Vitale messed up my plan

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
So I planned to relax my hair straight with Vitale Mo Body (regular). As the clock ticked I noticed that my hair was not getting straight. After 20 minutes I was like, I can't leave this on any longer. My scalp wasn't burning or anything, but I didn't feel comfortable leaving it on any longer. Even though my hair was wavy, I prayed it would magically become straight after I rinsed.

Well, I guess I'm texturized instead of relaxed! I'm perplexed because in the past when I tried to texturize, my hair would revert back to kinky. Now, when I try to relax, I get texturized hair. I don't get it. I have fine hair, medium strands, so I definitely don't qualify for super relaxer. I've used Elasta Mild, S-curl, Silk elements and now Vitale, and my hair will not get straight. I probably shoulda gone to a salon, but I don't trust stylists. Plus, they probably woulda burned the ish outta my hair to get it straight.

I guess the plus is, I can rollerset if I want to to get it straight, but can do a convenient wash and go. The cons are, even though my hair is looser, the strands have been broken down by the chemicals so I have to be extra careful. If it was just straight, I wouldn't worry about tangles and combing. Now I have to figure out a new routine. Bah humbug. :perplexed
I'm sorry this happened to you. Some relaxers do lilttle to straiten my hair. With the Revlon realistic I use, I could have it on my hair an half an hour and still wouldn't get my hair strait.:lol: I guess it is a trial and error thing. Texlaxed hair offers more options, IMO. Hope it all works out for the best.
I relaxed my hair today with Viltale Life and Body. I applied and smoothed it for 25 minutes I was pleased with the results although some areas are wavy. Regardless I like Vitale because it doesn't dry my hair out.
I'm starting to wonder if some hair is just not prepared and equiped for relaxing, since a porosity test is suppose to be done b4 the chemical process, which most pple don't do at all, is the reason why some relaxers don't take at all or not that well. If your hair has a problem w/obsorbing the moisture then this could be a problem w/porostiy and could be the reason why it didn't take that well.
Or, you may just need a stronger relaxer strength, if it took your hair 25 min. to process it that much then super may have gotten your hair straight like you wanted it in just 15 min. I hope this makes since.
I used to have a relaxer (but that was no lye). I'll keep the curls for the summer, but get it relaxed for the fall.