Whadya do when you want your curls back?


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of threads for naturals on what to do to your hair BEFORE flat ironing but what do you all do when you're tired of the straight hair and want your curlies back? An LHCFer recommended doing a good moisturizing DC on dry hair before you even wet it again so that you get maximal reversion. Anybody else have suggestions?
this is RIGHT on time because I am rocking a silky straight flat iron and i want ALL my curlies to come back JUST the way they were.

So an ultra moisturizing DC? Or would you suggest that protein is the way to go?
I would think you want to do a protein treatment and a moisturizing deep conditioner.
i would actually suggest a light to medium protein treatment on dry hair before you shampoo. i like ORS mayo mixed with egg or AO GPB on dry hair for about an hour, shampoo and then deep condition.
The minute I jump in the shower and apply conditioner and my curls come out right away. I usually deep condition for at least an hour if I can.
Yeah I was thinking protein was the way to go but then I heard a moisturizing DC so I'm trying to figure out which one to do
IMO if you use a really good flat iron like FHI, CHI< or my fave GHD they usually bake moisture into the hair. depending on how your hair responds to too much moisture, your curls can be limp after you wash them if you didnt use protein. but i guess it all depends on how your hair responds to it.
too much moisture and my hair will look extra stringy like heat damage when really all i needed was protein to boost the curls up.
Awesome so protein is the way to go huh?

Alright, so I have Aubrey Organics GPB... would you all suggest that? Or something heavier duty like adding an egg to it?
I DC with moisture and protein with heat and/or overnight afterward. Hair is completely shrunken after that...
I find shampooing is all I need do. I took a pic once (I should've done a video) of how reversion starts immediately after I applied shampoo:


When shampoo was applied:

After the wash:

I do meticulously apply protectant when I flatiron and nothing else so my hair is well protected when I straighten. I work on narrow sections at a time. I usually have no other product on my hair so serum adhesion/protection is uniform/uninterrupted. I think that's why I do not have that burned smell at all, because my hair doesn't come into direct contact with the 446 degrees F iron. But the immediate reversion was further proof of this, I think.
I protein treat with nexxus emergencee for about an hour without heat and then overnight dc with neutrogena triple moisture. I actually follow that same regimen before I flat iron.
I straighten fairly regularly so I don't do a protein treatment after every time. If I don't use protein I will always do a DC. I haven't had an issue with my curls reverting since I have been straightening my hair myself. The only time my curls didn't "bounce back" was when I went to a salon and the stylist used a marcel iron and went over my hair twice. My hair was heat damaged on one side and those curls never looked the same. Strangely enough I liked the damaged side of my hair better than my healthy hair. That was awhile ago and the damage is finally all gone and I am back to one texture.
I do a Giovanni intense protein treatment, then an overnight moisturizing deep conditioner followed by daily cowashing and everything is find. I don't use marcel irons and I use heat protectant.
I ended up doing a protein treatment. I used Aphogee 2 min reconstructor with some egg and olive oil. The curls popped back as soon as I drenched it in that. (those 2 heat damaged pieces in the front were already there) (pic 2)

Then I did a moisturizing DC overnight (silk elements megasilk + olive oil)

I was so happy to see my curls again :) Thanks for all yall's suggestions! More pix of the whole blowdry/flatiron/revert process are in my fotki :)
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I'm with Noni -- All the other stuff is not necessary for my curls to come back. If they are going to come back, water and shampoo will do it.

All the other stuff is just icing on the cake.
Well, westNDNbeauty I used your technique (substituted the Nioxin bc I couldn't find it) so the curls came back. THANK u. My hair needed some protein badly anyway so this was as good a time as any to do it
I just shampoo and apply a moisturizing DC with a plastic cap for a while. As soon as water hits my hair, those curls come back with a vengeance. :lol: By the time the DC hits my hair, the curls are normal, and the steam under the cap helps them revert and bounce back even tighter. I blow-dry/flat-iron myself, so I've never had heat-damage while transitioning or natural.

I'm afraid of Marcel irons because those stoves get deathly hot (up to 860 degrees Fahrenheit or more). My hair reverts very easily...just a lil perspiration will have me looking wild! I use a heat protectant serum and coconut oil (Vatika oil). No burning or smoking.