

Well-Known Member
Okay, just a lil vent... a few wks ago i went to get my hair relaxed, same salon, same stylist which will remain nameless bcoz she has a snoop on here and my friend still goes there, and i dnt want her jacking her hair up bcoz of me anyway i wasnt paying much attention she knows what relaxer i use and to heavily base my scalp not to mention i was too busy studying for my state boards she bases my hair and starts applying the relaxer i glanced up for a moment and i saw she wasnt using my relaxer i almost freaked out then wen i asked her what relaxer it was she told me some spanish crap and it was no- lye which for many years did not treat my hair well at all and since going to lye my hair thickened up like never b4 she has the nerve to tell me its the same thing so i said no hun it really isnt its two diff chemicals so fast forward she rinses out the relaxer put some type of neutralizing condish again which wasnt mine puts the same products which ive been using for over a yr but tells me o that leave-in tangled ur hair i found that weird at this point i was sooo pissed i jus wanted to get out of there the next day my hair was breaking like i havent experienced in a loooooong time i decided to wash my hair and omg i kid u not i wanted to kill this woman when i washed my hair clumps was coming out i did protein treatment every wk for almost a month jus to stop the breakage this was such a huge setback i was depressed i waited 8 mos to relax all the growth i got i had too cut to even my hair out frm all the breakage needless to say im soooo not going back there and my friend who's a stylist will be taking care of my hair frm now on we're really good friends so i trust her. okay sorry for the long rant
wow what a horrible experience...I would not ever go back to that stylist again either....
I mean how is she just gonna switch up products without even talking to you about them beforehand....weird

especially when going from lye to no lye...big could she fix her mouth to say they were the same
I'm so so sorry. You have a right to vent. I hate it when stylists get sneaky with the products change -They behave like naughty kids trying to get away with something wrong. After bad experiences after another, Have come to the point where I learned to take care of my own hair. (Finding a good stylist that I can trust is too much work. It doesn't help when bald headed chicks keep referring their stylists to me.)
Wow!!! I'm sorry this has happened to you!!!!!

I think everyone should be on high alert with their stylists now and remain that way. this is definitely bad salon experience month....
I'm trying to follow this story:

1. She did not base you properly
2. She used no-lye instead of your usual lye relaxer
3. You experienced SEVERE breakage - hair in clumps the next day
** --This IS a regular stylist that you have worked with before.
Do I have this right?

If I do have this right, your story makes no sense.

It is highly unlikely that you would experience that type of falling hair/breakage/spongy strands in that short of a time frame. I say this especially given that this is a stylist you have worked with in the past.

**I mean what has been going on before you got your relaxer?
**How long did your stylist process the relaxer?
**How did you discover the breakage on the next day? - did you wash it for some reason, or did you just wake up, and as you were styling it discovered your hair coming out in clumps.

Are you on any medications, medicated creams, altered diet - anything different??

I do not know the nature of your hair, your relationship with your stylist, or your haircare regimen - that is of not consequence to me, I am only puzzled by the sequence of events you've stated. I hope my questions are able to help you get to the bottom of this situation.

All the best! and I hope you hair regains its health very soon.
Oh my gosh...

Is that one sentence? Really???? :eh:

P.S. I am sorry you had such a bad experience....
To those that responded in sympathy thanks I appreciate it, and to those that were perplexed by the story I'll simplify it...
I went to my usual stylist
She DID base my scalp
She did NOT use the relaxer I usually use because she finished it
She did NOT tell me she finished it and applied a no- lye relaxer on top of my lye relaxed hair
No- lye on top of lye= severe breakage
It took me a month to completely stop the breakage

Hope that clarifies everything.