Wet/Damp Wrap ok on a regular basis?


Relaxed, 4B
Hello Ladies,
I am relaxed and the only way I've been able to air dry nice and straight is to do a t-shirt wrap for a few hours with my leave in condish and oils. Then while my hair is still damp I wrap my hair (with a comb - no hair comes out) and leave it like that to dry overnight. I read that wet wrapping is not good on a regular basis would that also be the case for damp wrapping? If I did this twice a week would that be damaging?
I do the damp wrap from time to time to airdry. I use a silk scarf. I didn't know wet wrapping wasn't good. Learn something new everyday!
gadgetdiva thank you! Maybe it isn't that damaging (hence the lack of response). I guess I'll try it on my own head and keep an eye out for damage/setbacks. I really hope not....