VEGAS WON! Go Vote on dates for the LHCF International Convention!


New Member
Ladies and Gentlemen.

Las Vegas won the location poll for the first all location LHCF convention.

Next up is choosing a date. So far Memorial day weekend 2007 (May 28th 2007) and any random weekend in June have been suggested.

Please go to the thread and post you ideas for the specific weekend in June, suggest another date OR vote for Memorial day 2007.

THe convention will be a big success if we can get dates finalized and plan early.

Here is the link -
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Vegas is a great venue but any holiday weekend is going to be a ZOO for ladies needing to stay overnight! =(
I use to live in Vegas, you guys don't want to go on a holiday weekend because the hotels rates will be double and also airfare will be pretty steep!