What did you learn in 2011?


New Member
I was in the thread about "which milestone is the hardest to reach" and someone said that she had a setback but will reach her goal quickly now that she knows the key to her growth. That got me thinking of all the stuff that I learned about my hair in the past year and will be using to make sure I get to MBL by this time next year.

So I'm curious, what have you all learned about your hair in 2011 that's gonna help you reach your 2012 goals?

I'll start (I have a few):

My hair likes protective styles but it LOVES no manipulation styles. :yep:

2. My hair only likes coconut oil for heat styling (blow-drying is the only thing I've done with heat so far as a natural, but before I was natural my hair liked to be flat-ironed with coconut oil as well). If I use coconut oil for anything else, my hair feels weird. :perplexed

3. Deep conditioning is always a major win when I oil rinse first and then apply the DC on top. My hair feels so much softer and more moisturized after rinsing. :lick:

4. My hair laughs in the face of an ACV rinse. Doesn't do **** for my hair. Waste of $0.89 at Wal-Mart. :ohwell:

5. Castor oil! OMG. I have a love affair with castor oil now. If I use castor oil to seal, my hair looks a lot shinier, feels softer, and stays moisturized longer. :lick:

6. My hair. LOVES. Silicon. Y'all put me on to Silicon Mix and I fell in love...and to think I used to just walk right past it in the BSS because the container is so blah... :spinning:

Ok, I'm done. :lol: Your turn! GO!
I know I have and it is to keep it simple and not jump on the bandwagon. I have also learned not to worry about the growth because it is happening just concentrate on the health of my hair.
My hair loves wash n go's do that is what I do and make sure that I keep my ends healthy.
1 - my hair prefers Keratin type reconstructors weekly
2 - my hair prefers liquid type leave in conditioners
3 - my hair does not tolerate serums very well (except for Jane Carter's hair serum - its liquid like)
4 - my hair must be spritzed with each section for straightening
5 - my hair does much better with lye relaxers, period
6 - my hair prefers lighter oils over the heavier ones
7 - can't clarify as often as I thought I needed to
8 - my hair likes tea rinsing - a lot
1 My hair hates protein. With a passion.

2 Dying my hair jet black seems to make my hair smoother for some reason.

3 Sulfate-free shampoos are not the business.

4 Week 10 of a stretch is when I should really start to be careful with my new growth.

5 My hair likes to pretend it's a Transformer. Shoulder length one day, grazing APL the 6 next.

7 Heat is not the enemy

8 Brushing is not the enemy

9 Sulfate is not the enemy

10 Petroleum is the real enemy

11 Dusting is amazing

12 There is no such thing as "good" hair

13 I can grow hair as long and healthy as I please

And Finally....*insert drum roll*

14 There are only three products, when used in combination, that moisturize my hair: Garnier Fructis leave in conditioner, Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1, and my personal mix of shea butter and essential oils. I should stop buying all these products just because I THINK they'll be better.