Wet hair that dries quickly may need more moisture


New Member
It means your hair is dry!!!!Has anyone every heard this? My best friend said she was told by her hairdresser that the reason why her bra strap length hair dries so quickly when she washes it is because her hair is dry and in need of serious moisture. When she washes her hair she said its almost dry within an hour. Her ends are very dry and brittle even though she never uses heat in her hair and she washes twice a week. The hairdresser went on to say that hair that takes long to dry is in a very healthy moisturized state. My hair takes about 1-2 days to air dry completely. I advised her to start doing deep conditioning treatments because she has never done one.

Tee Tee
My hair also takes a while to air dry. I'm glad this is a good thing.
Thanks for sharing.
My hair use to be the same way. I was told by my friend who was in cosmetology school, that my hair is porous. It doesn't retain moisture. They have conditioners for this, I use Barry Fletcher's Moisture Revitalizer.
I agree...

It was a great day...when I twisted my hair...and got to the back...and it was STILL damp...that JUST started happening...

I feel like I can stand under the shower...let the water run over my head...and NO WATER will ever hit the bottom of the tub!!!
My hair feels so heavy when is wet....like a huge wet towel...and for a while there...it would dry by the time I had made only a few twist...I KEEP a spray bottle beside my bed...and I am thinking about keeping one at my desk...

I think that is a clear sign I need to drink even more water too.
Hmmm, interesting. But, does that apply to hair that is drying when it's up or down? For instance, when I wash my hair and let it air dry hanging down it dries fairly fast. But, if I were to wrap it or put it in a ponytail, etc, it takes a long time to dry.
I believe it applies to hair when it is down. The thing with most people is that the very ends will always dry very fast but with my hair the length of my hair,especially the roots take forever,whether my hair is up or down.

Tee Tee
wow!! this makes perfect sense to me. i had never thought of it that way. i think air drying my hair down, it wouldn't take that long to dry (a couple of hours). i should try so i can see. drying it up can takes days though if i don't undo the ponytail the first day...
I know if i immediately put my hair in a bun it takes about 3 days to be fully dry. I'm scare to air dry my hair out b/c than i'll have to comb it and i was told NEVER comb air dried hair b/c it breaks, which mine does
It might be true that hair that dries quickly needs more moisture, but I think it also has to do with whether your hair is thin or thick, too. If someone's hair is thin, it's going to dry faster, no matter how much moisture it has in it!!
Lindy said:
It might be true that hair that dries quickly needs more moisture, but I think it also has to do with whether your hair is thin or thick, too. If someone's hair is thin, it's going to dry faster, no matter how much moisture it has in it!!

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DITTO..I was thinking the same thing, but couldn't figure out how to verbalize it.
I don't have a lot of hair but it takes forever to dry. If I put it up all day, it will still be wet in the evening when I take it down.
I think everyone has made some good points. If your hair drys too quickly and your ends are brittle and dry than I would be concerned. I would probably try and find something that would help seal and/or close the cuticle tighter like oil (for sealing) and/or Revlon Porosity Control. Since it is said that the more kinkier or curlier the hair type the more likely the cuticle is lifted I would do a lot of moisturizing with conditioners (leave-ins or otherwise).

In your friends case washing her hair 2 x's a week, if using a shampoo, might be a bit much.
My hair "holds water," as one of my old hairdressers put it. It is thick and can take over 12 hours to dry when I leave it down and over 24 hours to dry if I decide to put it up at some point. It's really annoying but I console myself by remembering that it takes so long to dry because it is moisturized and has a lot of elasticity.

Last weekend, I wanted to dry my hair quickly so I tried putting it up in a big twist and sitting under a hooded dryer on high heat for 1/2 hour, then medium heat for another hour and a half. When I was done, the very outer part of my hair at the crown area was dry but the inside and most of the length was still soaking wet!

I would like to try conditioner washes every other day but I don't want to have to go to bed with wet hair that often.
Armyqt said:
My hair dries fairly quickly when airdrying. I've always figured it was because it's so fine.

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I thought the same thing..
Thanks Tee Tee. This has been interesting information. My hair takes forever to dry and now I feel much better about that.
That is good info... My hair has been drying lightening fast which I thought was a good thing, but it has been super dry as well... I thought I was doing a lot better, but I see I need to do a lot more...
My hair takes forever and a day to dry and sometimes it makes me so mad because if I wash it then I would have to stay home. I don't like going out when it's cold with wet hair so I wash it around 7 or 8pm and in the morning even with the heater on it is still damp.
I feel a little better since I read this post but maybe I will try to wash my hair in the morning and maybe it will be dry by night fall. I hate going to bed with my hair damp.
Thanks for the info. I used to get frustrated because my hair took so long to dry. Now I will never complain again.
my hair is pretty thick but still dries rather quick if i let it air dry while down. maybe i need to do some deep conditionings or something. it's been probably a year...
Re: Wet hair that dries quickly may need more mois

so, what did the jury decide?
?? Is it because your hair is thin, or because it needs more TLC? Do you need to deep condition or just moisturize, or what's the plan of action??
Re: Wet hair that dries quickly may need more mois

When the hair dries quickly it has something to do with lack of moisture in the inner and outer layer of the hair. If we are not deep conditioning regularly and sealing the moisture in properly then we might experience this dryness. There have been times when I blowdry my hair and its still wet underneath,but now I know this is a good thing.

You havent deep conditioned in about a year yet your hair is so incredibly beautiful. WOW!!!! looking at your pics I think your hair is incredibly healthy and maybe doesnt need deep conditioning as often as some of us
I know I need it with every wash in the cold season and once a week in the warmer months.

Tee Tee
Re: Wet hair that dries quickly may need more mois

When the hair dries quickly it has something to do with lack of moisture in the inner and outer layer of the hair. If we are not deep conditioning regularly and sealing the moisture in properly then we might experience this dryness. There have been times when I blowdry my hair and its still wet underneath,but now I know this is a good thing.

You havent deep conditioned in about a year yet your hair is so incredibly beautiful. WOW!!!! looking at your pics I think your hair is incredibly healthy and maybe doesnt need deep conditioning as often as some of us
I know I need it with every wash in the cold season and once a week in the warmer months.

Tee Tee
Re: Wet hair that dries quickly may need more mois

so, what did the jury decide? ?? Is it because your hair is thin, or because it needs more TLC? Do you need to deep condition or just moisturize, or what's the plan of action??

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I think there are many variables to this rule. Hair that is air dried loose is going to dry quicker than air dried hair that bound (bun, braids, etc.). Under the same conditions fine hair vs. thick vs. medium thickness hair drying times could vary. Long hair vs. shorter hair. The term fast is subjective. What amount of time under what conditions is considered fast? The list of factors (considerations) can go on and on. I think the rule of thumb might need to be the condition of the hair after it has dried. If it feel brittle and dry lacking that moisturized hair feel than you have some adjusting to do to your routine. Otherwise, your hair is alright.
Re: Wet hair that dries quickly may need more mois

Sorry for the duplicate,something was wrong with my system.

I think the statement made from my best friends hairdresser is based on more extreme cases not the obvious variables. For example her hair is bra strap length,medium textured. It should not be fully dry in an hour. We have to keep in mind that this pertains to more extreme situations like if a person has thick waist length hair and their hair dries in an hour after washing then they MAY have dry hair. I say "may" because I'm sure that there are other factors involved since the science of hair can get quite complicated at times. Nothing is ever definitive other than hair needs moisture.

Tee Tee