VENT::I'm hating my hair right now...


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I decided to get a "trim" but left the shop with a mess. I'm now barely touching the top of my bra strap. I'm pretty disappointed right now to say the least. I understand that it's only hair and IT WILL GROW BACK...
However, I believe I've been attacked by a Scissor Happy Stylist. :mad:
Before last evening, my hair grew in a V and had some shorter layers. I promise before God that the longest length of my hair was about 4 inches from the top of my waist. Another thing that makes me upset with myself... I went back to a salon where I fell out with the owner. Granted when the owner trims my hair--I basically never have a problem. But the owner wasn't there last night. Now I'm paying for my lack of good judgement... Really--I should have never set foot back into that place.

Now I'm confused about what to do with my hair. The "trim" that the stylist gave me looks terrible. When I finally looked at it closely in the mirror my existing layers now look like damaged hair. He barely trimmed my layer but the longer lengths--he chopped. Before he started trimming my hair I asked how much needed to be trimmed. He showed me an inch. When he got done flipping & clipping my hair I know I lost at least 3.5 inches of hair. While he was cutting my hair I felt a strong urge to jump out of the chair and then bolt out the door! Ladies--I've never been so afraid of getting my hair trimmed in my life... I should've taken my fear as a warning.

I keep telling myself that healthy hair is more important that long hair... But honestly I can't believe how jacked my hair looks in the name of trying to be healthy... This has been the worse "trim" evarrrrrr!!!

I'm officially resigning from the waist length by Dec-05 challenge. I need to work on getting back to healthy bra length.:(
Ouch...I don't blame you for being very upset. I would have probably started crying right there in the salon! I am sorry this happened to you. But I do have to say, you have beautiful hair, and I don't know what it looks like now, but I have a feeling it is still beautiful. But I can imagine how disappointed and upset you must be. Again, so sorry. I wish I had a magic wand....but I don't. So, just sending a hug....
Sorry to hear about your experience- that sucks! I've had experiences similar to that (like the one that inspired me to come to the site) and there's something about hitting a hair length milestone that makes it even worse. My experience was a braider that actually burned my hair off to slightly past shoulder length (reason why my hair isn't as long as my May 2004- it was bottom of brastrap then- my longest ever). It's hard but don't recreate the chop in you head over and over (like I did). Now you know and knowing is half the battle (GI Joe!). I'm sure your hair is still gorgeous and it'll grow back soon.
I'm so sorry to hear about that. I had an experience like that once and I did cry when I got home. Sad how you gotta be careful about hairstylists that can't trim instead of chop!
It's okay girl. We all make unpredictable decisions with our hair. Your hair will be bra-strap (and waistlength) in no time with your fast growing hair rate! ;)

Take care and happy hair growing! :)
Oh my dear--I just read this post, and I'm so sorry this happened to you. Many hugs to you. You have beautiful hair, and I'm sure it will be back to longer than it was before. As other's mentioned, don't try to think about the chop over and over (although you need to give yourself some time to be angry). :mad: :beer: :whip:

One my friend/stylists told me that some stylists love to chop long hair because they are jealous of it! :eek: I am not a conspiracy theorist, so I was all " yeah right."

But the more I've been on hair boards and seen other's experiences, I wonder if there isn't some truth to it--I've seen stylists be totally reckless with shears. So many don't really know how to cut, so they mess up and keep having to take more off to even it. What I know is true is that many black stylists are unused to longer hair. They may admire it, but they often don't know how to style it from my experience and I think they try to cut in an attempt to get to to a length they feel they can "freak" a style on. :(

While I transition, I'm sticking to my best friend who has bra-strap length hair and who has plenty of long-haired clients who get presses (so she's used to natural hair and is not gonna trip (too hard) on me not getting a relaxer anymore).
Oh no, heres a ***cyberhug*** for you hon....I'm sure your hair is still as gorgeous as ever though, and you have no problem growing long healthy hair so you may be at waist length before you know it.

I'm still going to continue stalking your album though, you know how I am :sekret: :lol:

I know you're mad, and you deserve to be upset. Just know that your hair is gorgeous at any length!!!! Based on your staples, you'll have waist-length hair again before you know it!

Hello Everyone! I know I'm late but I've been away from the board on a trip. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your encouragement and I appreciate you all very much. I'm going to take all of your advice and not think about the "trim" anymore... I just get frustrated everytime I look at my hair. This morning I just conditioner washed my hair and threw it into a bun. I think I'll be going this for awhile... I thought I'd be over this by now but honestly I'm not...:( Oh well... it's going to grow back.:cool: