What am i doing wrong??


New Member
I dont know whats going on with my hair. It is shedding something terrible. Its also breaking badly. I am transitioning and i keep seeing hair of all lengths all over the place. I am not that concerned with the hair that is coming from my scalp, but all these broken off peices is driving me nuts. I am washing weekly. I never had a problem with washing weekly. I try to deep condtioner every week. If not every other week. I moistures every other day. I keep my hair in 2 braids. My hair doesn't ever seem to feel dry. I really dont want to BC cause i have my hair in a blunt cut bob with a shorter part in front where it broke off. I dont want to start all over with tons of layers. I cut about 7 inches total from the back. It stopped breaking for awhile and now its back to breaking. What do i need to do????? I dont know if i should do a protein treatment or what. I have been doing alot for moisture. Any ideas of what i should do? TIA
Maybe you need some extra moisture, and maybe braid/twistouts may work so the textures won't be so diff. have you stopped taking any vitamins, or changed any products? Is your relaxed hair bone straight? You might have to flat iron or do blowouts for the testures if the braid/twist outs don't work.
Whenever I hear one of the ladies describe this, besides asking about their moisture/protein balance in their hair regimen, I ask about their red blood cell count. Is it low? Are you anemic? A simple hemoglobin test by your doctor will pinpoint this. If you are anemic, taking iron will stop the breakage almost right away.
Lucia said:
Maybe you need some extra moisture, and maybe braid/twistouts may work so the textures won't be so diff. have you stopped taking any vitamins, or changed any products? Is your relaxed hair bone straight? You might have to flat iron or do blowouts for the testures if the braid/twist outs don't work.

Thanks for the reply. I was taking a multi-vitamin, B-100 and also biotin 1500mg. But when i moved 2 1/2 months ago i got off track with taking them. I am trying to remember to take them now. I am breastfeeding also. Dont know if the breastfeeding has anything to do with it, but i know all the good stuff goes to my milk first and i get left with what ever is left. My hair isn't relaxed bone straight either. I have changed products. I am using natural/organic products. If my hair keeps this up i may go back to using the other products i was using till i am 100 % natural. I dont want the breakage to get to my new growth and ruin that.:perplexed
Isis said:
Whenever I hear one of the ladies describe this, besides asking about their moisture/protein balance in their hair regimen, I ask about their red blood cell count. Is it low? Are you anemic? A simple hemoglobin test by your doctor will pinpoint this. If you are anemic, taking iron will stop the breakage almost right away.

After having my son i bleed really badly (sorry if TMI) and came close to a trasfusion. I had to take these mega dose prescription iron pills and my blood count was just fine after taking them. I may pick up some iron just to see if it helps, but i dont think i am anemic.
Sweetcoco82 said:
Thanks for the reply. I was taking a multi-vitamin, B-100 and also biotin 1500mg. But when i moved 2 1/2 months ago i got off track with taking them. I am trying to remember to take them now. I am breastfeeding also. Dont know if the breastfeeding has anything to do with it, but i know all the good stuff goes to my milk first and i get left with what ever is left. My hair isn't relaxed bone straight either. I have changed products. I am using natural/organic products. If my hair keeps this up i may go back to using the other products i was using till i am 100 % natural. I dont want the breakage to get to my new growth and ruin that.:perplexed
I didn't know you were breastfeeding. During and after pregnancy means a big change in your hormone levels, which does affect hair. Perhaps your doctor can recommend something that will stop the shedding. In the meantime, other ladies here who went through this with their preganancies and breastfeeding may be able to help you.
Isis said:
I didn't know you were breastfeeding. During and after pregnancy means a big change in your hormone levels, which does affect hair. Perhaps your doctor can recommend something that will stop the shedding. In the meantime, other ladies here who went through this with their preganancies and breastfeeding may be able to help you.

I didn't have this problem after having my daughter and my son is almost 7 months old. So i figured that would have happened within the first few months after i had him. I am not that concerned with the shedding. It all the broken hairs. I'll find some shorter than an inch, some as long as 7 inches long. I want to stop the breaking first.
Maybe you should continue with the pre-natals while you breast feed. Then when your done breastfeeding, swtich back to hair vitamins, and take some Pantothenic acid B5 to thicken up your hair. You may want ot check like Isis said for anemia too.
Lucia said:
Maybe you should continue with the pre-natals while you breast feed. Then when your done breastfeeding, swtich back to hair vitamins, and take some Pantothenic acid B5 to thicken up your hair. You may want ot check like Isis said for anemia too.

Yeah i am back to taking them. All i have to do is remember to take them.:look: I dont think i am anemic. I just had a test for that a few months back and i was fine.