Vatika Frosting from HairVeda problem...


New Member
I recently ordered some from someone besides HairVeda and just received it in the mail today. Unfortunately it has completely melted :(

I was wondering if it's still safe to use, and if it will go back to the normal consistency if I just place it in the fridge. What is the consistency supposed to be like? Right now it's nothing but oil :lachen:
It essentially coconut oil and it acts like coconut oil acts in that it solidifies at room temp and liquid when it's hot. It's still ok.
Yes it does!!!! I rubbed some into my hands and I keep smelling them :lachen:
I can't wait to use it in my hair :yep:

This stuff is one of my staples. But during the Winter time be wary that it might solidify in your hair because of the cold temperature.
I walked around smelling like buttercream for 2 days because of that stuff!!! LOVE IT! I also ordered it from someone other than the store and it was melted. That's going to happen. I put it in the fridge for a few hours and I haven't had a problem since (except for trying to eat my own hair :lachen:)!
Completely safe. It's coconut oil based and will solidify at like 76 degrees or under. I actually prefer to use it when it's melted. It's kinda annoying to use in it's solid form.