Unsure Transitioner...


Well-Known Member

I'm a relatively new member to the board, and I've learned so much since October when I started regularly lurking, and I have you ladies to thank for my progress:D !

The one problem that I am struggling with now is transitioning. The issue is that I DO NOT want to relax my hair anymore... but, I still really like the look of my hair straight and I really think I'm going to miss the styles that I can do now, especially now that my hair is progressing so well...

It's not an issue of not liking my natural texture, because I do. I was actually natural 3 years ago at 16, and only re-relaxed because I didn't know anything about hair boards and didn't know any styles. Plus, I just hate the idea of applying those chemicals to my hair, and I don't really feel that my hair can be completely healthy if I keep using them.

Anyway, I don't plan to relax again any time soon, hopefully never again... I don't even wear my hair pin-straight now, just in roller-sets and braid-outs, but it still looks longer, you know?... Maybe the issue is just that I'll miss showing length... oy. Anyone else unsure:perplexed ??
My name is BlackBarbie and I am an unsure transitioner......There I said it and got it out of the way (just did a post about this earlier today)

I too like to wear my hair very straight but love the versatility of being natural. If you're natural, you can rock a curly do or braidout one day and then have flowing hair like silk (with the help of a maxiglide of course:)) the next day. I stretched for 16 weeks just recently but never did a braid out or anything because I was afraid of the what the shrinkage would look like, but I just know what all the processing can do and I would love to go natural. I am still on the fence and I am going through old posts reading others experiences right now to help me know what to expect and how to handle it........
I am in the same predicament. I love the sleek look, but I know that all those chemicals are unhealthy and hindering potential growth.

LIke BlackBarbie, until I got the Maxiglide, transitioning was just a desire. Now it is more than likely that I will transition. Even though I'll use it about once a week and that is supposed to be bad, I have to ask myself, "Which is worse: Weekly Heat or Permanent harsh chemicals?"

Basically, I am in the process of stretching my relaxer in hopes that it will turn into a transition.
Thanks so much for the replies blackbarbie and teressa! I feel so much better knowing I'm not the only.

Blackbarbie, I feel you on the whole idea of having more versatility with natural hair. And relaxing is so permanent, I have regretted my last 2 relaxers within hours of having them done... I'm just worried that I'm going to want to wear my hair straight most of the time... so I'll be leaving the damage of the chemicals in the relaxer for heat damage.

The other issue is the TWA, I can't do that. I had an ear length cut before and HATED it, so I know I just wouldn't feel right with hair shorter than that *sigh*

So are you ladies for sure transitioning? I am, I'm hoping that if I do a long transition I'll have enough length to feel comfortable with the shrinkage...
Teresa, how far along are you in your stretch/transition? I am feeling you on the dilemma - harsh chemicals or ceramic heat once a week? I am so paranoid that the last relaxer I got I noticed a few days later that right in the front part of my head, there were about 10 hairs that were about an inch long, all in the same spot. I had to wonder if that came about from the stylist trying to pull the perm through the new growth and it snapped off all the way down to 1 inch or is that new hair that grew in over the course of the 16 weeks. I am talking myself into it more and more each day though (transitioning) and I think I will have an easier time doing it once the warmer months come and I get a chance to enjoy some of the other styles....Guess I have to get very familiar with my maxiglide to help me through this!! (cause I know from experience that it will give you the sleekness you're looking for..)

Kisses, I am hoping that over the next 16 or 20 weeks (how long I plan to stretch if I don't completely transition) I will have enough extra length to where the shrinkage won't bother me that much. I am just looking so forward to having a fuller (is that a word?) head of hair if I decide to go natural...

I think I may have found a semi-solution. I will do rollersets for as long as possible and won't worry about blowing out the roots, but just moisturizing them enough to where I can comb through without the breakage on the roots. I will start out by wearing my rollersets in a cute little pin up curly style. I can do that for the next 16 or 20 weeks. In the meantime and in between time, I will keep reading the boards for next steps!!
Hi KiSseS03! (I cut and paste my response from the other transitioner thread)

I'm also a long haired transitioner and I'm approaching my 8th month. So far so good.

