's your hair:grin: if it don't work move on, folks will swear you need to try it because it work for so many others. I'm sure once you tally up the money you spend, you can curve your PJism!
I agree with Charz buy samples, don't toss products at all you can sell them or give them away, I hate waste. Also you can ask on the board for samples just pay to ship it to you and a small fee if so. You'll save and not feel so bad.

Stick with what works. As others said know what your trying to achieve.

I have products that work for me by knowing my hair. You have to give your hair a chance it might take a month it might take a year or more.

It's okay to take suggestions but just because A has type B hair and uses and loves C doesn't mean your type B hair will love C if you use it.

GIVE a product a chance, using it the first time sometimes doesn't work or vice-versa.
CLarify, if your trying a lot of products and nothing is working maybe you need to clean the slate a little.

DD I am always wishing you the best of luck in your journey. :)
you can try to use them in different ways...im the type of person that will use it just b/c i paid for it unless its truly horrible...condishes you can mix w/ other DCs and oils that you do like, or mix them with aloe and/or water and oil for a spritz...if that doesnt work then you can sell/swap...when i was transitioning/after my BC i bought so much stuff that i didnt even need just b/c i saw other people using it so i thought i had to have it...when i simpified my regi thats when my hair flourished...plus when you're trying product after product all at once how do you even know what works? you need 1-2 of each product ( shampoo/cleanser, condish, DC, styler, oil) that you really like and stick with it for a few months without trying anything new.

ETA: you can also keep them and try them again later in your journey...there are products that i hated when i BC'd but love now, and vice versa.
I had it bad too! I have spent so much money since starting my hj this past October! I have started scaling back seriously because a lot of what I bought just wasn't working for my hair. So far this year I have purchased 3 things, shea butter, black soap and henna. With the first two I have made successful shampoos and leave ins. I am combining conditioners with oils, honey and aloe vera for dc til I use them up. I have given other stuff away. I have promised myself not to buy another item until what I have is all used up.

Setting a time goal and only using samples/swaps as others have suggested may be some options you could try.
Is your hair either dry, breaking or mushy? If not, there is nothing wrong with your hair.

Can you explain to us what you want from your hair?
I am a PJ, and enjoy it. It's RARE that I buy a product that my hair HATES (a lot that I am not impressed by and won't repurchase, but I find a way to make them work) because I don't buy products just because someone else likes it, I buy them because I like the ingredients for my hair. Usually if I hate a product it's something cheap I purchased on the ground just because I was bored, and then I just save it for a local swap or give it to a friend. They are usually less than $10 so it's not a big deal to me to give away.

You can tweak conditioners by adding oil, glycerin, or aloe vera and they may perform better for you. When I don't like a conditioner, I use them as a base for deep treatments for thickness, and mix them with so many other things that it doesn't matter.

Why would you toss them out??? That doesn't make any sense and is just wasteful. As the seasons change and your hair grows, you may like different things. I have often revisited products that I initially didn't like, then I LOVE them.
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Stick to what works. Only buy at the most maybe 1 new product a month if you must until you get to the point that you don't buy any at all.

If there is product you want to try, don't buy it right away. If after say 2 or 3 months you really still want to try it then go ahead...most of these pjism problems are just impulsive buying problems...if you don't want it within 3 months then you really didn't want it in the first place....

Also I agree with mixing your products. You can always add honey, agave, oils, glycerin, honeyquat, etc etc to see if it helps...
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While I don't claim the label of "PJ", I am known to purchase and try out a product that has received really good reviews.

The difference, however, between me and an extreme PJ is that I base all of my purchases based on my hair's needs, not my wants. My hair NEEDED mositure, so I searched high and low until I found great leave ins and moisturizers. My hair NEEDED additional strength in a non-heavy-protein form, so I researched and ultimately added henna to my regimen.

My hair does not "NEED" to have "poppin curls", so unless they're happening on their own with the products I already am using, I don't "need" to buy anything.

It's not rocket science, but it works for me.
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Stop everything and keep it simple.
Try to focus on the health of your hair and to forget everything else, especially the styling issues, and especially if you are frustrated about how your hair looks. If you have done a BC more times, then this time give your hair time to grow so that you will find out how it is supposed to look when it is at its best.

A supermoisturizing product (i.e. a thick rich conditioner that you can use as a DC, cowash, leave in and daily moisturizer, all in one) is all you need to start.

Another thing that will help you overtime is understanding each time why you hate or like a product. Forget the reviews and focus on the ingredients. If you don't like a product there is always a precise reason that nobody else will tell you: it means your hair doesn't like something in it and it can be anything like humectants, protein, silicones, a bad ingredient, butters. This way, one day you will predict how products perform before even buying them and life will be so much easier.

But for now I would stick with THE one thing that has never disappointed me in my hair journey: a rich multiuse protein free conditioner (in my case, with no humectants or silicones as my hair is kind of picky) that you can reinvent with stuff from the kitchen anytime. Thick supermoisture has never disappointed me.
DD - I'm about to give you some tough love. Quit buying new products and focus on the ones you know work for you. If you just have to buy something buy something YOU KNOW your hair loves. How many times have you BC'd now?????????? Are you looking for a magic potion? They does not exist. What is your ultimate goal? Do you want long hair? Just think how long your hair would be if you had not BC'd so many times. The next time you think about trying a new product imagine that it will break your hair off, if that's your goal then buy it. Stop comparing your hair to others and focus on your own HHJ.

Not looking for magic potion or anything to make my hair grow. I just am trying to find a cheaper version of what seems to be the only product that works for me.:grin: I believe the BC count is 10. :eyebrows2 :giggle: I'm not ashamed of it. I found buyers for the hated products so I'm officially off the PJ list. Thanks for the tough love.:heart: Honestly, I've never remained natural long enough to see what products my hair likes.:nono: It's like I'm a natural newbie. Yesterday made it 7 and a half months without a relaxer. I have never been natural for that long. I am looking forward to growing out my TWA.
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Is your hair either dry, breaking or mushy? If not, there is nothing wrong with your hair.

Can you explain to us what you want from your hair?

I'm looking for a shampoo/conditioner that really moisturizes my hair. Most I've purchased are sulfate ridden and basically dry the heck out of my hair. The only one that seems OK was the Elucence MB conditioner/ poo. I also wanted to define my curls without them being crunchy. I found the cure for that one. I am not looking for a miracle product, just one that agrees with my hair.
Clarify and try them again

Its also good to know ur hair and what it can and cannot do

I know my curls will not look like the girl with 3b hair

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Hey DD,

I feel your pain, I've been there, too. I think you need to assess your hair and figure out the look you're going for, then ask yourself can your type of hair achieve that look, then determine what ingredients can get you to that point.

Become an ingredient reader. I always read ingredients before I buy and I make sure that I use the product according to the directions and then I try it to see if I'll get the result I'm aiming for. I'm very realistic about what my hair can do. If the product promises to soften, shine or moisturize, then I look for that. I don't care what the product has done for other people, even people who seem to have my hair texture. The ingredient list usually tells me what I need to know.

Many products that I've tried that enhance/define my curls that I already have, with no product, are likely to leave it a bit crunchy. Once my hair is dry, I simply scrunch with a bit of serum, or leave-in or oil to remove the crunch. If I purchase shampoo that is too drying, I use it as hand soap or body wash.
I also clean my tub with it. If I purchase conditioner that is too thin, doesn't detangle etc. . . I use it as a rinse, or leave-in or shaving cream (for arm pits). You get where I'm going with this. . .

Bottom line. Do your research. Figure out what nourishing ingredients are cool for your hair and look for it in your products. Don't jump on bandwagons. Trust me, once you find products that you luv, you'll have enough problems with your own bandwagon.
Im a pj but I dont toss out products unless they r truly horrible! (which is rare) I give them away, swap or you can sell them! I also research the item I'm interested in purchasing! I go and read reviews for days,weeks, or mths! Also if a products doesnt work the first time! I will play around with it for a mth! I dont like mixing anything to a product, I like for it 2 work the way I purchase it! if i have to mix to get the product too work I sell or give away!

I will say that u need to do more research before you purchase and remember just b/c it work for them doesnt mean it will work for you!

I had to come back to echo the sentiments mentioned above. I don't like mixing products. In fact, I was loathe to even suggest it, but I didn't want you to have wasted your money.
Didn't read all responses but I'm sure I'm echoing the obvious -- buy new prods in moderation and use what works for you. I learned the hard way on this -- your hair and your pockets will suffer if you continue to buy. I still buy things but not nearly as frequent. I replenish those things that work and buy new things in moderation. I primarily visit the hair exchange forum for purchase of slightly used items at reduced cost before buying them in-store at full-price. I've scored some good things this way.

I went through a period of buying various things sometime last year when I first joined LHCF. Most of that has been gifted to my sister. I still have plenty I can gift here and will, but now I'm about sticking to what works.

Oh and, when you buy something new, incorporate one thing at a time. No major overhauls as that a equation for a sure setback.

You can attempt to sell those prods that don't work for you.