Weave for Basic


Well-Known Member
I'm leaving for Navy basic in a month. Unfortunately I joined the only branch that chops off women's hair and I'd rather not do that!

I know nothing about weaves and there is tons of info but I'm looking for basic info just to get by. I'm not concerned if it looks real, I just want it to stay on my head while in RTC and my real hair to be intact when I take it out.

Any tips on what to tell the stylist while getting the weave? Is there a certain braiding pattern that is less stressful on the hair?

Ladies, please share with me the basics on how to care for a weave with little to no products availables. All I will have at the most will be shampoo, conditioner and hopefully some Luster's Pink Lotion.

And I will be swimming....and I'm not sure how often. I think this is my main concern because I'm already not going to be caring for my hair properly, and I have to add chlorine into the mix.
If you're going to be swimming I would go with a kinky curly full weave... all you will need is some cantu and some shampoo and conditioner and all your hair will be put away. I don't know what the length req is... i would be more help if I knew.
also as far as a braid pattern, for a KC full sew in it is really up to the stylist. a beehive works fine for those.
if i were you i would NOT leave out hair.
It would be a bob.

I don't think I can bring any products with me. My recruiter said all she had was Pantene Relaxed and Natural poo and conditioner!
It would be a bob.

I don't think I can bring any products with me. My recruiter said all she had was Pantene Relaxed and Natural poo and conditioner!

k... i think u should just go with a full sew-in and use a loose wavy texture that doesn't require any manipulation...
i still wouldn't leave out any hair