Update on the 8 month braid challenge


New Member
How are you ladies doing with this challenge? I have had a lot of new growth thanks to Surge, S8 and Glover's Mane. I will probably take my hair out in the two weeks and wear a phony pony until I can decide what style to get next. My braider has suggested human hair but I am not doing the microbraids. Come on let's hear some updates
Hi KathyMay.
I'm going to take my zillions out in about two weeks and give my hair a break before going into cornrows. I may relax somewhere in there. I'm going to self relax for the first time (properly) and I don't want too much new growth to overwhlem me. I agree about not getting micros. Stick to thicker braids. I know I will from now on.
I have braids a little bit bigger than a #2 pencil size right now. It takes me about 5 hours to do them. I've had them for 3 weeks. I will keep them for another 2 to 3 weeks. This is my 3rd month in braids. I have a wedding to go to in April, so I was thinking about relaxing my hair. But, it will be just 2 more months until summer and the end of my braid challenge by that time so I'm contemplating not relaxing and go the whole 8 months without relaxing. :D
Thanks for even starting this girl :kiss:
I just got my hair braided today... since my relaxer, i got about a 1/2" new growth. I plan on using WGO every other day and surge 2x day on my scalp. I'll probably throw in a little s-curl if needed. I will leave these braids in for about 3 weeks, leave my hair out for a week (bun it), and rebraid it again... and start the cycle over.
I took out the braid weave combo I put in early to mid December. Yesterday I washed, did a protein treatment followed by a moisturizing treatment and actually rollerset my 3.5 month post relaxer hair on black rollers. I was very happy to find that the soft bonnet dryer I got off of ebay can hold that size rollers. Also my hair dried in less than 2 hours. So as soon as my hair gets here, I'll be going to Fa to get my hair done again.
CaramelHonee said:
Thanks for even starting this girl :kiss:
I just got my hair braided today... since my relaxer, i got about a 1/2" new growth. I plan on using WGO every other day and surge 2x day on my scalp. I'll probably throw in a little s-curl if needed. I will leave these braids in for about 3 weeks, leave my hair out for a week (bun it), and rebraid it again... and start the cycle over.

CH Your cornrows look gorgeous!!!!!! That is how I want my cornrows to look. I might have to show my braider your picture so she will understand.
Wow CaramelHonee! :shocked: Your braids are beautiful! :love: I might have to get my hair like this for the summer and then do something like you are doing: wear for three weeks, then give my hair and rest, and get it rebraided! Y'all are so creative! :)
Hey ladies I used the braid video and did mine on the 14th. I have not been consistent with anything (I know bad girl). But starting tomorrow I will surge 2x a day and wash every other day, I promise!!! Queneesha
Thanks ya'll. The spot I went too had some really creative styles so you won't see me with the same thing twice for this entire 8 month period :)
CH- Your cornrows are so beautiful, I might do something simliar next :)

Right now I have twists. I'll be taking them out in about 3 weeks. I don't have as much growth as I expected, but I keep surgin' on.
CH - your 'row look BEAUTIFUL. I love when braiders feed the hair like that so you can't even tell extensions have been added :)

I modified the challenge to do more of a crown n glory thing (2 months in braids, 2 out), so I'm not scheduled to be back in braids until late February. Because I'm getting tired of doing my hair, however, I'm considering braiding up in about a week or two.
miss_brown said:
CH - your 'row look BEAUTIFUL. I love when braiders feed the hair like that so you can't even tell extensions have been added :)

I modified the challenge to do more of a crown n glory thing (2 months in braids, 2 out), so I'm not scheduled to be back in braids until late February. Because I'm getting tired of doing my hair, however, I'm considering braiding up in about a week or two.

were extensions added:confused:

Your hair is lovely, in and out of braids:)
Hey ladies,

I just got my hair twisted on Saturday, so I will be jumping in on this challenge!

I really need support because I hope to keep this set of twists in for 8 weeks (crossing fingers). The braider did an excellent job, and after two days I am finally getting used to the weight of the additional hair. I have even found some cute ways to "style" them, namely variations on pulling them back into ponytails/updos.

If I succeed, it will be the longest I have ever gone without manipulating my own hair. Close friends are betting that they will be out in less than 2 weeks-they have no faith in my ability to commit to a hairstyle.

I have to be strong! LOL! I am at the "hump" in terms of hair length. If I can get past this stage- the nebulous area between braclasp and waist- I think I will definitely hit waist by the end of the year (Chicoro has me MOTIVATED!). If I keep playing around with my hair and styling it all the time I may never get there. I am also trying to a do modified Crown-and-Glory method until the summer (8 weeks in, 2 weeks out).

