

New Member
I am sure there is already a thread on this subject but I couldn't locate it. I have been thinking about getting a weave as a protective style, but I was sure how this could be healthy for your hair. Would this type of style not damage your ends or make your hair dry??? Someone please help!!!!!! :perplexed
I've been growing my hair with sew in weaves since january and i haven't had any breakage problems. My regime and other info is in my album. no password required.

Have you ever had a sew in before?
Personally, I hear mixed opinions, but my hairs really does thrive and grow well with weaves. I can wash my hair more often and moisturize and condition it often. Cornrows help keep moisture in my hair, so they just sit underneath the weave protected and well-moisturized. You get back what you put into it. With a lot of TLC, weave really can be good for your hair. Also, too tight corn-rows can be BAD BAD BAD!

I got a technique that left a lot of my hair out (pics in my album) and, although my hair did not suffer any damage during the time I had it in, The flat ironing I had to do to blend it in, would have eventually been bad. I think full sew-ins are better for me because there is no daily styling needed.

I have been a braid wearer for the most part, but that is just until I find someone that can do an A++++ job and give me a protective, natural-looking, flat-as-possible weave with straight hair. When I find that, I will weave-it-up as much as possible.

Now, on the other hand, I have heard of people having bad experiences with them. If you got the weave in too tight or unprofessionally that can be bad. Also, for me, synthetic hair dries my hair out BADLY. Some people do well with synthetic hair, but as long as use human, my hair does very well.
I have never had a sew in before. I am thinking about getting one so I want to get as much research done as possible before I make my decision. I have had cornrows and twists several times and they always tend to break off the front of my hair but I think that is because they were too tight.
She did a nice job on the weaves. I am so jealous.

Weaves can really protect your hair but it would be best if you had them sewn-in. Your braids will be moisturized and as long as you take care of your hair underneath, you can get so much growth.
I think she works on her own. Just email her at her contact on the page. She is REALLY good. I wished I lived there so I could go to her constantly.
cutebajangirl said:
I think she works on her own. Just email her at her contact on the page. She is REALLY good. I wished I lived there so I could go to her constantly.

Thank you. I have a consultation appointment with another lady this weekend. I have been searching high and low for a person that can do a nice A+++ weave. I don't mind paying for the good stuff, but I can't seem to find it.

Thanks again!
cutebajangirl said:
I think she works on her own. Just email her at her contact on the page. She is REALLY good. I wished I lived there so I could go to her constantly.

She is very nice and will respond as soon as she can. If I lived closer I would get a weave tomorrow :lol: you can email her and ask any questions.