Unleash your bad hair experiences here


New Member
Ladies -- all of us have had a bad hair experience whether it was self inflicted, pure dumbness or at the hands of a bad stylist. Unleash your bad hair experiences (never to be repeated). I'll start the chain, get your laugh on.

I was having a flash back about the time I applied my own perm. My hair had to be bone straight! So I left the perm in for an extended period of time. My scalp was on fire!!! When it came time to rinse -- clumps of hair went down the drain. Needless to say, my head look like pac man had chomp on it. It was over processed and damaged. What a horrific experience that was! Took me years to recover from that experience. Even to this day, I don't apply my own perms.
I have so many I don't even know which to share well okay this is probably the worse. Whilst on holiday I decided to have my hair done in kinky twists, my hair was about 3 months post and ridiculously TOUGH, the stylist washed and blowdried my hair then combed through with one of those tiny combs despite my flinching and moaning, Once it was done she then proceeded to trim EVERY single stray hair which wasn't in the twist including my own giving me a mini trim along the way. She then tilted my head back and ran this blow tourch like instrument along the length of the twists to seal them. The worse part was she didn't speak english and I didn't speak their language and my parents had just dropped me off so all my protests were falling on deaf ears. Needless to say when I took the braids out my hair was a see through disaster.
My last relaxer application in Dec 2002. Hairdresser was in a bad mood, took it out on my hair. Roughly applied, rinsed, NO CONDITIONER TREATMENT AT ALL, blow dried and fried my hair. Ran home conditioned the mess out of it, luckily there was no damage. But it scared me enough not to let anyone come near me with that stuff again, lol.
I have a couple lol but ill share a few.
Honestly I havent been taking good care of my hair until months ago. If it wasnt for this board my hair would still be broken off everywhere.

okay my hair used to be natural. I used to wear braid extensions for years. Why? It was low maintanence and it actually helped my hair grow. I wore them since the 6th grade to 11th. I rarely took breaks from them.

Anyways my hair was the longest it ever was in the 11th grade. Longer than it is now. However my hair was THIN. My hair used to be super thick and no one can tell now. The yrs of extensions thinned it out.

I decided to get my first relaxer senior yr in high school. There was a little bald spot in the front from where the extensions took out my hair. I tried to cover it up by combing over it.

Then..well I decided HEY maybe I should try something different SO I CUT MY HAIR :( chin length after my first retouch.

I then went to college and my hair just went BAD. It was so dry and broken off. Even when I flat ironed it ..it still looked dry. It wouldnt straighten well at all. My hair didnt grow much. Many days I would flat iron my hair everyday. If it rained or snowed on it from walking to class Id go over it with a flat iron :/.
I rarely wrapped my hair up at night. I didnt deep condition. I didnt know about deep conditioning. I sprayed my hair with oil sheen and didnt moisturize well. The water on campus was hard water so it made it worse.

My hair was completly jacked up and was still jacked up all the yrs I was in college. I then started reading about hair products on here and other forumns and started taking care of my hair a year ago.

My hair should be longer than it is yrs ago but I wasnt taking care of it.

Also this one time I got gum in my hair and had to cut off pieces.
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so1913 said:
My last relaxer application in Dec 2002. Hairdresser was in a bad mood, took it out on my hair. Roughly applied, rinsed, NO CONDITIONER TREATMENT AT ALL, blow dried and fried my hair. Ran home conditioned the mess out of it, luckily there was no damage. But it scared me enough not to let anyone come near me with that stuff again, lol.

lol thats why I started self relaxing months ago. Every hair stylist I have been too either cuts too much of my hair off or uses too much heat on my hair. My head burns when they relax my hair but when I do it myself it doesnt burn.

I had this one lady cut my hair without even asking. My head was turned and I heard a quick few snips. She cut like 2 inches off I think and this was only a few months ago. it looked like I got a haircut. She said it needed a trim but still not that much.
I took out my braids from over 3 month strength went to the store got SOFT N BEAUTTFUL RELAXER applied it to my hair myself lot reversion went on now i am mad.so

I went back to the store same day bought jerricurl STA SOFT FRO put tha in my hair still dont look righ, i had sore everywhere i just want my hair too look righ.so a

weeks later i applied a texturizer BOTANICAL my hair had waves over my whole head definitely dont like tha so.Now its time for another relaxer it called BONE STRAIT /along with permanent red hair color forgot left it in my hair overnite .

I washed my hair it came out at the scalp from brastrap tp ear lenght so i had to get it all cut off like a boy.
I think the worst ever wasn't entirely in terms of damage to my hair but to my feelings as well. I never -ever- go to get my hair done. About ten years ago I went to a very popular local braid shop because I wanted braids for a special event.

All I wanted was cornrows with some extension hair braided in. Simple right? (Hair to match my outfit).

The girl not only scratched my scalp so bad it hurt for days but, she used this terrible cheap hair that frizzed and fuzzed I had to cut it out in parts of my head. And she talked crap about me the whole time I was in there. I was SO upset. I had such a cute dress to wear to my event but my hair was jacked up. She inexpertly put sew in bangs on me then had the nerve to trim them unevenly. The colors didn't match what I wanted. And she got mad when I gave her a not so great tip.

I went home in tears and called a friend who came over and helped me remove them before my party. That is why to this DAY I'm still leery about going to any braid shop. Afterwards my hair was so tangly and crappy I wound up doing a BC not long after.
My worst experience was growing my hair out using braids and having it fall out everytime. Basically I never conditioned or moisturized the braids so my hair was always looked fine when I first took them out then gradually broken off from BSL to SL.
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sareca said:
My worst experience was growing my hair out using braids and having it fall out everytime. Basically I never conditioned or moisturized the braids so my hair was always looked fine when I first took them out then gradually broken off from BSL to SL.

same thing happened to me. I went from having very thick hair to fine hair. :(
My bad experience was just in Dec. I posted a long sob story. The short version is I asked this stylist for a dust/trim and she cut me from shoulder length to neck length. I was only 4 in from armpit length before this cut. I get p*ssed at her whenever I think about it.
I won't write about the worst, but the most recent happening that has been on my mind. During my last relaxer, the processing time was less than 10 minutes (I timed it). I have fine to medium 4a/b hair, very tight. After she had finished smoothing, she said something like "It's burning right, let's go rinse this." I was like ok, because the top was tingling a bit, but it felt more like an itch than a burn. Half of my head was fully processed, and the other half was underprocessed. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I believe that heffer must've put a super strength relaxer on my head. She must've seen how quickly the right side broke down straight, and gotten scared and rushed to rinse it out.:mad: Otherwise, the whole episode just doesn't make sense. My processing time has been 15 minutes in the past, to get it about 80-90% straight.

What do y'all think, am I too suspicious?
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About 5 years ago when i was past shoulder length (before LHCF, I was about 14). I got some micros done for the first time, but I only go them braided down half way with the rest of the hair flowing freely. So to keep the hair from unraveling my mother put track glue on the spot where the braided part ended. After taking those braids out later I ended up with hair that was less than neck length.
CAPlush said:
I won't write about the worst, but the most recent happening that has been on my mind. During my last relaxer, the processing time was less than 10 minutes (I timed it). I have fine to medium 4a/b hair, very tight. After she had finished smoothing, she said something like "It's burning right, let's go rinse this." I was like ok, because the top was tingling a bit, but it felt more like an itch than a burn. Half of my head was fully processed, and the other half was underprocessed. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I believe that heffer must've put a super strength relaxer on my head. She must've seen how quickly the right side broke down straight, and gotten scared and rushed to rinse it out.:mad: Otherwise, the whole episode just doesn't make sense. My processing time has been 15 minutes in the past, to get it about 80-90% straight.

What do y'all think, am I too suspicious?
Hmm... did you ask her what strength she used? I wish my stylist would try and rush to rinse my relaxer out. Sometimes I have to lie and say that its burning for her to wash it out because Im too afraid of over-processing. :perplexed
shunta said:
Hmm... did you ask her what strength she used? I wish my stylist would try and rush to rinse my relaxer out. Sometimes I have to lie and say that its burning for her to wash it out because Im too afraid of over-processing. :perplexed

No, didn't even know about the underprocessing until I washed. I've been to her 2 times before and each time I did not get such uneven results. I would blame my hair if it weren't the entire left side from the hairline back. But hearing about your experience, I guess I am thankful she did not continue and overdo the right side. overprocessing is scary, the only way to fix it is to cut it off.