Using NO-LYE Shouldn't Be A Problem If.....


Well-Known Member
a chelating shampoo is used right?

I'm in the process of deciding to switch from lye to no-lye b/c ever since I've been using lye my hair has gone from great to bad to worse. :( I cannot even begin to explain what has happened to my hair since I have switched to lye and I don't think you'll believe me when I tell you the state my hair is in now. :nono:

Anyway, when I didn't know that lye was "bad" I used no-lye "Just For Me" (yes, the kiddie perm) with no problems that I was aware of. But that could be due to the fact that I was never aware of REAL proper hair care to begin with. So I switched to affirm instantly when I realized this (BIG mistake). Anyway, I've switched relaxers almost every relaxer time since and the last relaxer was the last straw. I realized that lye is just NOT for me.

BUT now that I know more about hair care, I am REALLY scared of switching to no-lye due to the calcium. I don't want the discoloration of hair (which I now realize I had) or the excessive dryness and possible unnecessary breakage. So I was wondering if I used a chelating shampoo, either at neutralizing time or just using one in general, if that would offset the calcium build-up, allowing me to enjoy no-lye with no problems.

What do you ladies think?

ETA: I would love to use phyto, but it doesn't look worth the extra cash just yet and I don't have extra money to be wasting. So I'm thinking of trying 'regular' no-lyes first, and if that doesn't work, then I'll be happy to jump on the Phyto wagon. :)
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I made the switch after trying "higher" end lye relaxers with no success. I used affirm and mizani and was so disappointed with both. I've used phyto for the past year with great results. Its an investment, but the no-lye phyto relaxer has transformed my hair.

Another no-lye that gets great raves is the ors olive olive oil relaxer, plus it'll only run you about $5.

As far as the chelating shampoo, i cant really answer that... but i haven't noticed any dryness assoiciated with using no-lyes. I neutralize very well and will never go back to relaxing with a lye relaxer
I used ORS no lye about two weeks ago with great success. Their Aloe shampoo is said to be used as a neutralizing shampoo as well as weekly to remove calcium build up. I believe that any shampoo that removes calcium will help for no lye.
I guess I shouldn't be as worried then. I was just thinking that the chelating poo would be a good idea.

Thanks ladies for responding.
And all of you have beautiful hair indeed. :yep:

So if I can splurge, phyto it is. But if not, I'll be torn between Profectiv and ORS.