What causes underprocessing?


Well-Known Member
Well, i relaxed yesterday. I smoothed with my hands only because i was scared a comb would break my hair. And i airdried. Were those the 2 culprits? How many weeks should i wait before doing a corrective on those areas? :ohwell: Also, i did a protein treatment during my last wash which was 4 days before.
Hi :wave:

I am no expert but since none has replied I will try and give some advice.....underprocessing is not leaving the relaxer in your hair long enough. You should wait at least 6 weeks before doing a corrective. I have done a corrective on my hair and it came out great. Hopefully someone with more experience will come in and give you more advice.

Thanks for your reply :D I left it in for 15 minutes!! Maybe i need to switch up relaxers :-/ Hmm...wont that underprocessed areas start breaking before 6 weeks?
I will say you didn't leave it on long enough. I have to leave mine in for the maximum time allowed. I think that's 25 min.? I have 3c hair that is resistant. I always have an issue with underprocessing when I do it myself. I have noticed that when I go to the salon, they really take their time and work that relaxer in whereas I get nervous and start rushing. When I relax this week, I am going to use LondonDiva's method and do it a section at a time (front and back). I like bone straight hair (even though I know that's a no no) and this will allow me to do that. I always have a section on the right side of my head that stays wavy unless I work that stuff through good. Good luck!
Hmm...i have fine hair and i went past the maximum time. And the maximum time for coarse hair was 18 minutes......Maybe i'll try that next time. Thanks!
What relaxer strength did you use? No lye or lye?

Did you clarify the wash before? The protein step leading up to the relaxer does reduce your hair's porosity, so that may have also slowed your processing time.

Were you a little heavy with the base?

Those things might have made a difference too.:D
Hi sistaslick and anybody else who can HELP me!! I'm bumpin for replies but if you could help me with my situation also. I did the same thing but to my whole head! I was trying to texlax it. I based my whole head with IC protein/ keratin reconstructer. I used a regular no lye- profectiv, put 2 tbsp of olive oil in it, first I left it in 6 minutes, washed it nothing, then again 5 minutes washed it nothing, then again 15 minutes nothing. I think I reeeeaaaaalllyy slowed down the reaction with the olive oil and the protein. At this point I want to do a corrective to see if I can still retain curl, but it doesn't seem to have a lot of curl just a LOT frizz and a LOT of tangles. so I'll prolly just do a corrective and make it straight. How long do I have to wait? because I can't walk around for 6 weeks like this!!! HELP!!
Also, I've heard that sulfur-based products can cause hair to be underprocessed. So if you are using BT or MTG you should stop, or I think clarify before your touch up.

Maybe Sista Click can chime in?
See, I don't know what the fine line is. I read the other thread about getting a straight relaxer. That has been my problem.I was going to relax last night, but after reading the thread, decided to clarify. And now I'm scared to put anything on my scalp or hair for fear of the relaxer not taking, even base. I am now scared, due to these threads, that when I base I will base too much. I think I apply a LOT of base. But do y'all think I should not base my scalp for the next relaxer? I use a no lye. Also, I seem to remember reading somewhere that you should apply castor oil to your scalp every day for a few days b/4 the relaxer. I also would do that but now I wonder if that was part of the problem too.
Yeah I have that, some parts of my hair are very wavy and I don't know what to do even when I use the flat iron is still bumpy, I remember the last time I used my relaxer I was so angrey -don't yell- that I relaxed my whole head:eek: ...and its still bumpy:mad: -ps hair is doing fine-
Also, if you didn't use enough of the relaxer, you will be underprocessed. I relaxed my hair this past weekend (Mizani sensitive scalp) and between the application and smoothing, it was 25 minutes. I still have an underprocessed area (albeit small) because I realized that I was skimpy on the relaxer on that part of my head.

sweetcoco said:
Hi :wave:

I am no expert but since none has replied I will try and give some advice.....underprocessing is not leaving the relaxer in your hair long enough. You should wait at least 6 weeks before doing a corrective. I have done a corrective on my hair and it came out great. Hopefully someone with more experience will come in and give you more advice.
