Under Processed Relaxer


Sewing & Growing Gamma Gal
If your relaxer came out under processed, what's the purpose of waiting six weeks to redo it?

I googled under processed relaxers and a few people suggested waiting 6 weeks.
To give your hair and scalp time to rejust from being exposed to the chemicals of the relaxer. You can use protein to replace the bonds broken during this to help strengthen the hair, and give it moisture for strand flexibility. It may not have straighten all the way to your liking, but it has still been exposed.
Did you relax your hair?
Yeah I did. The only reason I stopped relaxing was because of my eczema. But now that I know that dairy is the culprit in regards to flare up, I want to go back to relaxing. I thought it was the relaxer but it wasn't.
To give your hair and scalp time to rejust from being exposed to the chemicals of the relaxer. You can use protein to replace the bonds broken during this to help strengthen the hair, and give it moisture for strand flexibility. It may not have straighten all the way to your liking, but it has still been exposed.

Okay, well I've been using the curlific treatment almost weekly along with deep conditioning since then, so hopefully it comes out right the next time.
Wait a few weeks and incorporate protein often. If not handled properly underprocessed hair almost always breaks off. You want to minimize the chances of that happening.
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