Used Emergencee for breakage, now what??


New Member
Okay ladies. I had some serious breakage going on. I used Nexxus Emergencee (Melodee's method) yesterday. And I definitely see less breakage. But that's the thing, there is STILL breakage. So what do I do now???

Do I need to get a hold of DRC next time? Some people say that's better than Emergencee? And if so, how soon can I use it? What do I need to do to nurse my hair back to health? Do I need to use a lighter protein treatment like Keraphix every week? Do I need to condition wash daily?? Please help!!! I want to acheive the healthy, no breaking hair that a lot of you have acheived.
I kind of see Emergencee, or any hard protein treatment, as your initial visit to a hospital. After that, you have to continue therapy and be extra careful to maintain and improve your new health. I wouldn't suggest overloading your hair on protein. IMHO, the best way to stop breakage is to really incorporate a healthy regimen with a good moisture/protein balance. Meanwhile, keep thinking about what you do to your hair throughout the week and try out eliminating certain things one at a time to find the breakage culprit (ie manipulation, wrapping, combing, brushing, flat ironing, lack of moisture)...something is contributing. And also try to keep the areas that are breaking super moisturized. Some people also use heavy protein treatments, followed by a deep moisturizing conditioner, once a week on a wash day. So maybe this could help you too. I occasionally use a milder protein conditioner, Keraphix. Also, if you're looking for a good product, I bought some BBD Stretch and it really makes a difference for me. Protein helps my hair but makes it stiffen so I can't use it too often, but BBD Stretch really makes it strong and serves as a heat protectant, too. It's a bit expensive though, so I would try out other methods before running out for more products. Alrighty, HHG! :o
The breakage might not be protein derived. It make be from lack of moisture. Try upping your moisture game. I would forget about the protein for a while.
Okay, thanks ladies. I think moisture is my problem. So how do I keep it super moisturized? I'm going to start the baggie method, I know that will help. What else??

I am a PJ already. I have bought several things. I have 3 different NTM products and Protectiv Break Free. I have heard so many things about QP Mango Butter that I want to go buy some. But if you think the above products will do fine, then I'll just do that. I'm lying. I'm still gonna go buy Mango Butter!!!:D That's the PJ coming out. It's hard to tame. Is there a PJA (Product Junkie Anonymous)?????