Water Intake :How much you drink on a daily basis

Not nearly as much as I should. Right now, I'm doing good if I can get 32 oz. down. It's one of my goals to do a minimum of 64 oz.
I only count pure water as water. Which is pretty much all I drink. I will have juice maybe once or twice a week (8 oz or less). I drink a minimum of 64 ounces daily (Four 16 oz glasses). It's done wonders for my skin.
I only count water and brewed teas as water. I don't think coffee and smoothies and etc really counts. If that's the case food should be added as well. But anywho, I drink about 100 oz of pure water, 32 oz of acv water (up from 16 as of Wednesday), and as of yesterday, 16 oz of green tea (heard it could help my migraines) daily. I rarely drink anything else throughout the day. Occasionally I have 8 oz of juice so it's easy to drink this much water throughout the day.
I really dont drink any, and I will change that up when I am out of school and take better care of my health, which is in September. Heck! I will just start this weekend, I need to, I know it helps get the nutrients in your body dispersed to the right areas. Such as the nutrients needed for your hair.... hmmmm
:nono:Not Enough. point blank.....smh.
i'm not even going to sit up here and give you a calculation either because i'm sure the amount I drink isn't significant enought for a calculation....
when Im conscious of it I usually get in my 64oz.

but I can easily forget to have any, apart from with meals
I keep a "cup" filled - its 28 oz. - and I strive to drink at least two to three of those a day along with green/white tea that I brew.
I drink about 32 oz per day right now of just plain filtered water. I'm trying to get up to 64, but I hate going to the bathroom 10 times a day!
I try to drink atleast a gallon of water a day, I love water, so I chose water over juice or soda, so I drink it a lot, and sometimes, a gallon isn't enough, but atleast a gallon through out the day.
I have a 24oz bottle with me i try to drink at least 2 of those a day. I drink that and mainly tea/iced tea sometimes some juice.
half of my body weight... I weigh 115 so I drink 57..5 ounces. Everyone has different needs.... 8 to 10 glasses of water is recommended... however, that could be a large comsumption of water for some. My 90 pound 12 year old only needs 45 ounces, 64 ounces would be to much(poor kid would live in the bathroom:)).
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I'm trying but not enough. On a good day I can get 32oz but most of the time, when I'm working I can go for periods of time without drinking or eating.
I know that there is the average amount recommended for people to drink everyday, but its supposed to differ based on body weight. Anyone know where to find information on how much water to drink daily based on your specific body size?
I know that there is the average amount recommended for people to drink everyday, but its supposed to differ based on body weight. Anyone know where to find information on how much water to drink daily based on your specific body size?
It's half your bodyweight in ounces