Unofficial Hairanniversary Pics I was blinded by a nasty case of Hair Anorexia!


New Member
My official 1st Hairanniversary isnt' until April but I decided to take a pic of my hair the day before yesterday for no good reason (I'm loving my digi cam).

I realize now that I do suffer from hair anorexia. In my last progress thread I was crying like a baby about the length that I don't have...yet that is.

I got rather discouraged and didn't really do to much with my hair after that. I even used my blowdryer twice cuz I felt like throwing in the towel. I thought about all the money and time I have spent trying to grow my hair and I felt like it wasn't worth it.

Well, progress pics are priceless cuz you can all see for yourself that what we are doing here DOES work. We just have to keep at it. So I'm getting back on track.

I was really surprised...pleasantly so. I am very happy with my hair growth over the last year. I can't wait until my official hairanniversary in April.

Ladies, in the words of Jesse Jackson: Keep Hope Alive!

This is mid-December 2003 (sorry I only have a front shot but look at my neck!)


This is 01/01/05 2004....I'm not there yet but slowly but surely. :look:


Wow. Yeah, you were suffering from a serious case of hair anorexia cause you've had some great growth. Congratulations.
Thank you ladies. :kiss: I can't wait to see what the new year has in store.

Kitty18 I copied and pasted this from my journal.

My formula is:

Minimal Heat: I try to use heat as infrequently as possible. The maximum I will use heat is 1 time per week no exceptions.

Deep Condition Weekly: No matter what the type of conditioner, I have to dc at least once a week. I choose the condtioner according to what stage I am at with my new growth. For the first few weeks after my touch up I use mainly protein based conditioners for strength. Softness isn't really an issue before I have to much growth.

As I get closer to touch up time I will use conditioners that are geared towards making my new growth softer. I am trying to find that perfect conditioner that will give me strength and softness but I haven't found it yet.

Protein Treatments: I know some people don't like the effect hardcore protein has on their hair but for me it has helped stop a lot of the breakage I had before. I do an Aphogee treatment every 6 weeks. Usually a week or two before a touch up. The key for me in avoiding the bad tangles is to follow up the treatment with a conditioner that contains minimal or no protein along with my plastic cap and some heat from the bonnet dryer.

Moisturizing: This is also a must for me. I choose my moisturizer according to what stage my new growth is in. I've used UBH creme moisturizer, S-Curl and NTM silk touch leave in as well as Salerm 21.

Oil: For me a little oil is a must. I have used Kemi Oyl in the past but I no longer like it. I think it is too sticky. I like Coconut Oil or Olive Oil. I usually add a dime sized amount to my moisturizer and put it on before my roller set.

NO SHS!: I stay far away from the scissors and anyone who wants to use them on me. I only trim my hair when it looks like it needs it. I don't think that trimming the hair has any effect on growth. The hair coming out of your scalp doesn't know how old the ends are so trimming won't make your hair grow faster. Period. My mother believes this for some reason and it was the reason I never had longer hair growing up until I was in my early twenties and started taking care of it myself. Cutting the hair makes it look neat but it will not make it grow. And hair DOES NOT split all the way up the shaft if the end is split. The split just breaks off leaving the original hair strand thinner. I learned that from Supergirl and I have seen it myself with my own hair. STAY AWAY FROM SHS!

Handling: Gentle is best. I don't ever brush when my hair is wet. I don't brush a lot when it is dry either. I use the brush to smooth my hair. I comb carefully and not excessively. I try to have patience when's always a good idea to detangle as much as possible in the shower using the force of the water and your fingers while you still have the conditioner in your hair.

Common Sense and Attention: I pay attention to how my hair feels. I use to ignore my hair if it felt dry and put off taking care of it because I felt it was too time consuming. I also use more common sense in the products that I choose and the techniques I use to style my hair.

HTH! Happy hair growing. :)
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You're right! Pics DON'T lie. Wonderful progress. I'm so happy for you. I remember some of the posts when you wanted to quit. I'm so glad you didn't!
Uh you think you were suffering from hair anorexia??? :p :lol:

You have AWESOME growth! Keep it up girlie!

I had to laugh when I saw the Keep hope alive comment:lachen:
Falon, your hair looks fabulous and surely the camera doesn't lie. Whatever you're doing is obviously working. Keep up the good work.
Why do you think I take so many pics!! Pics don't lie!!

Your hair looks great and your progress is wonderful!! Keep up the good work!!
I don't know how many times I have complimented you on your hair...GREAT, AWESOME, WONDERFUL PROGRESS! :clap:
Oh weeee! See posts like this get me excited about the possibilities of growing! You've made tremendous progress!
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Hair Anorexia! If you have hair anorexia then I am in some serious trouble. :lachen: ....Girl you hair looks great. :) :eek: That is alot of lenght for one year. You gRoW girl.... :cool:
your progress is so great! it looks so pretty and full too! keep doing what u are doing bc its working like crazy!

Ill now be stalking u for hair tips miss thang! :)