I also want to avoid the BC, so I'm in the process of still learning how to deal with both textures. Now I wash in 3 sections, which is SUPER helpful. At first I would usually blowdry once per week or every 2 weeks, then I'd wrap my hair while still warm in a satin scarf. Or I would flat iron my hair after air drying it. Or I would wear a phony pony with the front part of my hair corn rowed.

I also like silky hairstyles, but I often have to use heat to acheive them, plus the heat makes it more manageable. Eventhough, heat makes my hair alot more manageable, I want to reduce the heat, not because of damage, but becaue I want my hair to be as healthy as possible during this delicate stage. Now, I'm on a rollersetting mission, which takes so much time and patience, but it's well worth it. I allow my rollerset to airdry for about 14 hours.

Actually, for me, the longer I stretched, the harder it was for me to relax. I didn't want my efforts to be wasted. And yes, I agree, the more newgrowth, the easier it is to manage.

I don't have a maxi glide yet, so I'll have to wait to experience it. I think that will be my reward for being 1 year relaxer free.
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teressa9 said:
I am in the same predicament. I love the sleek look, but I know that all those chemicals are unhealthy and hindering potential growth.

LIke BlackBarbie, until I got the Maxiglide, transitioning was just a desire. Now it is more than likely that I will transition. Even though I'll use it about once a week and that is supposed to be bad, I have to ask myself, "Which is worse: Weekly Heat or Permanent harsh chemicals?"

Basically, I am in the process of stretching my relaxer in hopes that it will turn into a transition.

T9 Yes, I felt the same way, "limited heat -vs- permanent chemicals". It depends on the results and what your hair can withstand. My hair handled heat very well, but now that I'm transitioning, my main concern is heat damaging my natural hair. If I wasn't concerned about my natural texture remaining intact, then I would probably still use limited heat.

I think testing the stretch is a good way to ease into transitoning. It's also good to start when the weather is much cooler.

Oh yeah T9, have you received my reply pm's. Just checking. ;)
Hi Kiss, BB, KT!

I can't say that I am a transitioner just yet. I am taking it slowly since I am just begining the whole process of stretching. I am going on 8 weeks post relaxer and am shooting for minimum 12 weeks.

I understand about the heat damage issue, but when I use the maxiglide, I keep it on a low setting (btwn 2-4). I am going to try the rollersetting one more time (My RS skills are horrible!). I just viewed the free 'How to Rollerset' video, but it's how to style afterwards that I mess up on. Regardless, until I get about 2 more inches (my hair is 2 inches past shoulder), I still need my MaxG.

BTW, if you ladies have not checked out Kitchen_Tician's fotki album, please do. I am telling you, she inspired me to give stretching/transitioning a chance. When I saw that she went 6 months plus w/o a relaxer, w/o the major shedding most members complain about AND her hair still looked great, I was like "I'm in!" If she can do it, then I can do it. If it wasn't for her album, I would have had a relaxer by now. I am so glad I waited b/c I am learning so much about my hair.

If you start to feel discouraged, visit her album. That's what I do!

So big ups to KT!:cheers:
Hi KT!!
I'm glad you chimed in b/c I was going to pm you at some point. I think the thing that scares me about the heat is that my hair is fine and not as thick as some others so I are deathly afraid of hte blowdryer. I went the full 16 weeks and I really want to transition. As you mentioned, the rollersets are a monster. For me, they're a monster on freshly relaxed hair as it is, and then when you go to do them on anything past 8 weeks of new growth, it's murder!!! But I am going to continue to read your album and keep being encouraged!

Thanks againe for chiming in!:)
Awww Thanks Teressa9 :kiss: You're too sweet. I've been inspired by sooo many ladies on this board and they've made my journey much easier. I tried to transition before LHCF, with the help of a stylist and I couldn't make it past 7 months.

