Wen and QVC on Saturday


Well-Known Member
I received a couple of emails that might be of interest:

1. from Chaz Dean/Wen - QVC will offer the gallons on Saturday, June 20; when they are gone they will not be offered again until June 2010.

2. from QVC - Absolutely EVERYTHING will be 5 payment Easy Pay on Saturday!!!!

oohh...so they are going to have gallons, huh? so I guess that means I can look for the shipped email soon for the gallon I ordered LAST Saturday...

*don't play me Chaz*
Lawd. If I didn't already have enough Wen products to last a year or more after the last QVC show, I'd have my credick card ready! :giggle:

Having a bit of a dilemma tonight. Going to a wedding tomorrow and doing my hair tonight.
I don't know whether to use the Wen Lavender Volumizing Trio or go use my new Frederic Fekkai Conditioner and Salon Glaze (for incredible shine they say).
YES! I'm trying not to though. I just got the email today...:look: And I'm tempted to try the other stuffs. :sad:

Ummmm :look:

For you ladies out there with Clarisonics or other skin brushes should really try the Wen Body Cleansers for your face. So far, I :love: it.
I've been using the Lavender Body Cleanser that I already had.

But during the show,they showed how to use the Body Cleanser with a Clarisonic, so I purchased the Cucumber & Aloe since I have breakout-prone skin that scars easily.

So if you want to try something different, get the Body Cleanser for a facial wash. :lick:
Yall looking at Wen...i'm looking at Dooneys :look: I promised myself I wasn't buying anymore purses this year but 5 pays is soooo enticing.
Just made my order...I knew that was why all the Wen Fig and Almond is on waitlist!! Ya'll beat me to it, dang LHCFers!!!!:rolleyes::lachen:

Nooooooooo! I was about to place my order. BTW, how do they do the 5 easy payments for multiple items/ Do they just divide up the total cost by 5, or is each item divided by 5.
Nooooooooo! I was about to place my order. BTW, how do they do the 5 easy payments for multiple items/ Do they just divide up the total cost by 5, or is each item divided by 5.

They bill each item separately, I think, because I got five different confirmation emails for five different items...and each total was divided by 5.

And if you want the Wen fig or almond, the 5 payment deal is not honored on the items that are wait-listed.
I was still able to get the 5-easy pay method with the waitlisted items. For the 16 oz bottles, it came out to $7.09 a payment. However they will not honor the deal for products that are out of stock.
I got nothing accomplished today...I just sat mesmorized looking at qvc...
I was going back and forth researching to make sure I was getting a decent deal for my bluray player..

and I seent (yes, seent) Chaz up there AGAIN with his gallons and his silky tressed hair models...

*I wants mine*
Just made my order...I knew that was why all the Wen Fig and Almond is on waitlist!! Ya'll beat me to it, dang LHCFers!!!!:rolleyes::lachen:

Ok me and my greedy behind just ordered another WEN Sweet Almond 32oz and it said it was in stock. Which size bottle did you order?
I bought nothing today and i can't be prouder or sadder :lol:

I'm giving all you Wen purchasers the side eye right now and sucking my teef. Back to Sally's for Hairone i go :lol:
I bought a gallon of WEN fig last week and I just bought another gallon of fig today with the 5 payment plan. Ummmm anyone know the shelf life of WEN? :blush:
Next Saturday Chaz is at the Mall of America and I have a ticket to go see him!!!! :D

You know we are girls Soulie ***daps***and as you are my best friend on LHCF, can I come with you? :giggle:

I LOVE CHAZ! If I got a chance to meet him, I just know we'd be fast friends! :grin: