What are your problem areas?


Active Member
...and how do you treat them?

Mine are:
- left side of my head (hair grows slower)
- back of my hair (it's literally half and inch shorter than my sides for some reason)

My edges especially the right side and my nape. For some reason, my hair is thinning on the right side, and not from breakage but from the root, like once a hair is shed, its not growing back so its looking sparse. I don't know if its from stress or what. I intend making an appt with the derm to find out.
Breakage from that blasted relaxer - the one chunk in my right side crown area, the chunk in my nape area, and the broken hairs here and there.

I treat them by keeping all of my hair moisturized, little to no heat, updos, and by transitioning out of my relaxer.
LorraineG said:
Mine are:
- left side of my head (hair grows slower)
- back of my hair

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Same here. Left side grows slower and breaks/sheds faster
The back middle part of my nape just seems to grow slower period. I treat both by giving them more TLC (i.e. massaging those areas longer, leaving the conditioner on those parts longer, etc.) and being patient.
The hair at my hairline is very wiry, coarse, and hard. It just looks like fuzz no matter what I do, and I can't apply too much product there because it will make my face break out. I'm thinking of just keeping that part cornrowed.
Mine are both of my sides. They both grow MUCH slower than the rest of my hair.
Mine used to be very thin, but I just started relaxer that area last, all my edges I do last for that matter.
From the crown of my head to my hairline, that whole area is broken in off in different lengths due to years of bad hair practices (i.e. glue, rough combing). I can't stand it and it makes me not want to wear my hair down b/c it's not all one length.
Im with digitalrain my edges (especially the right) are starting to look thin. I have an appt. with the derm in two weeks. For the time being I airdry my hair, massage the area at night and apply vit e oil everynight.
I have a problem in the crown of my head where it will grow to about 5 inches, then it breaks off. This area is very itchy also. Lately I have been using Surge and Jojoba oil in that area.
I have 1 little spot on the right side behind my ear that I think is catching my earring or something. It is much shorter than my other hair. It is also the spot that my daughter likes to pull at when she looks at my earings. Even when I wear my hair up(99% of the time) it ends up out.
My nape area is a lot shorter and grows at a slower rate than the rest of my hair. I keep it constantly moisturized to combat breakage and dryness.
Mine is the back center of my head. It's so frustrating cause the rest is growing great. I think it's due to a coarser texture, I'm just trying to keep it more mosturized. Hopefully when it gets longer it won't be noticeable, or I'll slowly even it out by trimming.
My nape area! I had a stylist who didn't do a good job rinsing that area after a touch up. Needless to say, that area started breaking and its taking FOREVER to grow back. Thanks to my vits and Surge it is coming in nice and thick.
The sides of the back of my head( the nape area and the middle of my head where it curves...those areas almost always break off, they can grow quickly and thickly if i care for it, but it also is the weakest apparently because when I think I'm doing good, it still breaks
I WAS doing great..all areas growing equally, but then my hairline started breaking, mostly at the temples. I think it was a combo of relaxer left on a tad too long and semi-perm color that caused this problem. The color was not put on at the same time as the relaxer, mind you, but I can't think of anything else that may have caused this. I immediately used Aphogee to stop the breakage and I am hardly getting any now, nor shedding. I am currently working with Surge,moisture, moisture, and moisture and absolutely no heat; only temp color for now. Haven't had a relaxer touch-up yet and am considering stretching out the time until I am sure my hair is strong enough. It is growing in fast, hence the need for the temp color.
oh my goodness
I thought I was alone
The middle of my head is a slightly different texture-
seems harder -----also grows slower

how to deal?
condition washes
Surge 14 on scalp
giovanni leave-in on hair
castor oil on very ends
protection/less exposure for middle
silk scarf+ hat
dontspeakdefeat said:
My nape area is a lot shorter and grows at a slower rate than the rest of my hair.

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D i t t o
to help...I moisturize with distilled water...and seal it with coconut oil. My sides have a little catching up to do with the rest of my hair.
Ditto here too about my nape! I've been babying it for about 7 months now and it looks exactly the same. The rest of my hair is growing along just fine. I'm going to have to do something different...
My temples.
I think they broke off due to too tight buns. Even though they didn't feel too tight. And now due to wearing a headband. Solution: I'm going to try black castor oil (if I can find it) or surge (if I can find it). In the meantime I'm just moisturizing.
My right side in the back was breaking, but since I stopped wearing a tight chignon at night it has stopped and my hair is finally even. My sides are weak, but getting better everyday! I try to minimize handling, heat and increase moisture.
The hair at my temples was all but balded due to tight cornrows when I wore latch hook braided extensions. Genetics are against me also, as my father's side of the family has thin temple hair. (That is, their hairline recedes about an inch at each temple even though the men don't have male pattern baldness.) I'll Surge and see.
The nape area has always been very fustrating for me! I wear turtlenecks often in the winter and they wreck havoc on the nape. I can't stand being cold, and turtlenecks are the only thing that keep me warm. I don't know what to do about this.