Update to my album

Your hair is really on the move!!! It looks great. Keep the pics coming. I wanna see some more :)
You made some great progress! :clap: Your hair is just beautiful! :)

I have a question: How often do you straighten your hair? when you were natural? and now that you're texturized?
Poohbear said:
You made some great progress! :clap: Your hair is just beautiful! :)

I have a question: How often do you straighten your hair? when you were natural? and now that you're texturized?
Thank you everyone :D . I'm still rusty at the digital camera thing, so I'm reading up in the manual so I don't feel as lost.

Poohbear: I straighten my hair whenever I wash it. I do a wash, rollerset, and then either a blowout, or I flatiron. So I do this about 50x a year, which is about once a week.

When I was natural I did the same thing. I keep my hair straight by either wrapping it, or piling my hair high onto my head and then tieing up with a scarf.

I haven't changed too much on the straightening from when I was natural.
Lookin' good Skegeesmb. You're at bra strap already. Congrats!!!

I got a new digital camera for Christmas too. I can't wait until touch-up time to take better pictures.
Very nice. Amazing growth. You'll be at waist-length soon at the rate your hair grows! It's so thick and healthy too!!
:). Thank you everyone. I'm telling you I may have gained 3.5 inches. I cut twice this year, I had some funky looking ends. And even though I was doing the baggie challenge I was trying to keep those funky ends. I knew I had to cut, but I didn't want to.

So I cut off about 3 inches of hair over the year. I kept half of my growth.