Good luck everyone and happy hair growing!


P.S.- How frequently do we check-in?
Oshun - i was thinking about starting a monthly thread (but feel free to start one in between if the need arises). I think it's a good idea that we stay "connected" just in case anybody is falling off.
It also would be nice if members could post pictures of their braids/twist, etc. just to give some of the other members some more ideas on styles ;)
CaramelHonee said:
Oshun - i was thinking about starting a monthly thread (but feel free to start one in between if the need arises). I think it's a good idea that we stay "connected" just in case anybody is falling off.

Okay, CH, that sounds great!

I guess this post could count for our February check-in since tomorrow is the first. Knowing me, I will probably have to post every few days and whine about how I want to take them out! I am so glad you started this challenge:)

Do you know how many members are on the challenge?

Is there a post with everyone's regimen? I know I'm jumping in late, so I don't want to repeat information. I was thinking about relying on AJD's instructions because they are so thorough, but it would be great to see how everyone is keeping their braids up, esp. those who have had success with this method.

Posting pics is definitely a good idea. I enjoyed looking at your cornrows (they are so pretty it made me consider cornrows in the future, although that will require me to overcome my five-head phobia:)) and I think it will keep us motivated if we see many attractive options. I will try to have mine up sometime tonight!
Girl please...i got a head AND a widows peak. As long as the style you get isn't straight back, you will be straight. :)

There are at least 20 ppl on the original challenge... If I can find it, I will post their names here.
I would like to jump on the braid challenge but would like to start it in the summer. :) I never thought about getting cornrows off and on. I'm still afraid of individuals. I look forward to this challenge in the future! ;)
WOW... we have A LOTTT of ppl on this challenge. I didn't realize that. Some are doing 4 months, others r doing the entire 8 months.

Nfynit 812

OshunCurls said:
If I succeed, it will be the longest I have ever gone without manipulating my own hair. Close friends are betting that they will be out in less than 2 weeks-they have no faith in my ability to commit to a hairstyle

Be strong, girl. I think the longer you keep them in the less the desire to take them out. Use the time you would have spent on your hair doing something else.
CandiceC said:
Be strong, girl. I think the longer you keep them in the less the desire to take them out. Use the time you would have spent on your hair doing something else.

Thanks for the encouragement, Candice!

You are so right- I'm liking these twists more and more as time goes on. I can just throw them back in a ponytail and be done! I don't have to worry about what I will have to do after working out, or about my ends being exposed in this cold New England weather, or devoting hours to a rollerset.

But I will probably end up replacing the time I would spend on my hair on LHCF! :)

Are you in braids rights now, too? How's it going?
CaramelHonee said:
Girl please...i got a head AND a widows peak. As long as the style you get isn't straight back, you will be straight. :)

There are at least 20 ppl on the original challenge... If I can find it, I will post their names here.

LOLOL @ head AND widows peak!!! Whatever, CH- I don't believe it- I see no evidence in your photos!

I honestly would like to experiment with cornrows, though- I will definitely not get them straight back. I was thinking about trying them out in the summer...

I'm glad there are so many people on this challenge! It's funny because now that I have twists I am much more aware of other people who are wearing braids or twisted styles. I find myself thinking, "Hmmmm- are they doing that to retain length/minimize manipulation or is it just their preferred style? Do they have a regimen? What moisturizers are they using?" Crazy, I know...:)
I'm going to be joining you guys next weekend! :yay: Thanks to Shawnee and CaramelHonee's suggestions, I'm going to Fa to put my braids back in. It's a trek to get there from Brooklyn, but if they're good I don't care. And they're no more expensive than the places in downtown Brooklyn I used to go to. I'll probably maintain braids for 6 months (3 months at a time), then leave the hair out afterwards depending on how much growth I get. The growth you get with braids is darn near addictive. :lol: I achieved my goal of growing out my center, which had broken off to about an inch, to close to 8 1/2 inches. :yay:

I'll stop hijacking y'alls thread. You can probably tell that I like that bouncy icon, huh?:grin: Happy growing!
I'm about to take my braids out and do some washing, conditioning, etc. I've been using olive oil and surge. I will rebraid my hair in about a week because I can't stand to be bothered with it or it just could be that I've grown lazy with my hair being in braids. I think I will keep the same sort of style that I had before. Like some other people on here, I'm not into micros right now but maybe when I can take sitting on my tush for a small amount of time I will ultimately do it. I'm also proud to say that my braids don't itch like it was in the beginning which makes the process tolerable.
Hmmm.. 4 months? I think I could do that... I know I wouldn't make it 8 though. The temptation to wear my fro out is just too great.