Waiting on the Lord


Well-Known Member
My husband and I have been trusting and believing God for something for a while now. As I wait for some important news I have been in prayer and reading asking God to speak to me and give me peace that surpassing all understanding. Well, I do have peace for the most part….I have my moments, but I’m ok. The Word that God has been giving me over and over again regarding this situation is “Wait on the Lord.” I’ve read the scripture hoping that I might get new insight, but nothing so far. I wake up in the middle of the night and He is whispering to me to wait on Him. I turn on the radio and any song that contains “Wait on the Lord” is what I hear. I was reading through an old journal of mine and my eyes fell upon words I’d written many years ago….wait on the Lord. I should feel encouraged by this word, but part of me feels sad. I feel like through this word God is telling me, “Not right now” and with that I feel like everything I’ve done up to this point has been in vain. I don’t know if that makes since or not.

For those who don’t mind, can you share what the scripture “They that wait upon the Lord….” means to you.
Hey Sis,

I am going through a similar period in my life. The scripture says:

"They that wait upon the Lord shall mount up on wings as eagles..." So, (as I feel it in my spirit) waiting on the Lord and trusting in the Word that He has spoken, causes us to rise above, or fly above anything that we see in the natural. You have a Word. And the spoken Word of God, manifested in us by our Faith, supercedes anything that we see in the natural.

Then the scripture says:

"...they will run and not get weary, the will walk and not faint." So then, with the promise of God in my heart, and my Faith in action, I am running with it, and I am not going to get tired running with it until it manifests. I know that God is who He says that He is. All I have to do is trust Him. Believe me, I am ministering to myself right here--didn't know I was going to post this. So we have to keep trusting, keep believing. I know it get tough, when you don't see what you are trusting God for in the natural, it becomes very discouraging. But, I believe that God wants to get us to the place where we are assured and confident in the promises that He has spoken, whatever they might be. It's like He wants us to be as confident in Him as we are in the fact that every two weeks we know that our paycheck is going to be in the bank. I don't even think about it, or question it, it is always there.

It is our Faith that keeps us going when physically we might just be tired or worn out. Don't get discouraged that you might feel tired or just mentally drained from waiting. Keep feeding your spirit the Word of God. As long as you keep your eye on Jesus, you will stay afloat.

Do not grow weary in well doing, because you will reap, if you faint not. Gal. 6:9. Keep going, we'll make it! I hope this helps.
For me, it has meant waiting on what He has for me, and not rushing him for what I want. 9 times out of 10, by me waiting on His choice of blessings I have received things more abundantly both naturally and spiritually. If I had done things in my own time or if he had just given me what I asked for initially, it wouldn't be nearly as great as what God already had in mind.

I know y'all are prolly tired of me and this house, but a couple of years ago i looked at a house and fell absolutely in love with it. it was spacious and I cried when it got sold right from under me. Then I lost my job and was livid. I was so upset and bitter and mad that I couldn't have what I wanted. Well, the house God just blessed me with is twice the size of what I wanted and for less money and is practically brand new. The time spent unemployed was used to build my faith in God as my supplier, and the job I have now, is sooooooooo flexible for me as a single parent that it is unreal--today, the daycare called, i left, picked up my girlie, dropped her off and came back to work. No stress, no worries, no threats of being fired.

My point is that waiting on the Lord, doesn't just mean waiting on him to take his time in giving you what you ask for, but waiting on him to give you His best according to His riches. :yep: God has stuff we can't even ask for because we can't even think that big. Wait on what He has cuz the world ain't got nothing on God's stuff. lol

I know what you are going through right now. Me and my husband have been believing God for things and it seemed like there would be no end. But I too kept hearing, hold on, walk by faith. It got hard. I had many crying nights but God always comforted me. Trust in the Lord when He says that He will see you through. That peace that surpasses all understanding is so powerful.

There is nothing too hard for God. When it feels like you are at your end just begin to praise Him and worship Him. Sister I am speaking from personal experience. People thought I was crazy for holding on but God told me too so I did, people doubted me but I knew God had spoken to me. Then things began to happen so fast and turned around. When I reflect on that season I went through that I am just now coming out of I Thank God, because it shaped me. NOTHING I go through now can shake my foundation on Him as my solid rock! I have been shaped, molded am truely Thankful because with out that season in my life I would not have known how Strong I am and how much stronger GOD is.

I held onto this scripture James 1 NIV 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

I knew that the God was doing a work in me and through me. When I tell you now that I have been humbled, become patient and been transformed I have. I can relate I kept seeing scripture, hearing scripture, I had so many dreams and visions which too time to come to pass but I held on to them. I would go to church and had been thinking of a certain scripture or had just gone through a situation and do you know that sometimes the sermon would be about what I had just been going through.

I could feel Gods presence on me often again I shared this with people who looked at me like I was crazy but I knew what God told me.

Your faith is not in vain. Your works are not in vain believe me.You already have the Victory!

Also I'm not sure how long you have been in this season but God tells you right here that Joel 2:2 NIV I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—
the great locust and the young locust,
the other locusts and the locust swarm [f]—
my great army that I sent among you.

26 You will have plenty to eat, until you are full,
and you will praise the name of the LORD your God,
who has worked wonders for you;

The time, the things that have been taken, the time no matter how great or small shall be restored. God is going to bless you with overflow and all the Glory will be given to him.

We will all make it, Be blessed sisters.
Then the scripture says:

"...they will run and not get weary, the will walk and not faint." So then, with the promise of God in my heart, and my Faith in action, I am running with it, and I am not going to get tired running with it until it manifests. I know that God is who He says that He is. All I have to do is trust Him. Believe me, I am ministering to myself right here--didn't know I was going to post this. So we have to keep trusting, keep believing. I know it get tough, when you don't see what you are trusting God for in the natural, it becomes very discouraging.

Amein! And in that waiting, it doesn't necessarily mean that you ask once and then forget about it. Keep knocking until that door is opened. Say, I want to borrow flour from my neighbor and my neighbor has told me various times that when I need some, come and knock and she'll open and give it to me. Knock once and no answer? And I need to bake a birthday cake today? I'll knock, knowing she is at home, until she answers the door, go around to the window, the back door, everywhere knowing that my answer is coming from that house! Being proactive rather than expecting telepathy to reach her so she senses I'm outside...she'll definitely hear me calling her name lol. Keep asking...G-d sometimes designs a situation that way. Thank you for this post!!! It was of great help.
You all have just ministered to me so much! Thank you.

I am realizing JUST NOW that waiting on the Lord for me is more about who I become in the process. It doesn't even matter what I'm waiting on. It could be a small thing... It's how I learn to trust God no matter what that allows me to wait- wait to hear from him, wait for him to fulfill his promise. The more I do that, the more I learn that I can rely on God when I see Him taking care of me.

So I learn to trust God with everything and when the bigger, more important things come around, I know that I can wait on Him no matter how long it takes or how difficult things look or how crazy everyone around me thinks I am for trusting God. You know how you prepare for a long race- bit by bit with training on small segments and then work your way up. I will run and not be weary, walk and not be faint.

This is an awesome thread!!
My husband and I have been trusting and believing God for something for a while now. As I wait for some important news I have been in prayer and reading asking God to speak to me and give me peace that surpassing all understanding. Well, I do have peace for the most part….I have my moments, but I’m ok. The Word that God has been giving me over and over again regarding this situation is “Wait on the Lord.” I’ve read the scripture hoping that I might get new insight, but nothing so far. I wake up in the middle of the night and He is whispering to me to wait on Him. I turn on the radio and any song that contains “Wait on the Lord” is what I hear. I was reading through an old journal of mine and my eyes fell upon words I’d written many years ago….wait on the Lord. I should feel encouraged by this word, but part of me feels sad. I feel like through this word God is telling me, “Not right now” and with that I feel like everything I’ve done up to this point has been in vain. I don’t know if that makes since or not.

For those who don’t mind, can you share what the scripture “They that wait upon the Lord….” means to you.


Believe it or not, just this afternoon I was going over and over in my mind something that I, too, am praying to and waiting on the Lord for. And the thought kept coming to mind, "Remember mrselle from LHCF, how she waited on the Lord, how she posted her testimony in the wives thread and how things didn't seem clear, but how the Lord came through. Be patient like her." That testimony really touched me and gave me such a clear example of what waiting on the Lord means. So encouraging. :yep:

Overall, to me, waiting on the Lord means to know that God alone (not a person, employer, or anything else), is the supply of all that I want or need, that I must be patient and allow Him to work things in His time and according to His purposes, and also that in the meantime He will give me strength to persevere in following him. What I take away from these verses is:

Psalms 25:3 Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.
The Lord is our avenger who defends our cause. We need not take things into our own hands because God will reveal all things and bring truth and righteousness to bear in our lives.

Psalms 25:5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
The Lord is our source of understanding, truth, counsel, wisdom. If we do not act out of our own understanding but wait for understanding and guidance that comes from Him, He will make things well with us.

Psalms 62:5 My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.
Psalms 130:6 My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning.
Anything that we want or hope for comes from the hand of the Lord. We look to him for our blessing and abundance, knowing that whatever the answer is, it comes from Him. We earnestly need and long for God to shine His light and truth into our lives, to heal the broken places, to strengthen us. And He promises that He will.

