Wanted to share this info about hair loss/thinning


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Hair Loss - Hair Thinning

Are you losing hair or is your hair thin, dull, brittle and dry? This article provides information on what causes hair loss and other hair problems and what you can do to make your hair your crowning glory.

Causes of hair loss, and thin, dull, brittle and dry hair

It's normal to lose 40-l00 hairs a day. More extreme hair loss occurs after having a baby and after menopause. Heredity, hormones and aging are probably involved in most hair loss, although surgery, radiation exposure, skin disease, sudden weight loss, high fever, iron deficiency, diabetes, thyroid disease, drugs, stress, poor diet and vitamin deficiencies can play a role, too.

Good nutrition is a must for beautiful, thick hair

The first thing to check is whether you are eating for health. Are you eating 10 fresh organically and locally grown vegetables and fruits a day? If not, at least try for non-local fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. If you can manage that, you're well on your way to healthier hair. Other nutritional elements that will make your hair healthier are...

Biotin for hair loss and hair thinning.

This important nutrient could prevent hair loss. Eat more brown rice, bulgur, green peas, lentils, oats, soy products (from soy burgers, to soy cheese, soy meat, soy nuts, and soy milk), and walnuts. Sunflower seeds are also good, but high in calories. If you don't like the taste, put them in salads or cereal, or you can toast them with a little soy sauce for a tasty snack. A handful is a good amount to take every day.

Silicon for hair loss and hair thinning.

Important for strong, shiny hair. Eat more alfalfa sprouts, beets, brown rice, bell peppers, soy products (choose the least processed for best results), leafy green vegetables and whole grains, especially oats.

Essential fatty acids for hair loss and hair thinning.

Essential fatty acids are necessary to improve hair texture and stop hair loss and hair thinning. Fish are the best food sources of EFAs, especially salmon.

B-vitamins for hair loss and hair thinning.

B-vitamins are important to the health and growth of your hair. Find B-vitamins in brown rice, egg yolks, wheat germ, whole grain breads and cereals, peas, peanuts, poultry (aim for the organically grown to be safe), asparagus, oatmeal, plums, dried prunes, raisins, watercress, broccoli, kelp, most nuts, raw spinach, avocados, dandelion greens, leafy greens, molasses, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, fish, brewer's nutritional yeast (avoid if susceptible to yeast infections), bananas, tempeh, soy beans, herring, mackerel, clams, dates, split peas, and oranges.

Zinc for hair loss and hair thinning.

Zinc stimulates hair growth by enhancing immune function. Food sources include egg yoks, fish, kelp, peanuts, lima beans, mushrooms, pecans, oysters, pumpkin seeds, sardines, seafood, soybeans, and sunflower seeds

Vitamin C foods for hair loss and hair thinning.

Vitamin C foods can improve scalp circulation. Daily, have citrus fruits, strawberries, asparagus, avocados, beet greens, black currants, broccoli, cantaloupe, dandelion greens, kelp, mangos, mustard greens, green peas, sweet peppers, persimmons, pineapple, radishes, spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens, tomatoes and watercress.

Vitamin E foods for hair loss and hair thinning.

Vitamin E can increase oxygen uptake and improve circulation to the scalp. Food sources include cold-pressed vegetable oils, dark green leafy vegetables, peanuts, dried beans and peas, nuts, seeds, whole grains, oatmeal, soybeans, sweet potatoes, watercress, and wheat germ.

Copper for hair loss and thinning hair.

Copper works with zinc to aid hair growth and reduce hair loss. Food sources of copper include barley, beans, avocados, almonds, beets, blackstrap molasses, broccoli, garlic, lentils, mushrooms, nuts, oats, oranges, pecans, radishes, raisins, salmon, seafoods, soybeans and green leafy vegetables. Osteoporosis is one of the first signs of copper deficiency and so are anemia, baldness, diarrhea, impaired breathing and skin sores.

Herbs, teas and supplements to consider for hair loss and thinning hair.

*The herb, horsetail, is a good source of silica, necessary for strong, shiny hair.
*Herbs that contain B-vitamins include cayenne, chamomile, eyebright, fennel, fenugreek, nettle, oat straw, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaf, red clover, catnip.
*Herbs that contain zinc include chamomile, eyebright, fennel seed, milk thistle, nettle, parsley, skullcap and wild yam.
*Herbs that contain vitamin C include cayenne, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, horsetail, peppermint, nettle, oat straw, paprika, parsley, raspberry leaf, red clover, rose hips, and skullcap.
*Herbs that contain vitamin E include dandelion, flaxseed, nettle, oat straw, raspberry leaf and rose hips.
*Coenzyme Q10 improves scalp circulation and increases tissue oxidation throughout the body. That's why it's been used successfully to treat heart and prevent heart and gum conditions.
*Vitamin E increases oxygen uptake thereby improving circulation to the scalp, improving the health and growth of hair. Start with 400 IU a day and slowly increase to no more than 800-l,000 IU.
*Vitamin C aids in improving scalp circulation. CAUTION: high levels of vitamin C and zinc reduce copper level and if copper intake is too high, levels of vitamin C and zinc drop. This is why it's best to get your nutrients via food.

Other actions to take for beautiful hair

*Rinse your hair in apple cider vinegar and sage tea to help your hair grow.

*Lie on a slantboard 15 minutes a day to allow the blood to reach your scalp.

*Massage your scalp daily.

*Use henna to thicken and shine hair (instead of hair dyes).

*Avoid eating raw eggs---a biotin robber and salmonella infection risk.

*Alternate among hair products, using only all-natural and pH-balanced formulas.

*Avoid treating your hair roughly, including combing it when it's wet, towel-drying your hair or using a brush or fine-toothed comb. Do not use a blow dryer, especially not on hot. It's best to let it dry naturally. Use a pick to put wet hair in place if you must move it before it dries.

*Avoid using Rogaine. Although approved for male pattern baldness, it may cause heart changes if used for long periods of time. Although hair growth may improve with this product, the quality of hair is usually poor and growth ceases when its use is discontinued.

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Thanks for sharing. It funny how very things that we should do to keep our bodies in great shape will grow our hair healthy and strong. I'm doing many of these...