Using ApHogee on a schedule?


New Member
Do you use the ApHogee Treatment for Damaged Hair (the liquid one that makes your hair hard) on a timed schedule? I know that it says to use it every 6 weeks and my last application was 6 weeks ago, BUT my hair is doing extremely well right now.

Does this sound like a case of "if it aint broke, dont fix it"? :perplexed I really dont want to mess up the good thing that I have going right now. :look:
I do, but on an 8 week schedule. If my hair seems to be in particularly good shape, then I extended it depending on how I'm doing. I learned that my hair depended on it and when I extended too long, I started to see breakage even though I thought I didn't need it.
I use it about every 5 to 6 weeks, but I try to also be aware of what else I am using on my hair. If the products I am currently using contain a lot of protein, I will wait and use the aphogee at another time.
I use it on an as needed basis-- always with at least 6 weeks in between applications. I've been fairly successful balancing my protein throughout my regimen so I can almost do without it all together. I've had the same bottle for almost 2+ years now with plenty left to go.:lol:
goldensensation said:
Do you use the ApHogee Treatment for Damaged Hair (the liquid one that makes your hair hard) on a timed schedule? I know that it says to use it every 6 weeks and my last application was 6 weeks ago, BUT my hair is doing extremely well right now.

Does this sound like a case of "if it aint broke, dont fix it"? :perplexed I really dont want to mess up the good thing that I have going right now. :look:

if ur hair is ok at the moment then dont bother.

how on earth do u know when u need one anyway?i aint ever done one but how would you know? when hair is breaking loooots?
i love the way it makes my hair feel real strong after each use. i planned to ise it once every 6weeks but my hairs stayed strong so i didnt bother- BUT i do always do it the wash (or second wash) after iv miniglided my hair. i dont do it often but when i do i make sure i give it a treatment to give back some strength- i think it works!
Candy_C said:
if ur hair is ok at the moment then dont bother.

how on earth do u know when u need one anyway?i aint ever done one but how would you know? when hair is breaking loooots?

I normally just use it the last wash before my touch-ups to build up my hair before the relaxer process. So since I relax every 12-16 weeks, that means that I'd be doing it half as much as a person who does the treatment every 6 weeks.

I just wondered if doing it every 6 or so weeks would benefit me, but I guess maybe it wouldnt. I deep condition my hair twice a week anyway. :smirk:
When I initially purchased it (had a horrible case of shedding), I said i was going to be diligent and use it every 6 weeks, but due to all that i have learned here and my use of protein in some of my other products i use on a more consistent basis, I have only had to use it twice in the last year and a half. So I guess the answer is that I use on an "as needed" basis.

The first time that I used Aphogee, it worked well then I started using it on a schedule and that's where the trouble started. I only use it now the week after a relaxer, which I may cut out all together. I think Emergencee is better for my hair.

I say PLEASE don't use it unless you need it.