Wen GP


Okay so I dont know why my unopened 32oz bottle of Wen GP is calling my name! I'm trying to keep from opening that one and my WM! Ugh why Wen are you doing this to me? I have a gallon of fig, a 32oz fig and my GP, 16oz WM, 2 figs, 2 lavenders, 1 spring g, and a pomegranate, and a 613! Whew that was a lot to say lol. None of these are open and I dk why. I have 2 half bottles of mango c and not sure why I opened both!?! Why am I savoring my Wen. Help!
I have no sympathy for you. :nono: Go directly to jail. Do not pass go.:naughty:
Especially since you are not sharing!:crying3: