Vitamin/Supplement Legislation???


To each his own. :)
I didn't know this. I'd seen it, but never bothered to read it until now.
I'm thinking that this might not happen, but you never know.

As you read this, leaders in Washington are working to restrict your access to dietary supplements - including the safe, effective, and affordable vitamins, minerals, and herbs you depend on for your health.

While more than 70 percent of Americans use dietary supplements, some lawmakers want to pass laws that will create roadblocks to supplement access, making it harder for you to purchase the products you rely on for good health.

If you believe consumers deserve real health choices, tell Washington to Save Our Supplements.
CurlyCrly said:
I didn't know this. I'd seen it, but never bothered to read it until now.
I'm thinking that this might not happen, but you never know.

As you read this, leaders in Washington are working to restrict your access to dietary supplements - including the safe, effective, and affordable vitamins, minerals, and herbs you depend on for your health.

While more than 70 percent of Americans use dietary supplements, some lawmakers want to pass laws that will create roadblocks to supplement access, making it harder for you to purchase the products you rely on for good health.

If you believe consumers deserve real health choices, tell Washington to Save Our Supplements.

They're just trying to find a way to stop people from making money...
I wish they would stop the access, I'd truly turn to crime as I offer the herbs & vitamins on the Black Market!! :sekret: :sekret: :sekret: