Update: Lenzi's Request

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Back in February of this year, I started using Lenzi Request. Wasn't too sure how it would work, if at all. I must report that after my BC in August, I began to use this again 3 nights a week, just rubbing a little in my scalp. My hair is growing like a weed!!! I know I take vitamins etc, but I can tell it's the Lenzi's Request because when I was using it before the big cut, it was growing at the same rate and I wasn't taking any of the vitamins I'm taking now.

I'm not trying to cause PJ'isms at all, just telling my story. ;)

I am going to order another jar of this stuff...for me, its that good!

Here is a link to the thread I started back in February:


Anyone else who started it back then or before seen results like I have? Let's hear about it!

Does anyone have photo results from using this product?

It gets talked about a lot but there's never any pictures
wow i actually brought this out the other night and used it on my scalp i may try to start using again....im so inconsistent when it comes to using products...i would love to see other peoples results from this product....
Nice & Wavy said:
Back in February of this year, I started using Lenzi Request. Wasn't too sure how it would work, if at all. I must report that after my BC in August, I began to use this again 3 nights a week, just rubbing a little in my scalp. My hair is growing like a weed!!! I know I take vitamins etc, but I can tell it's the Lenzi's Request because when I was using it before the big cut, it was growing at the same rate and I wasn't taking any of the vitamins I'm taking now.

I'm not trying to cause PJ'isms at all, just telling my story. ;)

I am going to order another jar of this stuff...for me, its that good!

Here is a link to the thread I started back in February:


Anyone else who started it back then or before seen results like I have? Let's hear about it!


I have a problematic area i want to grow out. My right front temple is thin...I guess this might be the answer to all my worries. i will purchase it and try it on my temples...especially my right one.:look:
I have been wanting to try this to grow my temple area on my left side back in fuller. I'm thinking about purchasing Lenzi's request, ORS fertilizing serum, or Viatress Biotin Cream soo I am going to following this thread to hear the responses:)
i have a jar but I have only used it once so far
I love the texture and the tingle but it's too soon to post progress results
It feels real good on my scalp!!
I have been using Lenzi Request for about a year now. I have not been too consistent with it these past couple of weeks but I have to say the length of my hair is due to this product, it truly is a Godsend. I will never stop using, because when I need that extra increase in hair growth I just use it for like 2 weeks straight and I see a big difference.
Ellis said:
I have been using Lenzi Request for about a year now. I have not been too consistent with it these past couple of weeks but I have to say the length of my hair is due to this product, it truly is a Godsend. I will never stop using, because when I need that extra increase in hair growth I just use it for like 2 weeks straight and I see a big difference.

I know, me too! One of the posters requested pics...I tried to send them last night, had everything in order, and "Poof" my computer when on the blink. I was too upset. I'm going to try again tonight to show some difference. I don't have pics immediately following the BC, but I do have pics and have started an album to show the difference since using it again after my bc.

I need to order more. It is a Godsend!
I'm so glad you started this up. I just got mines this weekend and I will start using it tonight after I wash my hair.

Are you using capzacin (sp.) with it? Its surpose to speed thing up but I just can't get myself to buy it.

Ellis said:
I have been using Lenzi Request for about a year now. I have not been too consistent with it these past couple of weeks but I have to say the length of my hair is due to this product, it truly is a Godsend. I will never stop using, because when I need that extra increase in hair growth I just use it for like 2 weeks straight and I see a big difference.

how often during a week would u use it...i was just going thru your album and looking at ur growth....and do you remember exactly when you started using it? and how much growth would u say you would get each month?
ok so i just ran to www.sunriseproductsonline.com and bought this stuff
and guess what?
i now realize i am a true PJ, my mom is going to be so mad at me
This stuff better work
But I'm using MTG, i dont think I should use both
Maybe I'll switch to this for a few months
Okay Im done
EbonyPerez said:
ok so i just ran to www.sunriseproductsonline.com and bought this stuff
and guess what?
i now realize i am a true PJ, my mom is going to be so mad at me
This stuff better work
But I'm using MTG, i dont think I should use both
Maybe I'll switch to this for a few months
Okay Im done

You did not just say Free Shipping?? That is the only reason I never ordered it. Running over now.
EbonyPerez said:
yes boo!
thats the only reason why i just got it!

Thanks for the info Ebony. I just made my order with free shipping also. :up:
I just refused to pay that 7.00 shipping and spend 17.00 on 1 jar of product.
i was thrilled
have you used this before??

Letitia said:
Thanks for the info Ebony. I just made my order with free shipping also. :up:
I just refused to pay that 7.00 shipping and spend 17.00 on 1 jar of product.
I'm still using this product--don't do hair pics. :ohwell: I definitely see results esp. when I use it in combination with my hair vitamins. I wonder if the free shipping is still available... :scratchch
i just got it today
umm how do you use it?
b/c i am unsure how to apply it and how often

Lanelle said:
I'm still using this product--don't do hair pics. :ohwell: I definitely see results esp. when I use it in combination with my hair vitamins. I wonder if the free shipping is still available... :scratchch
Lanelle said:
I'm still using this product--don't do hair pics. :ohwell: I definitely see results esp. when I use it in combination with my hair vitamins. I wonder if the free shipping is still available... :scratchch

Yes, I just got it today also.

Ebony, I have't used it before but I have been watching this product for a LONG time. I even called and talked to the lady. She is really sweet.
I thought free shipping was for the day after thanksgiving. I didn't notice the free shipping on her website today??? I am waiting till Friday to order.
EbonyPerez said:
i just got it today
umm how do you use it?
b/c i am unsure how to apply it and how often

I apply it to my scalp twice a week! I have a heavy hand and the "grease" is not too light so be careful and *try* to apply lightly. Thanks for the heads up on the free shipping! I just placed an order for two additional jars! I was thinking about ordering three jars but Paypal was acting up and I'm not sure if the order processed even though I did get a confirmation from the Sunrise website. :ohwell:
See? Why ya'll gotta start something? Bringing out my PJ. I was content to sit here and read comments about all kinds of product. This one has definitely peaked my interest. Ya'll ain't right... :lachen:
gn1g said:
I thought free shipping was for the day after thanksgiving. I didn't notice the free shipping on her website today??? I am waiting till Friday to order.

I didnt see it on the website either. BUT ...when I checked out, it said FREE Shipping. So if anyone wants to get it now, the shipping is free.
I got the order and shipping confirmation tonight!!!!! Letitia....your secret is safe with me :)!

giggles...thanks girlie.;)

January Noir...I was trying to resist but that Free Shipping was screaming my name!
Almost done with my first jar....glad I saw this thread....just ordered two more jars with FREE SHIPPING!! :grin:

Dont ask me about results though....:look: I have natural hair so its hard to tell what is growing when, at what rate, etc....I think its working though and it all natural and works for greasing my scalp...so Im rolling with it for now :)