UPdated ALbum...big news..;-)


New Member
well i got bored and took my braids out..i was tired of the relaxed ends so i decided to go ahead and get rid of them...i was transitioning for 8 months and 3 weeks..very close to 9 but..i plan to get braids in later but right now ..im experimentin ..with my new "found hair" the products im using are ic gel wit sparklelites and elasta glaze they were around the house..lol...im savin up for bbd glass and the kinky curly custard and jessicurl gelebration spray..oh lol im becomin a junkie already oh well i can wish cant i ..but its twisted in sum pics and un raveled i got to take sum wet shots im still trying to determine my texture...i think there are three hopefully u ladies can help......so enjoy..feel free to leave comments..happy hair growing ladies...stay blessed ill be postin wet hair pics soon...stay posted..;-)
Your hair looks great! It grew alot in 8 months. Also, your eyebrows are so darn neat! I like your whole look.

Congrats on the BC.
shelli4018 said:
Your hair looks great! It grew alot in 8 months. Also, your eyebrows are so darn neat! I like your whole look.

Congrats on the BC.

congrats on becoming a natural!! Looks great!!
Congrats!! That style is too cute on you... it's funny because whenever I browse albums (naturals) I always check to see how much hair people have around 8-9 months in case I BC. You and I started transitioning around the same time, so I'll definitely be checking your album a lot! You look great!
KiSseS03,Catina72,USCgirl08,shelli4018...thankyou soo much i was a lil nervous at first...then decided ive got so much to gain by doing this ill update sum more today ...happy healthy growing ladies..now on to products...what do u ladies use that work well on ur hair...let me know...please...:-)
thankya soo much so1913 and tropicexotic you both are natural inspirations to me i appreciate ur comments greatly...
thankya Cinnabuns and *Bre~Bre* both of u have luvely heads of hair ill be sure to keep everyone updated...happy healthy growing ladies..:-)
Your hair looks very nice!! Thanks for sharing you and your hair are very pretty. Welcome to the nappy side! :D
Congrats :clap: your hair looks great! ;) I saw your post in the Transitioner's Support thread but had to tell you congrats again.

How many inches of natural hair did you end up with?
both you and your hair are beautiful....the napptural look really accentuates your features...keep up the good work....
thankya everyone im still rockin this puff as for how many inches i ended up with...hmm im guess in 4 maybe 5 but ill be updatin work has got me busy..ty for the support ladies you all have beautiful hair....happy healthy growing...