What are the current challenges


New Member
I was just wondering what are the current challenges and what do they consist of. I love a little competition and/or support while trying to accomplish a common goal. I really love how you guys support each other here. How do you get one of those journals I see on this site and what do you do in order to set up a photo album to chart your progress? Sorry for all of the questions but I am new and hate not knowing.
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Hi Princess J

The 2 challenges that I know of &amp; am participating in are:

1) "365 day challenge", started by Lucia in Dec/02. You determine your own start date, outline your regime, objectives &amp; goals, and challenge yourself to stick with your plan.
There's an update thread for this challenge titled "Paging all those doing the 365 challenge", or something like that.

2) "Grow Out Challenge", started by Luvhair on May 1. This one ends on Sept 1. This is like a mini challenge just for the summer. Again, you determine your start date. If this one appeals to u, then try to join soon so that u can have a good 3 mths to participate. There's an update to this thread titled "Summer Challeng Bi-Weekly Check # 2". I just "bumped" it up for ya.

Do a search on both threads for more details.


Oh, I almost forgot.. our "PJ's" (Product Junkies) have a challenge too. They're trying to cut back on their "PJ'ism"
I am not currently in any of the challenges, but I LOVE the way the ladies support each other here. Its really nice.