using neutralizing shampoo...

I havent used shampoo in a long time but Im thinking of picking up the ORS creamy aloe cause it chelates as well. I reckon I will use the shampoo once every 6 weeks or so. Im natural btw.
Good question because I was thinking of adding the ORS Creamy Aloe to my regimen when it's time to cleanse since it does such a great job after my relaxer and leaves it so soft.
Good to know that other people do this also. I used neutralizing shampoo frequently years ago. I used a lot of styling products back then. But back then I didn't know alot about taking care of my hair. I'm thinking about trying this again at least once a month, and I just wanted to make sure I'm not doing anything damaging.
I would use the ORS one to chelate/clarify but the others are way too drying IMO.

I wouldn't use any of them for a weekly shampoo.
I used to clarify once and sometimes twice a month, but now that I use way less products with cones, I only clarify when my hair has build up or when it feels like I need it.

This can now be once a month to once every 8 weeks. It all depends on which of my products I used the most in a given month. Even many of the leave-ins and daily moisturizers I use now do not have any cones in them.

I now purchase way less shampoo than I used to, no matter what type they are. I use far more conditioners and I purchase conditioners to shampoo in the ratio of like 10:1.


I like to use gentler clarifyers like CON Clarifying Poo, Aubrey Organics Gren Tea Clarifying Poo, Elucence Clarifying Poo often but I also use Mizani Puriphyl, Mizani Phormula 7 after a relaxer and ORS Aloe Clarifying Poo after washing my hair in hard water and when my build-up seem a bit stubborn.
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