And Isaiah says, "They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
Whatever we are going through, if we set our eyes upon the Lord and set our heart to do His will, He will ensure that we are able to walk in victory. If it is brokenness, we will be healed, if sadness or loss, we will still have joy. If we rely on Him He will see to it that we do not drown in our circumstances but walk ontop of them.
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Hi mrselle

Thank You for starting this thread. I know it was started for a personal issue you are dealing with, but we all may be dealing with something as well and waiting on the Lord for him to work it out.

Mrselle, I may not have the right words to say, but continue to stay hopeful and beleive that HE WILL work this out in you and and your husband favor. Keep trusting, keep believing, have faith that it shall come to pass. Our God is faithful no matter the circumstances.

If I can at least say this to let you know that you have been a huge encourager in my life. Your testimony alone speaks wonders on just how faithful God is to us. I thank God that there are some ladies here who encourage me to not give up on God, you were one of those ladies who has ministered to my heart giving me hope to hold even when things are just horrible for me right now. Look how far you have come mrselle, I know you can't give up hope now, keep trusting .:rosebud:
I am realizing JUST NOW that waiting on the Lord for me is more about who I become in the process.



Overall, to me, waiting on the Lord means to know that God alone (not a person, employer, or anything else), is the supply of all that I want or need, that I must be patient and allow Him to work things in His time and according to His purposes, and also that in the meantime He will give me strength to persevere in following him. What I take away from these verses is:

Psalms 25:3 Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.
The Lord is our avenger who defends our cause. We need not take things into our own hands because God will reveal all things and bring truth and righteousness to bear in our lives.

Love it! :yep:
Mrselle, thanks for starting this thread and HeChangedMyName, thanks for your testimony.

I am right there, right now. Praying, praying praying and waiting waiting waiting. Waiting on work, waiting on health.

Every minute of everyday I pray that I will get better, and praying for work but nothing. I have had several opportunities come up that did not pan out and several doctor visits, but my health is still suffering.

I just have to wait and remind myself that when God moves, he moves in a BIG way and very fast. So hold on everybody. Hold on.
That's my sentiment as well... I'll worship/pray/be me, etc., while I wait on the Lord. For me, it's exercising my Faith. Trusting God and being confident that when HE is ready, I will always get the desires of my heart because of my covenant with Him. I've made moves on my own without hearing from God and got bad results or situations that weren't satisfying.

Great thread!!

You all have just ministered to me so much! Thank you.

I am realizing JUST NOW that waiting on the Lord for me is more about who I become in the process.
God is good!!!! To each and every one of you ladies I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how encouraging your words have been to me this evening.

joy2day, your testimony was right on time. I found myself nodding my head as I read it. "It is our faith that keeps us going when physically we might be just tired or worn out." Exactly! This is a faith walk.

HeChangedMyName, you talk about your house as much as you need/want to. That's your testimony. When God does something for us, He doesn't want us to keep it to ourselves; He wants us to talk about it and give Him the glory. Your testimony encouraged me this evening. You waited on the Lord and He gave you much more than you ever could have asked for. God gives us what we don't even know to ask for. And what a blessing it is to have a flexible job. I'm going through a little something on that front too, but I know God will work it out for me.

paradise1975, you said, "Thankful because with out that season in my life I would not have known how Strong I am and how much stronger GOD is. " Thank you for this. This is so very true.

GV-NA-GI-TLV-GE, thank you. :-)

JinaRicci, I'm glad this thread has blessed you. I know it has blessed me.

nicola.kirwan, I'm humbled to know you thought of me. And thank you for sharing those scriptures.

BlessedStarlette, You do have the right words to say and I thank you for taking the time to minister to me. I know you are going through a lot right now, so we can wait on the Lord together. When it's over we'll both have a testimony to share.

Butterfly08, be blessed! :-)

madamdot, you are in my prayers. I know God is a healer and you're right, God moves in a BIG way. In the blink of an eye He can/will turn your situation around. Many blessings to you.
This thread was so on time, ya'll have no idea! God is so good, and I want to thank all the ladies that posted here. I have tears in my eyes, because I really feel God ministering to me about some things, so again, mrselle et. al., thank you from the bottom of my heart!
This is an awesome thread. Please be encouraged, I am certain that most of the ladies in this thread have endured a season of "waiting". I am reminded of Elizabeth who waited on the Lord and He answered her prayer at "the appointed time". Esther who fasted and prayed waiting on The Lord and He let her know when it was time to move, waiting on God to give her further instruction.

Gods time is always right on time. May God fulfil all of His promises in your life according to His will and pleasure.

For God alone my soul waits in silence from him comes my salvation…For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him”(Psalm 62:1,5).
Definitely on time: when i was working, DH was only working part-time. When I left my job DH started working full-time . . . but even so here I am at home looking for work - but most days I work 8 hours at home because of the wonderful ladies on this board who are kind enough to share ideas.

Sometimes its hard when we dont see big things but He is there in the little ones too.