Remember Ladies, just stick with it and commit to being patient, open minded, versatile and tough skinned. For me, it took a few months of stretching before I made the ultimate decision, because I had no idea of my natural hair texture. I had to learn to go with the flow and find what works for my hair and not only me. It takes time, but I love the experience and I'm still learning.

Whether it's a nap, a kink, a curl or a wave, I love it, because it's all me and I feel like I'm discovering new parts of me. :)

Sorry for being so long and sappy. :look:
As far as shedding and breakage, yes I experience some, but not excessive. I think what helped is that my relaxers stopped relaxing my hair straight a long time ago, so it was more texturized. Therefore, there was not a huge difference in textures at the demarcation line. I also do a good balance of protein and moisturizing conditioners to keep it intact. And of course the use of oil/grease to keep my hair from popping off.

Yes, rollersets have also been monsterous for me, especially as my hair got longer. That's why I stopped and just started back about 1 week ago. It helps that I wash my hair in 3 sections and I keep them in sections as I rollerset. I also use smaller sections, which is key. My roots also came out very straight, but it was because I had pulled the rollers taughtly. I only had to flat iron the roots of my "cow lick" area, which is always "roughly".

As far as blowdrying heat, if you have reservations, I'm sure it's for a good reason. You know better than anyone what your hair can withstand. If you have doubts about heat, then it may be best to avoid it. I trust using blowdrying heat for myself but not from a stylist, because their dryers are set on Hell!

Keep us posted ladies. :)
kitchen_tician said:
As far as shedding and breakage, yes I experience some, but not excessive. I think what helped is that my relaxers stopped relaxing my hair straight a long time ago, so it was more texturized. Therefore, there was not a huge difference in textures at the demarcation line. I also do a good balance of protein and moisturizing conditioners to keep it intact. And of course the use of oil/grease to keep my hair from popping off.

Yes, rollersets have also been monsterous for me, especially as my hair got longer. That's why I stopped and just started back about 1 week ago. It helps that I wash my hair in 3 sections and I keep them in sections as I rollerset. I also use smaller sections, which is key. My roots also came out very straight, but it was because I had pulled the rollers taughtly. I only had to flat iron the roots of my "cow lick" area, which is always "roughly".

As far as blowdrying heat, if you have reservations, I'm sure it's for a good reason. You know better than anyone what your hair can withstand. If you have doubts about heat, then it may be best to avoid it. I trust using blowdrying heat for myself but not from a stylist, because their dryers are set on Hell!

Keep us posted ladies. :)

KT, hope to meet you and your hair at the upcoming ATL meeting, but I have been stalking your album and trying to come up with me a game plan. As I neared the end of my 16 week stretch last time, I started to shed a whole lot; not much breakage, just mainly shedding. Hopefully I will be able to keep it at bay with protein treatments. (i think that's the only thing that made me go on and get my touch up).....I will continue to stalk your album (along with the other ladies) to keep getting inspiration!
Thanks for all the replies ladies, and Kitchentician I'll definitely be checking your album.

I'm committed to not relaxing my hair, and been really easy so far and the "hair-care" part of transitioning shouldn't be a problem for me at all. I just hope that I'll be happy with the decision I've made, and the styling options I have in the end...
Hi, ladies! I'm a new transitioner and I am soo addicted to my new growth. I think that I'm around 9 weeks post relaxer and my hair is growing like a weed. It's been waiting for this... I'm a 4 a/b ( I think) and my edges are so lucious!! They are really coming in think and I am keeping them moisturized, but then it seems like, my style is gone the next day and I want to start over with a new style. I must be using too much, how do you guys keep your new growth around the edges laying down, not necessarily smooth.

My hair loves heat, so I deep cond with heat, I try to airdry and then blowdry on low/cool and then flat iron, but my ends still look furry, not smooth, should I trim some more? I've already done a small chop, and I want to take off a little more. I started in between shoulder and BSL and now I'm a little longer than chin length, but I'm fighting with shrinkage, but I don't want to be dealing with 2 textures and furry ends! I ALSO suck at roller sets. Any other suggestions? Would bantu knots end up looking like a TWA? Any suggestions?

Wish me luck!!!