Weave Knowledge for Idiots


New Member
Weave Knowledge for Idiots- Where can I find this texture?

First off- yes I have seen the mega thread with all the Do's and Don'ts. It's helpful. But, I have some questions of my own since I know nothing about weaves.

My hair is very damaged, and I'm looking to get my hair braided up or put into whatever type of protective style and then to get a weave. I was excited when my mom mentioned this. Since I know nothing about weaves, I probably have unrealistic expectations. However, my most likely unrealistic expectations got me EXCITED. So... here are my questions.

1. I'm planning on going to a salon to get my weave put in , assuming it happens. How do the weaves come? In strands of hair? Like a wig thats just sewn in?

2. Can I get bangs with my weave? It's my dream to have thick luscious bangs. Are they attached separately? Or can weaves come with bangs?

3. Can weaved hair be roller set? I'd like to have versatile hair that I can roller set or do anything with.

4. Can weaved hair be teased?

5. This is the sort of hair I've always dreamed of having. Would this sort of hair be possible with a weave? (http://tinyurl.com/m6pxrc4 http://tinyurl.com/kmeh797 http://tinyurl.com/mm5e96z http://tinyurl.com/mtpve52)

Thanks in advance... I'll probably think of more questons later.
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1. Weave hair is on a track. The track gets sewn onto your real hair which is braided on your scalp.
2. The stylist can braid your hair so that when the track is sewn into your hair you will have bangs.
3. Yes.
4. Yes
5. Yes. You could probably get that as a full closure meaning all of your hair is braided and none of it is out.

You should check out YouTube. Tons of info on all types of weaving techniques, styles, and the best hair.
Thanks for the response.

For future reference if I do go through with this, any idea where I can find a hair similar to the look in my example pictures? Mostly the first one since thats the one that appears to be most un-manipulated.
You can go to a hair/beauty supply store that sells straight hair on a track. Or u can order your hair online. I prefer to order my hairs personally. Indianhairstore.com
india32 These are my favorite hairstyles as well. I will be wearing box braids for summer and beyond. I've reached one year natural and will wear hair in protective style (box braids) until June 2014.
Thanks for the responses. Any more recommendations for where I can find hair with a similar texture as in the pictures I posted?
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Thanks for the responses. Any more recommendations for where I can find hair with a similar texture as in the pictures I posted?

Those styles look really silky. Heck, I just bought some hair that was too silky for me. 14", color #2. You want it? :lol:
If you want a style that thick and dense like in the picture, I think, you could just go with a wig. You could get your hair put in braids or plaits and then just put on your wig daily. Would be easier to add moisture and oil to your hair. You could wash it easily.
BGT thanks for the offer. Where did you buy it from?

footsie Yeah, wigs seem a lot more practical than weaves. However, more than anything I'm afraid of a wig jut falling out, and looking unnatural. Also I like how weaves make you feel like its your own hair. I'd have a lot more confidence in having hair weaves in I think rather than having a pile of hair that I could just pop off, though the care does sound a lot easier. Could thicker hair like in my examples only be achieved with wigs? Sorry if it appears like I'm trying to complicate things.
I found a texture that I really like but jeez it's way too expensive just for one pack of hair. And I'm assuming you need more than one! I think we're prepared to pay quite a bit of money, but when the braiding and actually weaving fees come in that would be too much. They also have realllly nice bangs (like, exactly what I want) on that site, but I don't want clip-ins.

Anyone know of anything similar?
@BGT thanks for the offer. Where did you buy it from?

@footsie Yeah, wigs seem a lot more practical than weaves. However, more than anything I'm afraid of a wig jut falling out, and looking unnatural. Also I like how weaves make you feel like its your own hair. I'd have a lot more confidence in having hair weaves in I think rather than having a pile of hair that I could just pop off, though the care does sound a lot easier. Could thicker hair like in my examples only be achieved with wigs? Sorry if it appears like I'm trying to complicate things.

I got it from a local store.

(nevermind) :)

@Texadymond I'm looking at that site you linked me too and it seems interesting. How long has the hair you've bought from there lasted?
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