UV protection for hair?


New Member
Hi ladies it's Spring :grin:! I'm really pleased because I can do a lot more with my hair during the Spring.

However, I'm uncomfortable about the sun shining on my hair everywhere I go. I probably need a hat to protect my hair, but I can't always wear a hat.

I was wondering, do any of you ladies use UV protection on your hair? If so which products? Those who don't, do you make your own UV protection? Would heat protectants work just as well? I hit the search function but couldn't find a threat specifically stating UV protection for hair. I hope someone can help. :look:
lol I have family living damn near on the equator and they still have hair on their heads so I'm not sure how much damage UV does to (nonwhite) hair.
So no I don't use UV protection
Some may not agree, but.......

I'm an Engineer and work outside all year long. When I got serious about my hair journey, I started researching to see if there was something I could add to my L-I's and DC's to offer sun-protection for my hair.

I purchased Red Raspberry Seed Oil from fromnaturewithlove.com in 2010 and add a small amt. to my L-I's and DC's.

Red Raspberry Seed Oil possesses an exceptionally high proportion of alpha and gamma tocopherols (Vitamin E), vitamin A and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In a study done on the properties of Red Raspberry Seed Oil, the oil showed absorbance in the UV-B and UV-C ranges suggesting that it may be useful as a broad spectrum UV protectant in skin care formulations (Oomah et al, 2000). Red Raspberry Oil is rich in alpha linolenic acid suggesting pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, thus it may be an effective oil to use in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions.

Try this oil and see if offers some protection. I've had my 8 oz. bottle for 2 years.

BTW, I'm in Florida and the sun is murder on my hair!
If I remember correctly (because I'm too lazy to look it up), Jane Carter Solutions products offer UV protection. I don't know the specific ingredient to look for, but I could swear that's on her product labels.

And yes, UV protection is a good thing, especially those with color.

Macadamia oil offers natural UV protection. I'm going to seal with it throughout the summer.

Agreed with the macadamia nut oil....

Add Rice Bran Oil to the list of natural UV protectants....I forgot about it in my earlier post, but I use it, too, as protection for my hair.

Rice Bran Oil is high in fatty acids and rich in unsaponifiables. Rice Bran Oil is a natural antioxidant and also offers a small degree of sunscreen protection. (Please note, however, that you will not be able to determine the exact SPF of your product without testing and you cannot market SPF products without a license to do so.) Rice Bran Oil is moisturizing and is a good choice for inclusion in formulations intended for mature, delicate or sensitive skin. Rice Bran Oil is especially useful in baby, face and hair formulations
I'm looking for something that keeps my hair from turning a "reddish sandy brown" from the summer sun when bunning. Is there an actual OTC product that addresses this?
I really need to use something because my hair (as well is skin) is sensitive to heat damage from the sun. I use grape seed oil for the most part on my hair to seal. My hair does highlight naturally, but it comes with a dry crispy hair price.

It's already hot in FL and I want to go through this summer well prepared with UV protection. Does anyone have an exhaustive listing of what oils offer UV protection?

Supergirl Nonie topnotch1010, ladies do you have suggestions?

Nonie, I know you don't use much product but wanted to see if you have insight on this topic.
I don't know if you were looking for a leave in but this stuff is pretty good, and it has sun protection.

divachyk, I wear hats throughout the summer and spend very little time outdoors so I've never really considered other UV protection for my hair.
divachyk thanks for the tag! I'll look into some of the oils listed above and see what type of UV protection they offer. We are working out outside as a family now and doing other stuff, so I will be outside more than ever this year.

I'm bunning this summer, but I don't want this Texas sun to destroy all my hair efforts.
divachyk thanks for the tag! I'll look into some of the oils listed above and see what type of UV protection they offer. We are working out outside as a family now and doing other stuff, so I will be outside more than ever this year.

I'm bunning this summer, but I don't want this Texas sun to destroy all my hair efforts.

If you're going to be outside quite a bit I recommend a hat or scarf. I learned the hard way how much the sun can damage your hair. When its warm/hot I hardly go out without a hat these days.
Well, I wear hats and wraps more times in the year than not, so I guess my exposure is less than that of many. :grin:
this is the first summer ive really been serious about my hair and since Im a teacher, im outside up a couple of hours a day. Sun protection is very important to me and now I want my hair to be protected. Thanks for all the oil suggestions, some of these I already have.
I use gobs of shea butter for prolonged periods of being in the bright sun. I'm outdoorsy and my hair will bleach blonde if I'm not careful. I also have a good habit of wearing hats. I protect my hair from the sun just like I do my skin.

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I use green tea butter in BARE Whipped Butter (green tea butter, kokum butter, coconut oil, vitamin e, and lemon oil). The green tea butter is a natural spf
I am good on LIs...just looking for added protection via oils. I have sesame, coconut and avocado on hand. I use avocado almost daily. I used sesame today and liked how my hair felt. I'll keep these two in rotation for now. Thanks ladies!