Update: Jabez knew what he was praying about


Well-Known Member
Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that it not be to my sorrow! God granted him that which he requested.

I started the Jabez again a while ago and God took me up out and deeper than ever. Things have been coming, happening, and I give all glory to God for hearing my prayers. I am now a full time PERMANANT employee. I am in school full time again, I am learning to deal with my kids in new ways and they are actually behaving much better. Homelife is peaceful once again. The grass is greener(I mean, literally, it's greener, lol) I've joined the dance ministry at church which is something I would have never EVER done. I've been receiving Words of wisdom from God from lots of different ways and I am paying close attention to how God can speak to us through people. He is awesome. My credit score has jumped 20 points in two months. Going from temp to perm I got a two dollar raise, My electic bill has gone down. I keep my gas tank full now. I am cheerfully able to tithe regularly without thinking about what else I could be doing with the money, because God is taking care of me and making sure that everything is in order so that I don't even have to give it a second thought.

Y'all. God it good. He is faithful and no matter how much you feel the struggle is going on in your life, you HAVE to press on. You are his testimony. And when he does things in our lives that seem impossible, he deserves recognition.

When the enemy tries to defeat you. . .give praise to God in advance of him getting you through the situation. the song says "praise will confuse the enemy."

Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that it not be to my sorrow! God granted him that which he requested.

I started the Jabez again a while ago and God took me up out and deeper than ever. Things have been coming, happening, and I give all glory to God for hearing my prayers. I am now a full time PERMANANT employee. I am in school full time again, I am learning to deal with my kids in new ways and they are actually behaving much better. Homelife is peaceful once again. The grass is greener(I mean, literally, it's greener, lol) I've joined the dance ministry at church which is something I would have never EVER done. I've been receiving Words of wisdom from God from lots of different ways and I am paying close attention to how God can speak to us through people. He is awesome. My credit score has jumped 20 points in two months. Going from temp to perm I got a two dollar raise, My electic bill has gone down. I keep my gas tank full now. I am cheerfully able to tithe regularly without thinking about what else I could be doing with the money, because God is taking care of me and making sure that everything is in order so that I don't even have to give it a second thought.

Y'all. God it good. He is faithful and no matter how much you feel the struggle is going on in your life, you HAVE to press on. You are his testimony. And when he does things in our lives that seem impossible, he deserves recognition.

When the enemy tries to defeat you. . .give praise to God in advance of him getting you through the situation. the song says "praise will confuse the enemy."


Bless God

I am so happy for you.:yep:

God is so good.

I was thinking about you.

Thank you for this. :yep:
Thank you for posting this. This thread inspired me to read The Prayer of Jabez again. I've come across the book either on my nightstand or in one of the drawers of my nightstand several times over the past week. I read this thread earlier today and decided I would start reading the book again tonight. Well, when I went to look for it I couldn't find it. I only take it as a sign that something wonderful will come out of me reading this book again. Thank you.
Thank you for posting this. This thread inspired me to read The Prayer of Jabez again. I've come across the book either on my nightstand or in one of the drawers of my nightstand several times over the past week. I read this thread earlier today and decided I would start reading the book again tonight. Well, when I went to look for it I couldn't find it. I only take it as a sign that something wonderful will come out of me reading this book again. Thank you.

Please find that book, read it and do share your testimony, cuz I know that God is miraculous.
Congratulations. I say this prayer everyday along with the 23rd. Psalm and the Lords Prayer before leaving the house. I believe in it and the WORD OF GOD. I pray God gives me the strength to be better and better every day, increasing my faith and my crooked path to one of the straight and narrow.
I bought copies for my kids, they have one for older kids and one for small children and I think I will have then focus on this over the summer.
Please find that book, read it and do share your testimony, cuz I know that God is miraculous.

I know that many blessings will come out of this, but I do want to share what has happened to far. I couldn’t find my book, despite searching high and low. I decided that I would just go out and buy another copy since it’s not expensive. I left work a little early so I could stop at the bookstore before picking up my daughter from daycare. I went over to the “religion” section and looked and looked and looked for the book. Just when I was getting ready to give up, there was ONE copy of the book. I’m not even sure if it was in the correct spot, but there it was. I felt like God knew that I would go to that bookstore, so He set aside a copy just for me.
I know that many blessings will come out of this, but I do want to share what has happened to far. I couldn’t find my book, despite searching high and low. I decided that I would just go out and buy another copy since it’s not expensive. I left work a little early so I could stop at the bookstore before picking up my daughter from daycare. I went over to the “religion” section and looked and looked and looked for the book. Just when I was getting ready to give up, there was ONE copy of the book. I’m not even sure if it was in the correct spot, but there it was. I felt like God knew that I would go to that bookstore, so He set aside a copy just for me.

that's awesome. Can't wait for your testimony. For anyone else. . .the Dollar Tree stores have the book.
What a beautiful testimony. Thank you so much for sharing this. I love the Prayer of Jabez. You have really allowed the Lord to use you by sharing this with us.

A few years ago, my son shared this prayer with me and it blessed my heart so much coming from him, my baby (full grown :lol:) , that my cousin printed the prayer and framed it for me as a birthday gift.

I have miracle testimonies behind this prayer. One day, I'll have to take the tme and share.

Thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord by sharing your blessings with us. :love2:
I know that many blessings will come out of this, but I do want to share what has happened to far. I couldn’t find my book, despite searching high and low. I decided that I would just go out and buy another copy since it’s not expensive. I left work a little early so I could stop at the bookstore before picking up my daughter from daycare. I went over to the “religion” section and looked and looked and looked for the book. Just when I was getting ready to give up, there was ONE copy of the book. I’m not even sure if it was in the correct spot, but there it was. I felt like God knew that I would go to that bookstore, so He set aside a copy just for me.
An Angel was assigned to hold that book "just for you..." :yep::yep::yep:

God gives us the desires of our heart... Yes He does. Cause He loves you just that much and more. :love2:
An Angel was assigned to hold that book "just for you..." :yep::yep::yep:

God gives us the desires of our heart... Yes He does. Cause He loves you just that much and more. :love2:

And you know what? I honestly believe that. I truly believe that God set that book aside just for me. I rarely go to the bookstore, but right before I left work I decided to go to that one because it is right off the highway. It's like God told me, "Go here." I'm so excited for what God is about to do. It's not even about material blessings. I'm excited about the peace of mind.
I have a testimony. I applied for a job Wednesday night. This afternoon I got an email from the recruiter requesting a phone interview with me. I went online tonight to do some research about the company and didn't find many positive things, but I'm encouraged anyway. I am believing God for a better job that allows me to be there for my family.
My cousin printed and framed this prayer for me as a birthday gift a few years ago and it's been on my bedroom wall ever since.

This morning as I was dressing for work, I looked up and this prayer leaped into my heart. Today as I was searching for another thread, this one leaped into my spirit. Again, God is using this Prayer of Jabez to get my attention.

He has heard my recent prayers to 'enlarge' my territory. And we know that when God hears us, He answers us. We have such a loving Heavenly Father...all ours.

Thank you, Father God. Thank you with all of my heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :love2: