What are some of you doing to treat Alopecia

Lady Esquire

New Member
I have not been diagnosed by a doctor, but I know I have this because I have been on my healthy hair regimen for two years this past Feb, and the rest of my hair is coming along just fine, except for my hair line.

I did wear a wig for a while during the first year, and I noticed that an area that was lightly thinning...increased rapidly during the wig days. That was over a year ago, but the same thinning persists....I recently started using Minoval so it is too soon to tell whether that is effective or not. I will also start taking my vits, and will stop relaxing my hairline for a while, to see if that will give it time to recover and fill in.

For those of you who have suffered from or who are still dealing with genetic Alopecia, what are you doing?
My edges were always thin (even when I was a little girl). I experienced traction alopecia last year when wearing wigs that were too tight. I rubbed a spot completely bald last year. It was completely clean. So clean that it shined.... and it was about the size of a nickel. I stopped wearing tight wigs and used MTG for a while and the hair came back in about two months.

I've been using BT (it really works). I'm mindful of how I put my hair up and how tight I wear my scarves/wigs/accessories. I just take my time now and pay attention to how my scalp feels. I'm taking vitamins (I'm anemic) and eating alot better.
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I have not been diagnosed by a doctor, but I know I have this because I have been on my healthy hair regimen for two years this past Feb, and the rest of my hair is coming along just fine, except for my hair line.

I did wear a wig for a while during the first year, and I noticed that an area that was lightly thinning...increased rapidly during the wig days. That was over a year ago, but the same thinning persists....I recently started using Minoval so it is too soon to tell whether that is effective or not. I will also start taking my vits, and will stop relaxing my hairline for a while, to see if that will give it time to recover and fill in.

For those of you who have suffered from or who are still dealing with genetic Alopecia, what are you doing?

how is the minovil working for you?
My hair line had been missing for some years and it is filling in SO fast now that I am using BT. I actually use it twice a day. I started mixing it with MN and WOW. It is almost as thick as the rest of my hair and the parts that still have to fill in have stubble now. The last couple of days I have also added WGHO to the mix and the results from all three are nothing short of a blessing from God. When I tell you my hairline was missing, I mean missing because of female problems my hormones are way out of whack. And they are still out of whack for now but these oils are bringing my hairline back in spite of. Out of the three, I would say the combination of BT and MN is what was powerful enough to bring thoses hairs through and it took less than 2 weeks. Be faithful and consistent with it and you will see those results. God Bless you because I know how you feel...
My hair line had been missing for some years and it is filling in SO fast now that I am using BT. I actually use it twice a day. I started mixing it with MN and WOW. It is almost as thick as the rest of my hair and the parts that still have to fill in have stubble now. The last couple of days I have also added WGHO to the mix and the results from all three are nothing short of a blessing from God. When I tell you my hairline was missing, I mean missing because of female problems my hormones are way out of whack. And they are still out of whack for now but these oils are bringing my hairline back in spite of. Out of the three, I would say the combination of BT and MN is what was powerful enough to bring thoses hairs through and it took less than 2 weeks. Be faithful and consistent with it and you will see those results. God Bless you because I know how you feel...
This is such encouraging news...there is hope for me and my edges yet!!
Emu Oil!!!!
EMJazzy got amazing results and so have I in the crown area. It helps to thicken up the skin and encourages growth. A true miracle product due to it's anti-inflammatory properties!

Also I got great results after starting this challenge


Good Luck!

My mother gets bald spots from stress and there is a cortisone product she uses. Let us know how it goes at the doctor
My daughter has Alopecia, just one spot she had it for 2 months it didn't get bigger or smaller. And I chose to use Boundless Tresses and it works wonders, now her spot is filling in and growing fast. I bought the balm for my edges to thicken them up and now my hubby uses it for his edges (the creeping bald area) and it is working great.

Give it a try.